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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 13 1 Browse Search
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One of our messengers, taken prisoner by the enemy, was found riddled with balls in the side. His wrists were pricked raw, and the report was current that he was tied to a tree and dispatched, but this is doubted. Corporal Medley, of company F, Eleventh Wisconsin, was wounded in the arm, and brought away a wounded comrade, and then went back into the fight. Our wounded were taken to the house, and every care was taken of the sufferers which the circumstances of the case demanded, by Doctor F. N. Burke, Brigade-Surgeon of the First division, assisted by Dr. Isaac Casselbury, First Indiana cavalry, Dr. Strong, Eleventh Wisconsin, and Dr. N. T. Abbott, of the Thirty-third Illinois regiment. July 8.--The army marched to Bayou Du View. Reconnoitring parties were thrown out on all the different roads. Halting about four miles out, with General Curtis to see everything on the march in good order, we heard what we supposed was the distant report of howitzers. The deception arose from
ft resting behind Fort Richardson. General Davies's division joined him on the left and in consecutive order, six companies of the Yates's Illinois Sharp-shooters, Burke's Western (Mo.) sharp-shooters, Stanley's division, consisting of two brigades, and McKean's division, with McArthur's brigade on the extreme left. The cavalry, uttle. Gen. Stanley, Gen. Hamilton, Col. Fuller, commanding the Ohio brigade; Col. Mower, Colonel Sullivan, commanding brigade; Colonel Sprague, Major Spalding, Col. Burke, Col. Lathrop, Chief of artillery; Lieut. Sears, of the Eleventh Ohio battery; Lieut. McLean, Eighth Wisconsin battery; Capt. Williams, and Lieut. Robinette, Fi; Fiftieth Illinois, Lieut.-Colonel Swartwout; Fifty-second Illinois, Col. Sweeny; Fifty-seventh Illinois, Colonel Hurlbut; Thirteenth Missouri, sharp-shooters, Col. Burke, and Western sharp-shooters, greatly distinguished, and Seventh Iowa. Generals Oglesby and Hackelman commanded brigades in this division. General Stanley's d
ifteenth Kentucky volunteers, Col. Pope) resting on the hill at Clark's house, with Loomis's battery immediately in the rear on an eminence. The Tenth Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Burke, and the Third Ohio, Col. Beatty, on the left of the road. These regiments had, without support, struggled hard to hold their line of battle for several hin check until the Thirty-eighth Indiana and Third Ohio were supplied with cartridges. The Tenth Ohio came up at this moment, under command of the gallant Colonel Burke, and took position on the left of the Twenty-third Ohio. At this time the Second Ohio were warmly engaged with the enemy on our then left, stubbornly falling back the cause he loved so well. The brave Major Moore was badly wounded while doing all in his power to retrieve the terrible blunder which some one had made. Lieut.-Col. Burke, with almost superhuman courage, endeavored to rally his men, succeeding at last, and forming the shattered remains of the Tenth in line of battle a consider