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e may add, in this connection, that it would not surprise us if the next general engagement is fought upon the Kingston Plains. We hear of shelling on yesterday from our batteries on Lookout. The enemy are suffering extremely from the want of firewood. ss The Atlanta Register, of the 24th, has the following relative to affairs in East Tennessee: We are advised that Burnside, with twelve or fifteen thousand men, is now cooped up at Knoxville. The place is strongly fortified. Gen. Buckner had begun a system of earthworks, which the Federals have perfected, before, under the orders of Gen. Bragg, he abandoned the city. We learn that before Longstreet had reached Knoxville, Burnside had gathered there a large supply of corn and wheat, and that two mills of the city have been for some time past constantly used in the production of flour and meal. The Yankees, then, have enough bread and water, and hence the stronghold cannot be reduced by famine. In addition to this supply
of it. He said that he had no cause of complaint against me up to the close of the battle on the 20th September; that no imputations had been, or could be made against my military character, and that he would promptly rebuke any one making such in his presence. I then asked what could be the reason for his action. He alleged as the cause an expression of opinion on my part. I inquired why I alone was held responsible for this utterance, when the other three corps commanders, (Longstreet; Buckner, and Cheatham,) had concurred in it. To this no satisfactory answer was given. The insinuation made by some of the army correspondents of my being tardy in attacking on the morning of the 20th September, is unjust. The first intimation that I received that we were to be the assailants was an order to advance from the wing commander, (Gen. Polk,) received at 7:25 A. M. And the-first I heard of the contemplated attack at daylight was from Gen. Bragg himself, some half hour later. The f
anation of the Bragg and Buckner imbroglio: When our army retired from Middle Tennessee Gen. Buckner was commanding the independent department of East Tennessee. He found himself unable to holdthe battle of Chickamauga, when we returned to the region of the Tennessee river, an opening to Buckner's old department (East Tennessee) was effected, and he, feeling that he still held command, as ue orders as though nothing had happened. Gen. Bragg quickly put a stop to this, and thereupon Buckner addressed him a note asking him by what right he undertook to revoke the President's order consat said department was dissolved because it had been occupied by the enemy. "At the same rate," Buckner answered, "the department of Middle Tennessee is dissolved for a similar reason, and you, Generction, should report to me, as I have access to more of my original territory than you have to yours. "--Soon after Buckner got a leave, and as he has not been back since, there the matter stands.