ir, Francis P., 264, 383
Borden's Milk, 125
Boston, 25,29-30,51, 199,226
Bounty-jumpers, 161-62,202
Bowditch, Henry I., 315
Boxford, Mass., 44
Boydton Plank Road, 313
Bragg, Braxton, 262
Brandy Station, Va., 113, 180,229, 352-53
Bristoe Station, Va., 367
Brown, Joseph W., 403
Buchanan, James, 18-19,395
Buell, Don Carlos, 405
Bugle calls, 165-66, 168-69, 172, 176-78,180-97,336-38
Burgess' Tavern, Va., 313
Burnside, Ambrose E., 71-72,100, 260-61
Butterfield, Daniel, 257
Cambridge, Mass., 45,199,394
Camp Andrew, 44
Camp Barry, 189
Camp Cameron, 44-45
Canton, Mass., 270
Carr, J. B., 347
Carrington, Henry B., 160-61
Centreville Heights, Va., 367
Century Magazine, 407-8
Chancellorsville, 71, 331,349,388
Chattanooga, 262,270,362,403
Chicago, 135
City Point, Va., 115, 121,320,350-51
Clemens, Samuel, 106
Cold Harbor, 238
Committee on Military Affairs, 315
Confederate States Army. Armies: Army of Northern Virg
med to expect Franklin to get in somewhere on Lee's right and Sumner on his left, and these lodgments being made, the Confederate line between would have to retire or be crushed.
He increased Sumner's troops to about sixty thousand, and added Butterfield's corps and Whipple's division to Franklin's command, giving him about forty thousand; At 5.55 A. M. on the 13th, the day of battle, he sent orders to Franklin — which he received two hours and a half afterward (it was said, because the staff ning.
Hancock and French sent promptly for assistance.
Two brigades of Wilcox's corps were sent to the slaughter pen, and one of Howard's, and then a division of Stoneman's, of Hooker's center grand division, as well as Gifford's division of Butterfield's corps.
The other divisions of the same corps were also put in supporting distance, and it now began to look like a genuine attempt to crush Lee's left.
At 3 P. M. Couch was told by a dispatch from Sumner that Hooker had-been ordered to put
Buckland Races, 317.
Buena Vista, the battle of, iog.
Buford, General, John, at Gettysburg, 270, 271.
Bull Run, the battle of, 109.
Burnside, General Ambrose E., mentioned, 47, 48, , 175, 177, 180, 182, 205, 215; commands army, character, 222; mentioned, 224, 225, 226, 228, 229, 238, 239, 240; his corps at Petersburg, 355.
Burnt House Fields, 4.
Bustamente, General, mentioned, 32.
Butler, General Benjamin F., mentioned, 110, 323, 340; bottled up, 341.
Butterfield, General, Daniel, mentioned, 226, 241, 302.
Calhoun, John C., mentioned, 43.
Cameron, Simon, mentioned, 88, 103.
Campbell Court House, 387.
Camp Cooper, Texas, 59, 61, 66, 68, 69.
Carnot, quotation from, 49.
Carrick's Ford, 15.
Carroll, Governor, of Maryland, 300.
Carter, Anne Hill, 16.
Carter, Charles Hill, 16.
Casey, General, Silas, 167.
Catumseh, a chief, 73.
Cavalry contest at Gettysburg, 298.
Cavalry raids, 266.
Cemetery Heights, 292.
Cemetery Hill, 273.