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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 30, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Burnside or search for Burnside in all documents.
Your search returned 8 results in 4 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: January 30, 1862., [Electronic resource], War Matters. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: January 30, 1862., [Electronic resource], War Matters. (search)
The Burnside expedition.
--The Norfolk Day Book has the following items in relation to this great expedition:
A correspondent who is well acquainted with the waters of North Carolina, think it evident, from the number of large ships, and other vessels engaged in the Burnside expedition, that its destination is not Hatteras.
Vessels exceeding seven feet six inches draft could not cross the bulkhead into Pamlico Sound.
A late Northern paper puts down the number of troops at 16,000, comprising fifteen regiments of infantry, one battalion of cavalry, and one battery of artillery, besides the gunners and sailors on board the ships.
Later.--We learn that some passengers have arrived here from Elizabeth City, who report that there are some thirty of the Burnside fleet in Pamlico Sound.
This comes from authority likely to be well informed on the subject, and we are forced to accept it as true.
This news appears to have occasioned but little apprehension in the countie
The Daily Dispatch: January 30, 1862., [Electronic resource], Re-enlistment in the army. (search)
Burnside's armada.
The reports concerning this grand marine expedition have been so contradictory that people may well begin to doubt whether there is such an expedition at all — indeed the inland seas of the North State are in danger of losing their old reputation as realities and coming to be considered as merely imaginary creations of the vaporous brains of lake ports.
We learned in childhood to respect with a sort of affectionate regard Old Pamlico, whose outlines we have traced so often on the map; but the dear old sound has fallen into the hands of those whose reports are like the tales of idiots, "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." The "reliable gentleman" has never before so much damaged his own reputation; and he has thrown a mythical cloud over everything from the sea shore of North Carolina.
It will be many days before he can get the public ear, and long will that many-headed citizen remain incredulous about news from "Pamlico Sound."