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Powell (of Amherst). This committee will proceed to Manassas in the early train this morning. Committee to Procure Accommodations.--B. W. Haxall, John D. Harvey, James Blair, A. S. Lee, H. Hancock, Thos. W. McCance, Thos. W. Doswell, W. J. Riddick, P. B. Price, Geo. Watt, Emanuel Straus, M. Downey, Edwin A. Smith, John Gibson. Geo. S. Lownes, Wm. H. Lyons, John H. Knowles, Samuel J. Rutherfoord, C. Crew, H. Spotts, Thos. Vaiden, (Manchester,) John Enders, John L. Tate, F. W. Redford. C. Burnett, R. A. Mayo, Thos. G. Bell, C. Bates, Jos. Allen, John Hatcher, (Manchester,) Geo. S. Palmer, Caleb Jacobs, Thomas Jones, R. O. Haskins, L. Libby, M. Milhiser, Lewis H. Frayser, C. R. Barksdale, Chas. Campbell, Thos. C. Epps, E. Norvell Jones, H. T. Pairo, W. Goddin, Chas. Behle, W. F. Taylor. This committee will meet in the office of the Insurance Company of Virginia, under the American Hotel, at 9 o'clock this morning.--Persons wishing to take wounded soldiers can report at the abov
The Daily Dispatch: August 1, 1861., [Electronic resource], General Toombs' Brigade--Second Georgia Regiment. (search)
Enders was elected Treasurer. Two valuable additions have been made to the committee, which now is as follows: John D. Harvie, Chairman; B. W. Haxall, Secretary; H. A. Dudley, Assistant Secretary and Keeper of Register; Jas. Blair, A. S. Lee, H. Hancock, T. W. McCane, Thos. W. Doswell, W. J. Riddick, P. B. Price, Geo. Watt, E. Straus, Ed. A. Smith, John Gibson, W. H. Lyons, John H. Knowles, Samuel J. Rutherford, C. Crew, A. Spotts, Thos. Vaden, John Enders, Jos. Tate, F. Redford, C. Burnett, R. A. Mayo, T. G. Bell, Charles Bates, Joseph Allen, John Hatcher, Geo. S. Palmer, Caleb Jacobs, Thos. Jones, Robt. O. Haskins, Luther Libby, M. Milhiser, L. H. Frayser, C. R. Barksdale, Chas. Campbell, T. C. Eppes, D. N. Jones, H. T. Pairo, W. Goddin, Chas. Beble, W. F. Taylor, Jordan Martin, and J. H. Johnson. Members of the committee who are not active are earnestly requested to report themselves for duty, at the Committee Room, St. Charles Hotel, at the daily hour of meeting, 1 o
he bill to provide rations for the officers of the army during the war; and the bill relating to exchanged or paroled Confederate prisoners captured by the enemy west of the Mississippi river. Mr. Hill, from the Judiciary Committee, reported without amendment House bill to provide for holding Congressional elections in Arkansas. The bill was considered and passed. Mr. Baker, from the Committee on Claims, reported back the joint resolution for the relief of Major R. Hooper. Mr. Burnett, from the same committee reported back the House bill for the relief of Livingston Mims, and House joint resolution for the relief of Major W. F. Haines. House bill to increase the efficiency of the army by the employment in certain capacities of free negroes and slaves, was taken up, and on motion of Mr. Johnson, of Ark., transferred to the secret calendar. Mr. Wigfall introduced a bill to amend an act entitled "An act to establish the Judicial Courts of the Confederate States
s, which they offered for sale. The testimony elicited in the case proved the charge upon Bastin, but the others not being implicated to any serious degree with the robbery, they were discharged with an admonition. Bastin was remanded for a continuance of the examination. The Mayor postponed the case against John, a negro belonging to John B. Davis, charged with aiding and abetting Carter, slave of Dr. Cook, to escape to the Yankees by writing him a pass. Thornton, belonging to C. Burnett, was ordered to be whipped for entering a hen-house and stealing some chickens. Tom, slave of Edward M. Sorey, of Danville, was ordered to receive 10 lashes for going about the city without a pass, and committed to jail on suspicion of his being a runaway. A demented little boy, named James Davis, charged with stealing a car cushion from the Petersburg Railroad Company, was ordered to be taken to the Poor House, he being half witted and an orphan. The charge against Lavina C
mmittees, with the following result: Foreign Affairs--Messrs Jas L. Orr, chairman; Waldo P. Johnson, Louis T. Wigfall, Wm. E. Simms, and Allen T. Caperton. Finance--Messrs Robt W. Barnwell, chairman; R. M. T. Hunter, Thos. J. Semmes, Wm. A. Graham, and Robert Jemison, Jr. Commerce--Messrs. Wm. S. Oldham, chairman; Augustus. E. Maxwell, Wm. T. Dortch, Landon C. Haynes, and Richard W. Walker. Military Affairs--Messrs Edward C. Sparrow, chairman; Louis T. Wigfall, Henry. C. Burnett, Gustavus A. Henry, and Robert W. Johnson. Naval Affairs--Messrs Albert G. Brown, chairman; Jas M. Baker, Wm. E. Simms, Herschel V. Johnson, and Wm. A. Graham. Judiciary--Messrs Benjamin H. Hill, chairman; Landon C. Haynes, R. W. Walker, John W. C. Watson, and Thos J. Semmes. Indian Affairs--Messrs Robert W. Johnson, chairman; Wm. S. Oldham, Waldo P. Johnson, Augustus E. Maxwell, and Allen T. Caperton. Post-Offices and Post Roads--Messrs Chas B. Mitchell, chairman; Robe
Ran away from Castle Thunder, July 12th, 1864, Ned Cross, sometimes called Ned Richardson, a slave, belonging to Mrs. Polly Cross, of Hanover county, Va, and hired by me for the present year. Said negro was arrested and imprisoned in Castle Thunder for attempting to get to the enemy, and afterwards escaped as above. He is about five feet eight inches high, very sprightly and quick spoken, and quite intelligent. No marks recollected. A reward of one hundred dollars will be given if caught in Hanover or Henrico counties, and fifty dollars if caught in this city or its suburbs. C. Burnett, Virginia street, Richmond, Va. au 2--3t
Ran away from Castle Thunder, July 12th, 1864, Ned Cross, sometimes called Ned Richardson, a slave, belonging to Mrs. Polly Cross, of Hanover county, Va, and hired by for the present year. Said negro was arrested and imprisoned in Castle Thunder for attempting to get to the enemy, and afterwards escaped as above. He is about five feet eight inches high, very sprightly and quick spoken, and quite intelligent. No marks recollected. A reward of one hundred dollars will be given if caught in Hanover or Henrico counties, and fifty dollars if caught in this city or its suburbs. C. Burnett, Virginia street, Richmond, Va. au 2--3t
Ran away from Castle Thunder, July 12th, 1864, Ned Cross, sometimes called Ned Richardson, a slave, belonging to Mrs. Polly Cross, of Hanover county, Va, and hired by me for the present year. Said negro was arrested and imprisoned in Castle Thunder for attempting to get to the enemy, and afterwards escaped as above. He is about five feet eight inches high, very sprightly and quick spoken, and quite intelligent. No marks recollected. A reward of one hundred dollars will be given if caught in Hanover or Henrico counties, and fifty dollars if caught in this city or its suborbs C. Burnett, Virginia street, Richmond, Va. au 2--3t