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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 30: addresses before colleges and lyceums.—active interest in reforms.—friendships.—personal life.—1845-1850. (search)
received a note of thanks from Sumner. This was the beginning of their acquaintance. Frothingham's Life of Ripley, p. 214. John Bigelow recalls that his acquaintance with Sumner began on this anniversary. It has been stated that Seward and John Van Buren were on the platform when the oration was delivered, and that they told Sumner at its conclusion that it was a Free Soil address in disguise. This is probable, though not verified by any record. Sumner remained to attend the Commencement exs on you, and always be Yours truly and faithfully. Again, August 31:— Well, what are you doing? What eloquent speech are you writing; on what charitable work intent? I have recently talked a great deal with your collaborateur, John Van Buren. He is a very able man. I think he is destined to rule our fierce Democracy in New York. His cool, human, sarcastic oratory cuts like a Damask sabre. But he is very different from you. I do not perceive in him the slightest real sympathy w
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 35: Massachusetts and the compromise.—Sumner chosen senator.—1850-1851. (search)
ow evening dine out, or I should insist upon taking him [Whittier] to you. He is staying at the Quincy hotel, in Brattle Street. I regret the sentiments of John Van Buren about mobs, but rejoice that he is right on slavery. I do not know that I should differ very much from him in saying that we have more to fear from the corruy sentiment of Massachusetts has been kept down; it is money, money, money, that keeps Palfrey from being elected. Knowing— these things, it was natural that John Van Buren should say that we had more to fear from wealth than from mobs. He is a politician,—not a philanthropist or moralist, but a politician, like Clay, Winthrop, w. . . . The two years before us will be crucial years, years of the Cross. But I know that better tines will soon come. For God's sake, stand firm! I hope John Van Buren will not allow himself to be enmeshed in any of the tempting arrangements for mere political success. He is so completely committed to our cause that he can
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 36: first session in Congress.—welcome to Kossuth.—public lands in the West.—the Fugitive Slave Law.—1851-1852. (search)
Rev. J. P. Thompson. Some Glimpses of Senator Sumner, by J. P. Thompson, D. D. New York Independent, April 30, 1874. John Bigelow came to dine with him; but John Van Buren, who was invited, was unable to accept. From his lodgings at Delmonico's he wrote on the 26th, Thanksgiving Day, letters to relatives and friends, full of teso weakened the confidence of the people in the power of individuals to hold fast to unpopular truths that the meanness of such lesser traitors as Stanton and John Van Buren has excited no surprise. Sumner replied to Mr. Jay, July 8:— I thank you for your watchful friendship. Had I imagined the impatience of friends, I ion. I have been in my seat every day this session. I shall hope to see you on my way through New York, to converse on many things. I regret very much that John Van Buren has gone into this campaign. If he could not oppose Baltimore he should have been silent. Even Weller, with whom has been speaking in New Hampshire, says he
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 37: the national election of 1852.—the Massachusetts constitutional convention.—final defeat of the coalition.— 1852-1853. (search)
ndidates while rejecting the Democratic platform. Thaddeus Stevens, in Pennsylvania, a Whig, while voting for the candidates of his party, persevered in repudiating the Compromise. Politicians, even those who had been noted for antislavery professions, assumed the degrading obligations imposed at Baltimore. The New York Barnburners—W. C. Bryant, B. F. Butler, Mr. Butler is not to be confounded with another of the same name who had a political career in Massachusetts and in Congress. John Van Buren, S. J. Tilden, and H. B. Stanton—turned their backs on those noble protests for freedom which made 1848 an illustrious year in American annals, and supported the Democratic finality candidates. The political opposition to the Compromise at the North was confined to the Free Soilers. Never did American politics sink to so low a point of degradation as at this time. Sumner wrote to Adams, June 21: This is the darkest day of our cause; but truth will prevail. Mr. Webster's partisans,
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 39: the debate on Toucey's bill.—vindication of the antislavery enterprise.—first visit to the West.—defence of foreign-born citizens.—1854-1855. (search)
ich the South will have in the next House from the experience of Stephens and Cobb, re-elected from Georgia, and the whole late delegation of Virginia, while most of our Northern men will be fresh. We seem to approach success; but I shall not be disappointed if we are again baffled. Our cause is so great that it can triumph only slowly; but its triumph is sure. To John Jay, October 18:— The K. N.'s here behave badly. Our contest seems to be with them. What a fall is that of John Van Buren! The ghost of 1848 must rise before him sometimes. In the summer and autumn there was another effort in Massachusetts to combine all who were opposed to the aggressions of slavery under the name of the Republican party; and for a time it bid fair to succeed. Its candidate for governor was Julius Rockwell, recently Sumner's Whig colleague in the Senate. The antislavery members of the Know Nothing order joined in it, as well as a considerable body of voters hitherto Whigs. A Whig
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 48: Seward.—emancipation.—peace with France.—letters of marque and reprisal.—foreign mediation.—action on certain military appointments.—personal relations with foreigners at Washington.—letters to Bright, Cobden, and the Duchess of Argyll.—English opinion on the Civil War.—Earl Russell and Gladstone.—foreign relations.—1862-1863. (search)
thing which makes the consummate lawyer. And yet I must say frankly that I think you are both mistaken in your judgment of Lord Lyons. If you had expressed regret that the British minister had not openly and magnanimously declared his sympathy with our cause, I should agree with you. I regret it much. But you speak of him as tampering with our enemies, and holding covert intercourse with disloyal men; and this very serious charge is founded on his receiving New York Democrats, perhaps John Van Buren and Horatio Seymour, immediately after their triumph at the polls last autumn, while he listened to their complaints and theories. A less favorable view of Lord Lyons's conferences in New York is taken in Nicolay and Hay's Life of Lincoln, vol. VI. pp. 84-88. If these men at that time talked of peace and of mediation, they did nothing more than they had done at public meetings and in newspapers, with the acquiescence if not sympathy of many calling themselves Republicans. This is me
The Daily Dispatch: March 6, 1861., [Electronic resource], Seizure of U. S. Property in Texas--Collision Feared. (search)
Freedom to die. The New York correspondent of the Charleston Courier finds in the Abolition Tribune itself an illustration which points a moral, if it does not adorn a tale. That sweet-scented organ says: "John Van Buren was frozen to death a few nights ago at Syracuse. He was a respectable colored man, about eighty years of age, and was formerly a servant in the employ of ex-President Van Buren, of Kinderhook,"
The Forrest divorce case. --A report that the Forrest divorce case has come to a final end has obtained wide circulation, and is by many believed; but there is no truth in the statement. The Superior Court has decided that, pending the trial, Mr. Forrest shall pay to Mrs. Forrest, that was, three thousand dollar annum. It seems, however, that there is still a chance that this monstrous decision may be reversed, and that Forrest may yet get justice, as the case, we understand, is to have another hearing in December, before the Superior Court. Failing there, Forrest will carry it to the Court of Appeals, on exceptions, for a new trial. As Forrest one day remarked, "there is no finality to the law till they hang a man!" His counsellors, John Van Buren and James T. Brady, have strong faith in procuring justice for Forrest finally in a new trial. If a new trial is had, there is no doubt in the public mind as to the result.--Boston Post.
, Ohio; and on the Atlantic coast, about 20,000 rebel prisoners of war. The British schooner Mary Harris, from Nassau, N. P., entered at New York last week, had as part cargo 74 bales cotton and 100 bbls. spirits turpentine, and the British schooner Blanche, from same port, 209 bales cotton. The term of Senator Chandler, of Michigan, expires with the present Congress, on the 4th of March next. His chances for re-election are said to be small. Hon. T. F. Bowie, of Maryland, who was arrested and taken to Washington some days since, has been honorably discharged from custody. The circulation of the Maryland News Sheet in Norfolk has been suppressed. Seventeen of Morgan's cavalry, among whom was a minister, were put in the military prison at Louisville on the 25th ult. In Orleans county, in New York, they give a cow to the wife of every married man who enlists. John Van Buren is seriously ill at Lake George, and doubts are entertained of his recovery.
The Forrest divorce case again --The Forrest divorce case was taken up in the Court of Appeals at Albany, New York, on Saturday, on the argument for a new trial. John Van Buren and James T. Brady appear as counsel for Mr. Forrest, and Charles O'Connor for Mrs. Forrest.