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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: December 23, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A confederation of Southern Memorial Associations. (search)
, killed, 20. Hill General D. H., 294 Hinton, Judge Drury A., 213. History Committe Grand Camp C. V, Report of, 169; Members of, 198. History, Southern, cannot be falsified, 193, 194, 376 Holland, Horace, killed, 352. Homespun garb in 1861, 288. Hope, James Barron, 193. Hotchkiss, Major, Jed., 279. Howitzers, Richmond, Guns of, at Appoinattox, 41. Jackson, General T. J., Death of, 271, 352. Jackson, Henry, 297. Jenkin's Brigade General A. G, 73. Johnson, General Bushrod R., 329. Johnson's Battery, Marmaduke, 91. Jones, Beverley R., 70 Jones, Major Richard W., 215 Jones, William Ellis, wounded, 366. Joynes, Professor E. S., 243 Kearney, General, Phil, killed, 346. Key, Francis Scott, 349. Knox, Captain John G, 1. Lamar, Jeff., killed, 296. Lane's Sharpshooters, General James H., 1; Brigade, Field and Staff officers and regiments of, 5. Laughton, Jr. Captain John E. 216. Lee and his Paladins, address by Surgeon J. H. Claibo
The Daily Dispatch: December 23, 1861., [Electronic resource], Sudden death on
Pennsylvania Avenue
, Washington. (search)
eut Col. J. B. Martin, probably killed. Ashville Guards, Co. A. Capt. Caldwell--Private Geo. S. Dannelly, killed. Coosa Valley Blues, Co F, Capt. Truss--Serg't. S. L Coleman and private R. G. Dunlop killed; private B. H. Corley, wounded severely in the thigh. Alexandria Rifles, Co D, Capt. Woodruff--Privates Jesse Sims, Calvin, Owens, Banister Jennings, and L. Crook, slight flesh wounds; and Lewis Reynolds, slightly, in face. Fort William Rifles, Co K, Capt McKenzie--Privates Bushrod, Moss, and John Callahan, killed; private J. W. Lindsay, severely wounded in the thigh. Yancey Guards, Co I, Capt. Hughes--Corporal C A Webb, privates Herman Herzburg, and William A. Jones, killed; Corporal G. L Johnston, slightly wounded in neck; private M J Hall, severely in the ankle; Abal Christopher, severely wounded in the thigh; Benj. F. Fry, slight in the heel; Lt. L. E. Hamlin, slightly wounded in shoulder and leg; private Thomas R. Ferguson, severely wounded in arm and br