Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 23, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Buckner or search for Buckner in all documents.

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received from Columbus, Ky, to the effect that three Confederate gun-boats and four regiments of Infantry had been despatched from there in great haste for New Orleans, where a battle was reported as being fought, and the city threatened with demolition by the Federal forces. The women and children were represented as fleeing from the city. Gen. Buell is expected to take the field in Kentucky in person in a few days and it is reported that the Federal troops are crossing Green river. Buckner, with a Confederate army, is coming up by railroad to offer battle this side of Bowling Green, in Kentucky. A grand review and inspection of 17,000 troops at Cairo, Bird's Point, and Fort Holt, took place yesterday. News from Missouri. Tifton, Mo., Dec. 16. --Yesterday orders were received here for all the forces at this post to hold themselves in readiness to march at a moment's notice. At the same time Gen. Pope, commanding the department of Central Missouri, at the hea