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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official report of General R. L. Gibson of the defence and fall of the Spanish Fort. (search)
three killed, three hundred and ninety-five wounded, and two hundred and fifty missing-out of a force of less than two thousand men, contending for two weeks against two corps d'armee and a large fleet, with over seventy-five cannon on land and nearly as many on water. We had no means of estimating the exact loss or strength of the enemy, but from every indication he largely exceeded twenty thousand muskets, and his loss must have reached twenty-five hundred. Among the killed were Colonel Burnett, Chief of Artillery of the District of the Gulf, who fell while examining the enemy's lines. His loss was greatly lamented by all of us, who knew and admired him as a skilful soldier and accomplished gentleman. Lieutenant A. G. Clark, of my staff, commandant of the post, was killed while charging at the head of the garrision guard to dislodge the enemy when he had turned the left flank. Louisiana has not lost during the war a truer man or a more thorough-going soldier. The list m
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 12: the inauguration of President Lincoln, and the Ideas and policy of the Government. (search)
ressed with the belief that the total force was enormous in strength — that a vast number of troops were hidden all about the city — that they abandoned the scheme of seizing Washington, preventing the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln, and placing one of their number in the Executive Chair. See page 148. They were undeceived, four days before the inauguration, by a Message of the President, March 1, 1861. in response to an inquiry by Congress concerning the number of troops in the city. Mr. Burnett, of Kentucky, offered a resolution in the House of Representatives on the 11th of February, which was adopted, asking the President for his reasons for assembling a large number of troops in Washington; why they were kept there; and whether he had any information of a conspiracy to seize the Capital, and prevent the inauguration of the President elect. On the 5th of the same month, Wigfall had offered a resolution in the Senate, asking the President why, since the commencement of the ses
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 22: the War on the Potomac and in Western Virginia. (search)
detachment of about four thousand men, This force was composed of the Sixth, Seventh, and Ninth Indiana, the Sixth and Fourteenth Ohio, the First Virginia, and Burnett's Artillery, of Cleveland, Ohio. under General Morris, moved from Grafton toward Beverly, by way of Philippi; and another body, commanded by General Hill, was senabout noon, while a driving rain-storm was drenching them, the advance of the former, composed of the Seventh and Ninth Indiana, Fourteenth Ohio, and a section of Burnett's Ohio Battery, came in sight of the flying insurgents at Kahler's Ford of a branch of the Cheat River. They were evidently preparing to make a stand there. Thesingle heavy gun, under Colonel Taliaferro, of the Twenty-third Virginia Regiment. The Ohio troops stood their ground bravely. The Seventh and Ninth Indiana and Burnett's battery hastened to their aid; and Captain Benham, who was in command of the advance, ordered Colonel Dumont and a detachment of his regiment to cross the deep
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 24: the called session of Congress.--foreign relations.--benevolent organizations.--the opposing armies. (search)
a of the civil war, but touched no sympathizing chord in the hearts of the great body of the people. The loan-bill was passed under the previous question, on the 10th; The vote was one hundred and fifty ayes and five noes. The latter were Burnett. of Kentucky; Norton and Reid, of Missouri; Vallandigham, of Ohio; and Benjamin Wood, of New York. The first three named joined the rebels soon after the close of the session. While Vallandigham, in the lower House, was abusing the President,and, of Illinois (opposition), the House pledged itself July 15. to vote for any amount of money, and any number of men, which might be necessary for the speedy suppression of the rebellion. This was passed with only five dissenting voices. Burnett and Grider, of Kentucky; Norton and Reid, of Missouri; and Benjamin Wood, of New York. A spirited and able debate arose in the Senate, on the 18th, July. by an addition to the bill providing for the reorganization of the Army, offered by Po
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott), April 29-June 10, 1862.-advance upon and siege of Corinth, and pursuit of the Confederate forces to Guntown, Miss. (search)
Brigade. Brig. Gen. S. B. Maxey. 41st Georgia. 9th Texas. 24th Mississippi. Eldridge's battery. Second Army Corps. Maj. Gen. Samuel Jones commanding. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Brigadier-General Patton Anderson. Col. A. Reichard. 25th Louisiana. 45th Alabama. 30th Mississippi. 11th Louisiana. 37th Mississippi. 16th Louisiana. 41st Mississippi. 18th Louisiana. Florida and Confederate Battalion. 19th Louisiana. Slocomb's battery. 20th Louisiana.   Burnett's battery. Third Brigade. Brigadier-General Walker. 1st Arkansas. 21st Louisiana. 13th Louisiana. Crescent (Louisiana). Tennessee (independent). 38th Tennessee. Lumsden's battery. Barret's battery. Third Army Corps. Maj. Gen. W. J. Hardee commanding. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Col. St. J. R. Liddell. Brig. Gen. P. R. Cleburne. 2d Arkansas. 15th Arkansas. 5th Arkansas. 2d Tennessee. 6th Arkansas. 5th [35th] Tennessee. 7th Arkansas. 24
Doc. 75.-debate on the loan bill, in the House of Representatives, July 10, 1861. Mr. Stevens moved that the House resolve itself into Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union on the Loan Bill, and that debate be concluded in one hour. Mr. Burnett desired to know whether Mr. Stevens intended to afford reasonable opportunity for discussion. Mr. Stevens replied that he proposed to allow one hour for debate, because he knew some gentlemen on the other side wanted to make speeches. He (Stevens) would be equally accommodating on some other bill. Mr. Stevens' motion was agreed to. Mr. Colfax (Rep., Ind.) was called to preside over the Committee. Mr. Stevens, (Rep., Pa.,) from the Committee on Ways and Means, reported a bill for the support of the army for the fiscal year ending with June next, and for arrearages for the year ending 30th of June last; also a bill making appropriations for the navy for the same period. Both referred to the Committee of the Whole
ured a destructive fire upon the 14th. The men came to an instant halt, and returned the compliment without changing position, and then advanced nearer the river, taking position behind a worn out fence. The rebel battery then opened fire, and Burnett's artillery was ordered up. The action became general. Millroy's regiment came up to Steedman's support, but were compelled to deliver an oblique fire. Capt. Benham then ordered Dumont's six companies to cross the river about 300 yards above tof trees, shells bursting, and volley upon volley of musketry making war's fell music for at least twenty minutes. Yet the men stood like stones, and returned fire with the greatest rapidity and the best of order. Not a man flinched. Meantime, Burnett's artillery came up and opened, and under cover of their well-directed fire, the 7th Indiana was directed to cross the river and climb the steep, almost perpendicular face of the bluff, on the enemy's right. The order was in process of executio
friend the contraband from the Cotton gave, respecting a concealed torpedo, proved to be perfectly correct, and exactly where he stated. I saw this infernal machine on board the Estrella, and afterward conversed with the poor fellow who rendered us such essential service, and who is now safely in our lines. Judge of my astonishment when, on scraping away the waxen stuff on the brand of this machine, I discovered the following inscription in raised letters: Taylor & Hodget's cans, With Burnett's Attachment, New-York. Patented August 21, 1855. It was shut up in a neat wooden box and labelled, in large letters: Hospital stores, this side up, with care. The manufacturers are fully welcome to all the benefits of this advertisement. Hospital stores, forsooth! Rather a grim joke, is it not? One strange thought struck me as I gazed upon this monstrous invention, and that was, that while people in the North are enriching themselves by manufacturing these hellish things to blow ou
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Dr. W. T. G. Morton (search)
ar understanding of the subject; and that the supposition which has sometimes been advanced that Doctor Morton was necessarily indebted to Doctor Jackson for a knowledge of the hypnotic effect of ether is wholly gratuitous. We will now quote directly from Doctor Warren's lecture on The Influence of Anaesthesia on the Surgery of the Nineteenth Century, delivered before the American Surgical Association in 1897: Morton having acquainted himself by conversation with Mr. Metcalf and Mr. Burnett, both leading druggists, as to purity and qualities of ether, and having also conversed with Mr. Wightman, a philosophical instrument-maker, and with Doctor Jackson as to inhaling apparatus, proceeded to experiment upon himself. After inhaling the purer quality of ether from a handkerchief he awoke to find that he had been insensible for seven or eight minutes. The same day a stout, healthy man came to his office suffering from great pain and desiring to have a tooth extracted. Drea
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Carlyle's laugh and other surprises, X. Charles Eliot Norton (search)
the study of nature, and as Lowell, too, had the same advantage, they could easily compare notes. In answer to a criticism of mine with reference to Longfellow's poem, The herons of Elmwood, on my theory that these herons merely flew over Elmwood and only built their nests in what were then the dense swamps east of Fresh Pond, he writes to me (January 4, 1899): I cannot swear that I ever saw a heron's nest at Elmwood. But Lowell told me of their nesting there, and only a few weeks ago Mrs. Burnett told me of the years when they had built in the pines and of the time of their final desertion of the place. To this he adds in a note dated five days later: As to the night-herons lighting on pines, for many years they were in the habit of lighting and staying for hours upon mine and then flying off towards the [Chelsea] beach. This taste accounts for the immense zest and satisfaction with which Norton edited a hitherto unknown manuscript of the poet Gray's on natural history, with adm