Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 8, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Buckner or search for Buckner in all documents.

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on September 1st, writes: The news brought by the train from Kast Tennessee, last night, is to the effect that a large Federal force has appeared at Blythe's a Ferry, on the north side of the Tennessee opposite the month of the Hiwassee. Gen. Buckner on yesterday evacuated London and felt back with his whole force to Charleston, where the railroad crosses the Hiwassee, some eighteen mile distant from its month. The Yankee force is reported to be some 20,000 strong, and one report — not bet they got three operatives, but this is doubtful. It is said that the force of the enemy operating in that region is not Burnside's command, but bushwhackers and sharpshooters under Carter, composed of Union men of East Tennessee, and that Buckner with his command was absent from Knoxville, which being known to these gentry they took advantage of the situation to make a descent. upon that place. Burnside, it is said in afraid to enter the country, feasting that retreat will be cut off.