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rday night, before the surrender, a council of war was called. Pillow, Floyd, Buckner, and a number of brigadiers, composed this body. There was much confusion ande to. General Floyd, seeing this, dismissed the council, requesting Pillow and Buckner to remain. The three sat down gloomily by the fire, to ponder over the sad asow. I say surrender I We have shed enough blood already to no purpose, said Buckner. Well, gentlemen, said Floyd, I see you are still divided; and as I have thre excusable, I guess I am, too. So I transfer my right of command to you, General Buckner. General Buckner bowed, but said nothing. At that moment a noise was hGeneral Buckner bowed, but said nothing. At that moment a noise was heard without. The door opened, and the courier announced an officer who desired admittance. He was ordered to show him in; and the next moment Colonel Forrest, all and I want permission to take it out. Grant me this much, and I'm off. General Buckner nodded his head, when Forrest bolted out of the house, took his command, c