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J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 5: Bible and colportage work. (search)
sed to see how admirably this plan is working. As I walked through the hospital, I found almost every man poring over a book, presenting very much the appearance of a college or university. Among the books selected for one of the libraries were Bunyan's Practical Works; and in a day or so after the enterprise began nine volumes of Bunyan had been taken out. A. E. D. Rev. W. L. Fitcher, Petersburg: There is still much religious interest here among the soldiers. I handed, this morning, toBunyan had been taken out. A. E. D. Rev. W. L. Fitcher, Petersburg: There is still much religious interest here among the soldiers. I handed, this morning, to an aged soldier, the tract, The sick and the Physician. That means the Saviour, said he; Oh, that he were my Saviour! Many of my company have become Christians, said another, and I too wish to learn what I must do to be saved. He requested me to visit him, and aid him in securing life everlasting. February 17, 1863. After getting my tracts, hymn-books, etc., I supplied the Sixty-third, Fifty-first and Fifty-eighth Regiments, and also Derrick's and Clarke's Battalions and Brian's Bat