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le's Memoires of George II., II. 39. The Earl of Bute had been one of the lords of the bed-chamber to Fred he angrily to Fox, you have made me make that puppy Bute, groom of the stole. While Pitt formed intimate rellkeith, first chap. X.} 1756. cousin to the Earl of Bute, thought even more meanly of Bute than of Newcastle.Bute than of Newcastle. Silly fellow for silly fellow, said he, it is as well to be governed by my uncle with a blue riband, as by m's Life of Lord Northington, 22-24. the influence of Bute and Leicester House prevailed to bring Murray as Lorield upon the Bench, and into the House of Peers. Bute in Adolphus's History of George III., i. 117. There e influence of Leicester House; he found the Earl of Bute transcendingly obliging; and from the young heir to light was not suppressed, till his elder brother and Bute interceded, and at last the name of the Prince of Waf the heir to the throne. Go on, my dear Pitt, said Bute; make every bad subject your declared enemy, every h
Sire, said the Secretary, give me your confidence, and I will deserve it. Deserve my confidence, replied the king, and you shall have it; Almon's Anecdotes, i. 229. and kept his word. All England applauded the Great Commoner's elevation. John Wilkes, Chatham Correspondence, i. 240. then just elected member of parliament, promised steady support to the measures of the ablest minister, as well as the first character, of the age. Bearing a message from Leicester House, Thank God, wrote Bute, I see you in office. If even the wreck of this crown can be preserved to our amiable young prince, it is to your abilities he must owe it. You have a soul, that, instead of sinking under adversity, will rise and grow stronger against it. But Pitt knew himself called to the ministry neither by the king, nor by the parliament of the aristocracy, nor by Leicester House, but by the voice of the people; and the affairs of the empire were now directed by a man who had demanded for his countrym
gment and respectable ability in action, with James Wolfe, was to join the fleet under Boscawen, for the siege of Louisburg; the conquest of the Ohio valley was intrusted to Forbes; and against Ticonderoga and Crown Point, Abercrombie, a friend of Bute, was commander-in-chief, though Pitt selected the young Lord Howe to be the soul of the enterprise. None of the officers won favor like Howe and Wolfe. To high rank and great connections Howe added manliness, humanity, a capacity to discern men the morning of the ninth the British general embarked, and did not rest till he had placed the lake between himself and Montcalm. Even then he sent artillery and ammunition to Albany for safety. The news overwhelmed Pitt with melancholy; but Bute, who insisted that Abercrombie and the troops had done their duty, comforted himself in the numbers lost as proof of the greatest intrepidity, thinking it better to have cause for tears than blushes; and reserved all his sympathy for the broken-he
erely, is entertained by the Americans, or ever will be, unless you grossly abuse them. Very true, rejoined Pratt; that I see will happen, and will produce the event. Quincy's Life of Quincy. 269. Peace with foreign states was to bring for America an alteration of charters, a new system of administration, a standing army, and for the support of that chap. XVI.} 1760. army a grant of an American revenue by a British parliament. The decision was settled, after eleven years reflection and experience, by Halifax and his associates at the Board of Trade, and for its execution needed only a prime minister and a resolute monarch to lend it countenance. In the midst of these schemes, surrounded by victory, the aged George the Second died suddenly of apoplexy; and on the morning of the twenty-fifth day of October, 1760, his grandson, the pupil of Leicester House, then but twenty-two years of age, while riding with the Earl of Bute, was overtaken by a secret message that he was king.
erses, and began a friendly correspondence with Bute. All his dispositions are good, said Secker, tplishing this purpose, he cherished the Earl of Bute, whom he valued only because he found in him antions and public affairs of his country. Had Bute been left to his own resources, he must have fanisters, and throw up in seeming anger, so that Bute might then come in without appearing to displache wardenship of the Cinque Ports for life; and Bute, on the king's own recommendation, That Jenkinson was recommended by the king to Bute, and not, as is sometimes said, introduced by Bute to the twenty-fifth day of March, within five days of Bute's accession to the cabinet, on occasion of prop character; and his ministers had reported that Bute and the British king would advise him to make p it disables their hands and strengthens ours. Bute, speaking the opinion of the king, was the firsthe policy of Pitt by the concerted junction of Bute and all the great Whig Lords. The minister att[16 more...]
ate; Dodington, now raised to the peerage as the ostentatious and childless lord Melcombe, wished Bute joy of being delivered of a most impracticable colleague, his Majesty of a most imperious servant, and the country of a most dangerous minister. But Bute at the moment had misgivings; for he saw that his own situation was become more perilous. The Earl of Egremont, Pitt's successor, was a sonn, in Ireland, and in America. I was bred and will die a monarchy man, said Melcombe, who was to Bute what Bute was to George the Third; men of the city are not to demand reasons of measures; they muBute was to George the Third; men of the city are not to demand reasons of measures; they must and they easily may be taught better manners. He is the best and most amiable master that ever lived since the days of Titus, said Barrington of the king, to whom he devoted himself entirely; havi to Jasper Mauduit, who, though a Dissenter, was connected through his brother with Jenkinson and Bute and the king. But the great subject of discontent was the enforcement of the Acts of Trade by
undred thousand pounds to be used as bribes, Bute to Keith, 6. Feb. 1762, in Raumer, II. 492. Th of that friendship was a source of anxiety. Bute to Keith, 26 February, 1762, in Raumer, II. 501 Mitchell, 9 April, 1762. of this nation, wrote Bute, at the king's command, is the employment of itlding the subsidy from Prussia to indulge with Bute his habit of chap XIX.} 1762. complaint. But rage of the younger Penn, at the suggestion of Bute, became his successor. When New York refusedpeal was irresistible, and, by the direction of Bute and his colleagues, all of whom favored America. Judge of Grenville's countenance, said he to Bute, by that of his brother, Earl of Temple, at the cabinet was changed by the capture of Havana. Bute was indifferent to further acquisitions in Amer, XXVII. The king's rest is not disturbed, said Bute; he is pleased to have people fairly take off tm an unwillingness to attach himself to Fox and Bute, and not from any apprehension of the sweeping [11 more...]
ime power, the interests, the security, the tranquillity, and the honor of England. The judgment of mankind, out of England, then and ever chap. XX.} 1762. since, has pronounced on it similar decisions. For once, to the surprise of every body, Bute spoke well, rising in its defence in the House of Lords. I wish, said he, no better inscription on my tomb than that I was its author. On the morning of the ninth of December, the very day on which the preliminaries were to be discussed in parledecessor, she abandoned his projects of war and revenge, and in the midsummer of 1762, recalling the Russian army, she gave to the world the instructive lesson of moderation and neutrality. The territories of Prussia, which France had evacuated, Bute left, as he said, to be scrambled for; but there was no one to win them from Frederic; and after seven years of unequalled effort against the aristocracies and despotisms of continental Europe, the hero of Prussia won a triumph for freedom by the