Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3. You can also browse the collection for Buckner or search for Buckner in all documents.

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, and social opinion or position united in these acclamations. Amid them all he preserved the same quiet demeanor, the same simplicity of speech, the same unobtrusive modesty for which he had hitherto been known; and, while he accepted and appreciated the plaudits of the nation, he made haste to escape from the parade and the celebration to the society of his intimates or the retirement of his home. When the war was over, Grant had fought and beaten every important rebel soldier in turn: Buckner at Donelson, Beauregard at Shiloh, Pemberton and Johnston at Vicksburg, Bragg at Chattanooga, Lee in Virginia, and all of them altogether in the last year of the rebellion. From Belmont, the initial battle of his career, he had never been driven from the field, and had never receded a step in any of his campaigns, except at Holly Springs, and then the rebels were in retreat before him, and Grant, unable to follow fast enough to overtake them, withdrew, only to advance on another line. He
alley of Virginia, 417; in Early's campaign, 431, 432; in East Tennessee, III., 191; rebel Secretary of War, 395; prepares for evacuation of Richmond, 398; interview with Sherman after fall of Richmond, 629. Breese Lieutenant-commander, before Fort Fisher, III., 338. British government, sympathy for rebels of, III., 139, 348. British industries and contraband commerce, III., 224. Brown's ferry, W. F. Smith's expedition against, i., 447. Bruinsburg, Grant lands at, i., 200. Buckner, General S. B., at Fort Donelson, i., 47; Grant's message to, 49 surrender of Fort Donelson, 49. Buell, General D. C., in command of department of the Ohio, i., 34; ordered to reinforce Grant, 34; slow movements of, 68; at Shiloh, 82, 86, 88, 89; at Corinth, 105; dispatched after Beauregard, 105; opposes Bragg in Tennessee, 110; outmanoeuvred by Bragg, 431; is relieved, 431; refuses a command, II., 2; dismissed from volunteer army, 52. Burksville, Lee's flight to, III., 531, 537; mano