Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 25, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Burnside or search for Burnside in all documents.

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62. To the Mayor and Common Council of Fredericksburg: Gentlemen--Under cover of the houses of your city, shots have been fired upon the troops of my command. Your mills and manufactories are furnishing provisions and the material for clothing for armed bodies in rebellion against the Government of the United States. Your railroads and other means of transportation are moving supplies to the depots of such troops. This condition of things must terminate, and by direction of Major- General Burnside, commanding this army, I accordingly demand the surrender of the city into my hands, as the representative of the Government of the U. States, at or before 5 o'clock this afternoon, (5 o'clock P. M. to-day) Falling an affirmative reply to this demand by the time indicated, sixteen (16) hours will be permitted to elapse for the removal from the city of the women and children, the sick, wounded and aged, which period having elapsed, I shall proceed to shell the town. Upon obtaini
of General Halleck to the headquarters of General Burnside; and on Saturday night we learned, via Baced its new movement ! The Tribunes says Burnside has not disappointed the "loyal public" at thl show the reader that the fine march made by Burnside on Sunday and yesterday has brought his army ing. Else the latter moved to counteract Burnside's movement sooner, much sooner, than could reas supplies of all kinds must speedily follow Burnside to secure the triumph of his plans. The rtwelve days fair marching from Richmond, with Burnside's army not six day's march from it. But e days should see that great battle over, and Burnside should have Richmond in less than ten, days, nassas Junction, Nov. 18.--By this evening Gen. Burnside will doubtless have established his headqupidan. --According to what they must now take Burnside's programme to be, they must hasten to meet h to much greater advantage, as the reserve of Burnside's army, than as at present posted out in the [3 more...]
n a rejoinder. The first shot from the rebels bursted directly over our battery. In its leading editorial the Inquirer says: Great credit is given to Burnside for his masterly evacuation of Warrenton, and removal of his troops southward and eastward on the high road to Richmond, strongly occupying Fredericksburg as a pn rivalled by our own movements; for it is asserted that, while the advance of our army is nearer Richmond than the main body of Lee's troops, Sigel is nearer to Burnside than Jackson is to Lee. If such is the case, why cannot the Union General fall upon Lee at once, before Jackson could join him, and crush him with numbers? rward; the warm rains do not impede our advance, while they make the Potomac impassable to Jackson, or render his threats entirely impotent. The headquarters of Burnside are constantly advancing, and the army corps are rendezvousing at Fredericksburg, preparatory to a movement still further South, even to Richmond, for by the lat