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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
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H. Gotwold, Surgeon, scalded to death ; Samuel W. Bayle, Steward, scalded to death ; James Bau, fireman, scalded to death; George A. Nelson, fireman, scalded to death; Edward Livermore, Orderly Sergeant, scalded to death; Wm. A. Grau, Corporal, scalded to death; Thomas Riley, marine, scalded to death ; Robert McKinsey, second-class boy, contraband, scalded to death; Robert Wellinger, scalded to death; David L. Caldwell, ordinary seaman, killed by a shell; Wm. H. Clark, killed by a shell; John E. Bunsom, landsman, killed by a shell; Owen J. McGowen, killed by a shell; R. H. B. Thomas, killed by a shell; James W. Armstrong, marine, killed by a shell; Wm. Dietz, marine, killed by a shell; John H. Conway, killed by a shell; Wm. Peyton, killed by a shell; Patrick Herrick, killed by a shell. Wounded — H. Bellville, James Wright, Patrick Loftus, Robert Atkinson, R. A. Konk, Wm. Loftus, James Hovey, Alexander McKnight, Patrick Farrar, F. Light, John McRenney, John Burns, Hugh Golden, R. Gou