Browsing named entities in William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 1. You can also browse the
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Your search returned 97 results in 11 document
uarters of regiments
four regiments calledfor
General Butler to command
New companies organized
letter of the Governor to Secretary Cameron
General Butler consulted
the route by Annapolis
narrative ofent
speeches of Governor Andrew and General Butler
reception on the route
arrival in Philadelphiegiment to report, and, on the 17th, Brigadier-General Benjamin F. Butler was detailed to command the troops. eople are alive.
Yours, John A. Andrew.
General Butler was appointed on the 17th to command the Massacers were given for the regiments, and three for General Butler, who, being present, advanced, and said,—
same unbounded enthusiasm the Sixth received.
General Butler accompanied it as commander of the Massachusettew, that a telegram had just been received from General Butler, at Philadelphia, to send forward immediately Mntion will excuse want of judgment or rashness. B. F. Butler. His Excellency Governor Andrew.
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