Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 25, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Burnside or search for Burnside in all documents.

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s been organized in Spain with Miss Herts as President. The stock of cotton at Liverpool is estimated at 409,000 bales. Advices from Hilton Head represent the black brigade which has gone to Florida to have achieved wonderful results. Burnside's army is expected there. A good deal of skirmishing seems to belong on near Murfreesboro and Franklin, Tenn. Jack Morgch's soon throw the Nashville train off near Richland station on the 19th. The "cut off" at Vicksburg is said tet her go. The Herald says the preliminary campaign has begun. Its expects noon to hear of decisive battle and "nothing but stupidity," it adds, "can prevent Jeff Davis from being a prisoner in three months, and the relation subdued." Burnside left Washington on the 20th for Fortress Monroe, to take his new command. Persons quitting Yankee Doodledum for Europe have to give bonds to go in service if drafted, or furnish substitutes. Seward went to the theatre for the last time