Browsing named entities in Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe. You can also browse the collection for Thomas Fowell Buxton or search for Thomas Fowell Buxton in all documents.

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in and Ireland to their Sisters, the Women of the United States of America, (signed by) Anna Maria Bedford (Duchess of Bedford). Olivia Cecilia Cowley (Countess Cowley). Constance Grosvenor (Countess Grosvenor). Harriet Sutherland (Duchess of Sutherland). Elizabeth Argyll (Duchess of Argyll). Elizabeth Fortescue (Countess Fortescue). Emily Shaftesbury (Countess of Shaftesbury). Mary Ruthven (Baroness Ruthven). M. A. Milman (wife of Dean of St. Paul). R. Buxton (daughter of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton). Caroline Amelia Owen (wife of Professor Owen). Mrs. Charles Windham. C. A. Hatherton (Baroness Hatherton). Elizabeth Ducie (Countess Dowager of Ducie). Cecilia Parke (wife of Baron Parke). Mary Ann Challis (wife of the Lord Mayor of London). E. Gordon (Duchess Dowager of Gordon). Anna M. L. Melville (daughter of Earl of Leven and Melville). Georgiana Ebrington (Lady Ebrington). A. Hill (Viscountess Hill). Mrs. Gobat (wife of Bishop Gobat of Jerusalem). E. Palmerston (V