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d U. S. Artillery, taking the road from New bridge via Mechanicsville to Hanover Court-House. Gen. Morell's division, composed of the brigades of Martindale, Butterfield, and McQuade, with Berdan's regiment of sharpshooters and three batteries under Capt. Charles Griffin, 5th U. S. Artillery, followed on the same road. Col. Ggade) and Berdan's sharpshooters; these regiments were deployed with a section of Benson's battery, and advanced slowly towards the enemy until reinforced by Gen. Butterfield with four regiments of his brigade, when the enemy was charged and quickly routed, one of his guns being captured by the 17th N. Y., under Col. Lansing, aftestance, pushed the 9th Mass. and 62d Penn., of McQuade's brigade, through the woods on the right (our original left), and attacked the flank of the enemy, while Butterfield, with the 83d Penn. and 16th Mich., hastened towards the scene of action by the railroad and through the woods, further to the right, and completed the rout of
osition of the 5th corps was about an arc of a circle, covering the approaches to the bridges which connected our right wing with the troops on the opposite side of the river. Morell's division held the left of the line in a strip of woods on the left bank of the Gaines's Mill stream, resting its left flank on the descent to the Chickahominy, which was swept by our artillery on both sides of the river, and extending into open ground on the right towards New Cold Harbor. In this line Gen. Butterfield's brigade held the extreme left; Gen. Martindale's joined his right, and Gen. Griffin, still further to the right, joined the left of Gen. Sykes's division, which, partly in woods and partly in open ground, extended in rear of Cold Harbor. Each brigade had in reserve two of its own regiments; McCall's division, having been engaged on the day before, was formed in a second line in rear of the first; Meade's brigade on the left, near the Chickahominy; Reynolds's brigade on the right, c
., 560-562. Burns, Gen. W. W., 428 432. Burnside, Gen. A. E., at Washington, ‘61, 87, 113, 270; N. Carolina. 203, 206, 234, 241, 245, 249. 403; Fortress Monroe, 446, 449, 457, 461, 462, 486; Acquia, 466, 493, 500, 507, 509-512, 519, 520, 526 ; false statement, 542. Maryland campaign, 554, 557; South Mountain, 561, 574, 577, 580, 582, 583 ; Antietam, 584, 586, 588, 590, 600-604, 607, 609-611, 619. Succeeds McClellan, 648, 651, 660. Butler, Gen. B. F., at New Orleans, 204, 212. Butterfield, Gen. D., 370, 371, 416. Caldwell, Gen. J. C., at Savage's Station, 427 ; Malvern, 436 ; Antietam, 595, 596, 598. Cameron, Sec., supports McClellan, 105, 152 ; arrest of Maryland legislature, 146 ; resigns, 153. Campbell, Col., 295, 341. Casey, Gen. S., 81. In Peninsula, 96, 113, 257; Yorktown, 264, 278, 300; Williamsburg, 320, 324, 326, 332 ; in pursuit, 341, 352, 354 ; Fair Oaks, 363, 377, 382, 398. Pope's campaign, 510, 512, 525. Centralization doctrine, 31 ; results, 32. Cen