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The Daily Dispatch: December 5, 1861., [Electronic resource], Federal reports from Southeastern Kentucky. (search)
st been issued ordering every regiment in this brigade to move at eight o'clock this evening. The object of it is not generally understood. Those to whom it has been explained are surprised and chagrined. The column is ordered to move back as rapidly as possible to Crab Orchard, and to transport all the sick who can be removed. The order was predicated upon an order from Gen. Thomas, who forwarded it by express relays from Crab Orchard. It is reported that a heavy column, divested from Buckner's command, is running rapidly forward upon Somerset, to cut us off. Thus you perceive that a big scare is at the bottom of the retrograde operation. It is not necessary to speculate on the subject. I suspect, however, that this is but a brilliant cover for the ridiculous termination of the great Cumberland Gap expedition. It may have been devised, also, as a decent apology for recalling the Tennessee regiments. After the march. Crab Orchard, November 15. --After a march of a