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have been all the better. Since the subject has been alluded to in the public prints there can be no impropriety in stating that Major-Generals Cheatham and Buckner, and Brigadier-General Forrest, have been relieved of their commands in this army at their own request. It is said that Gen. Bragg had recommended an extension of the command of Gen. Buckner at a time when the latter was promoting a movement to have him removed from the command of this army. It is not improbable that Gen. Buckner will reconsider his application and return to his former command. In the meantime Brigadier-Generals Wharton and Martin, who were content to remain at their poGen. Buckner will reconsider his application and return to his former command. In the meantime Brigadier-Generals Wharton and Martin, who were content to remain at their posts and discharge their duty in the positions in which the President and Commander-in-Chief thought they could be most useful, have been promoted and made Major Generals of cavalry. Gen. D. H. Hill, I understand, was ordered to report at Richmond at the Instance of the President. These are all meritorious officers; and yet I