Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 10, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Bunyan or search for Bunyan in all documents.

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at has set at defiance every principle of justice, every article of the Constitution that stood in its way, that has regarded neither the voice nor rights of citizens or communities? Would it not be better for you to stand at home and sustain the arm of your own Judges and Executive? encourage them to preserve your rights as far as is possible in the midst of a great, all absorbing and desolating war? As a matter of course you could not hesitate to make choice in the matter. Good old Bunyan, who wrote the Pilgrim's Progress, (by Macaulay pronounced the greatest allegory in the English language,) place the Valley of Humiliation just one short stage ahead of the Valley of the Shadow of Death. There is a deep significance in this figure. When a great, gallant and glorious people, with arms in their hands and able to protect their rights, humble or do any other act whatsoever of humiliation, they are just in advance, my friends, of the valley of the shadow of death. [Applause.]