Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 12, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gen Burnside or search for Gen Burnside in all documents.

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d of being a curious spectator. I soon became a shatter in the fight. This battle was fought on a remarkable small space of ground. To the rear of Fredericksburg, that is claiming the front of the city to be on the river, there is a plain of about half a mile in acres, which terminate, in a ridge of steep hill, where the enemy had taken up his position. This was the plain where Generals Sumner's and Hooker's Grand Divisions fought and attempted to storm those works of the enemy which Gen. Burnside has denominated the "key to their position." From morning till night assault after assault was repeated to gain possession of those heights, but the many desperate efforts of our troops met with failure. We were defeated because bravery and human endurance were unequal to the undertaking. When we charged across the open field, the concentrated, withering fire of the enemy swept everything be ore it, and fendered the accomplishment of our purpose an utter impossibility. Within about on
ue to his rack, end, on the part of the enemy an escort of infantry, with arms reversed, and marching to the sound of martial music, paid the last honors due to the departed brave. The sight was a touching one and unless grateful to our than it was cared table to the magnanimity of our foe. On our side everything was done decently and it order, under the supervision of that soldier and gentlemen, Gen. Kershaw. An incident has just come to our notice which deserves to be recorded; It seems that about the time the enemy appeared on the Stafford bills, Young Irvin of Stafford, a member of Gen. Fitzhugh Lee's cavalry, by accident found himself within the enemy's lines, and being unable to extricate himself, was arrested by the Yankees as a spy, and tried end condemned as a spy for execution. The facts becoming known to Gen. R. E. Lee, that officer knowing the charge to be base leas, at once informed Gen Burnside, who immediately, and to his credit, unconditionally released Irvin.