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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Roosevelt, Theodore 1858-1893 (search)
s because we have refused to be daunted by blunders and defeats—have recognized them, but have persevered in spite of them. So it must be in the future. We gird up our loins as a nation with the stern purpose to play our part manfully in winning the ultimate triumph, and therefore we turn scornfully aside from the paths of mere ease and idleness, and with unfaltering steps tread the rough road of endeavor, smiting down the wrong and battling for the right as Greatheart smote and battled in Bunyan's immortal story. President Roosevelt's first message to Congress. On Dec. 3, 1901, President Roosevelt sent the following message to Congress. (To make reference easier to the various subjects mentioned in the message italic head-lines are here added.) To the Senate and House of Representatives,—The Congress assembles this year under the shadow of a great calamity. On the 6th of September President McKinley was shot by an anarchist while attending the exposition at Buffalo, an