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our candidates and four political parties. John A. Andrew, of Boston, was the candidate of the Republicans; Erasmus D. Beach, of Springfield, of the Douglas wing of the Democrats; Amos A. Lawrence, of Boston, of the conservative party; and Benjamin F. Butler, of Lowell, of the Breckenridge wing of the Democratic party. John A. Andrew received 104,527 votes; Erasmus D. Beach, 35,191; Amos A. Lawrence, 23,816; Benjamin F. Butler, 6,000; all others, 75. Mr. Andrew's majority over all the opposinBenjamin F. Butler, 6,000; all others, 75. Mr. Andrew's majority over all the opposing candidates was 39,445. The eight councillors elected were all Republicans, as were all the members of Congress. The presidential electors in favor of the election of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin, for President and Vice-President of the United States, received about the same majority Mr. Andrew did for Governor. Nearly all of the members of the Senate and House of Representatives were of the Republican party. The newly elected Legislature met on the first Wednesday in January, 18
uarters of regiments four regiments calledfor General Butler to command New companies organized Liberaloffs letter of the Governor to Secretary Cameron General Butler consulted the route by Annapolis narrative ofent departure speeches of Governor Andrew and General Butler reception on the route arrival in Philadelphiegiment to report, and, on the 17th, Brigadier-General Benjamin F. Butler was detailed to command the troops. eople are alive. Yours, John A. Andrew. General Butler was appointed on the 17th to command the Massacers were given for the regiments, and three for General Butler, who, being present, advanced, and said,— same unbounded enthusiasm the Sixth received. General Butler accompanied it as commander of the Massachusettew, that a telegram had just been received from General Butler, at Philadelphia, to send forward immediately Mntion will excuse want of judgment or rashness. B. F. Butler. His Excellency Governor Andrew. This desp
ery respectfully, your obedient servant, Benj. F. Butler. The letter of Governor Andrew was ntten for publication: whether the reply of General Butler was written for that purpose, the reader ce public prints shortly after the reply of General Butler was received by him. General Butler gave aby the secretary, in a letter addressed to General Butler, and he also obtained from the Tribune coruse. The letters of Governor Andrew and General Butler are interesting and important as an exhibiwhich they had been called into action. General Butler, in his reply, does not touch this point, sary now to criticise the argument used by General Butler, to show how utterly, at that time, he mis only notice which Governor Andrew took of General Butler's letter was in a letter addressed to him,is proper to state, that the offer made by General Butler to Governor Hicks was not known to the colr that a correspondence had passed between General Butler and Governor Andrew on such a subject. [1 more...]
he Massachusetts troops at the front, and to fill the vacancy occasioned by the promotion of General Butler to be a major-general of volunteers. General Peirce was succeeded in command of Fort Warrenoric day; by the good conduct of her Old Colony Regiment, in the affair of Norfolk Navy Yard; of Butler's whole command at Annapolis, in holding the post, saving Old Ironsides, cutting out a ship-of-wance by way of Annapolis and the Potomac River; the saving of Old Ironsides; the activity of General Butler and of the State officers; the cost of equipping and provisioning the regiments, which, up trint. Mr. Drew, of Dorchester, spoke at length. In the course of his speech, he attacked General Butler, for offering, to the Governor of Maryland, Massachusetts soldiers to put down a slave rebeladier-general of the Second Brigade, First Division, Massachusetts Militia, and succeeded General B. F. Butler, after his promotion to major-general of volunteers, to the command of the Massachusetts
der No. 570, which was, in substance, that General Butler, having sent an order to Colonel Stevensoaid regiment, who had deserted from one of General Butler's regiments, that Colonel Stevenson was nomilies of the men who had been enlisted by General Butler. The highly improbable contingency alreadlist of officers which had been adopted by General Butler for a company known as the Salem Light Arte War Department of Sept. 16, by which Major-General Butler is placed under the orders of the Goverviolated the substance of courtesy, as did General Butler in that letter of Oct. 12, by a studious, tter would have been addressed directly to General Butler, had the Governor not been advised that he he received from a confidential member of General Butler's staff, the late General Strong, who was xpose it. On the 1st of January, 1862, General Butler answered,— I referred, in my communince of Governor Andrew, like the charge of General Butler, should be given without abridgment. Unde[21 more...]
ssential part:— Nothing contained in General Butler's letter lessens my estimation of your quaton at this time that the troops raised by General Butler in Massachusetts were placed in the chargehat, from conversations he has had with Major-General Butler, he is satisfied, and feels it his dutyates, that, as a pretence for this action, General Butler states to him that he proposes to rely on oned officers, but which, nevertheless, Major-General Butler cites, in opposition to the law. I respat that order should be annulled, and that General Butler should receive, from his commander-in-chiernor to commission volunteer officers. If General Butler assumes to control your appointment, or in-first Regiments of Infantry, recruited by General Butler in this Commonwealth, and originally desicommissioned officer. Persons selected by General Butler had been designated by him to act as offic in one of the cavalry companies raised by General Butler, and serving in the Department of the Gulf[2 more...]
ant places in North Carolina, and was holding its position. The command of General Butler occupied New Orleans, and other important posts in Louisiana. The Thirty-first Regiment, under Butler's command, on the first day of May, was the first to land, and take possession of the city. The landing was effected without difficulty, rdered to report to Major-General Banks, at New York, who had superseded Major-General Butler in command of the Department of the Gulf, and who was then in New York, trong, here spoken of, probably was the gentleman who was chief-of-staff to General Butler while in command of the Department of New England, and who was afterwards k soldiers. All else is blood-stained vanity. He referred to the action of General Butler in Louisiana, in organizing a negro regiment, and to General Banks, when, d the old Sixth, of Baltimore memory; more recently, of the Twenty-sixth, under Butler. Returning from New Orleans very ill, recovered of typhoid, resigning his comm
ury, was re-elected clerk, having received every vote. The House organized by the choice of Alexander H. Bullock, of Worcester, for Speaker, who received every vote but three, which were cast for Caleb Cushing, of Newburyport. Mr. Bullock spoke at considerable length. In the course of his speech,> he was eloquent in his praise of the services of Massachusetts soldiers in the war. He said,— They have fought, many have fallen, under McClellan and Burnside, both dear to them; under Butler and Banks, both soldiers of Massachusetts, bringing laurels to her brow. They have stood, and they have fallen, wheresoever and under whomsoever it has pleased the Government to appoint their lot. William S. Robinson, of Malden, was re-elected clerk of the House by a unanimous vote. The address of the Governor was delivered before the two branches of the Legislature, on Friday, Jan. 9. It was a document of remarkable force and eloquence. It not only discussed the position of Massac
Secretary Stanton refuses to pay them bounties correspondence in regard to it letters from General Butler Governor toMiss Upham complaints about soldiers at Long Island re-enlistedVeterans ordershington to-morrow, and will try and get them accepted. Will telegraph you from Washington. B. F. Butler, Major-General. I have not received any further word from General Butler; and, on the 6tly transferred to the Department of Virginia and North Carolina, with orders to report to Major-General Butler, at Fortress Monroe. The First Battalion, which had been for a long time in South Carolina, was also sent to Virginia, to report to General Butler. The First and Second Battalions of the Fifth Cavalry left Readville Camp, for Washington, on the 5th of May; Major Horace N. Weld, haviid siege to Richmond and Petersburg,—aided by the Army of the James, under the command of Major-General Butler. In the mean time, Sherman, with his Army of the Tennessee and the Cumberland, had adv
ere degraded by General Orders No. 46 from General Butler's headquarters in April last, which act of that, while you were unwilling to reverse General Butler's orders, and send back these officers to ing obtained my pass, I concluded to visit General Butler's headquarters, and the Army of the James.sea. He had just returned from a visit to General Butler. On reaching Bermuda Hundred, I reportecomed by Major Davis and Captain Sealy, of General Butler's staff: the General, with other members o to take advantage of circumstances. As General Butler and staff were expected in the evening, I evening. The celebrated Dutch Gap, where General Butler is making a canal, is about a mile and a hns, who had been at the front all day with General Butler, came in, and, at a later hour, Colonel Kereached Dr. Johnson's farm, where we found General Butler, and General Terry, who commands the Tenth Army Corps. General Butler, who appears in excellent health, received me very cordially. Before we[2 more...]