Browsing named entities in Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 3. You can also browse the collection for Thomas Fowell Buxton or search for Thomas Fowell Buxton in all documents.

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gs or the two collections of his prose and verse. To analyze it here is unnecessary. It traced soberly and severely Kossuth's fall; offset his sickening encomium of American freedom with parallel columns of slaveholding barbarities, In this respect, the letter is worthy to be consulted along with Weld's Slavery as it is and Mrs. Stowe's Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin. and his subserviency to slavery with the attitude of Thompson, O'Connell, O'Connell (I was told the anecdote by Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton), in 1829, after his election to the House of Commons, was called upon by the West India interest, some fifty or sixty strong, who said, O'Connell, you have been accustomed to act with Clarkson and Wilberforce, Lushington and Brougham, to speak on the platform of Freemasons' Hall and advocate what is called the abolition cause. Mark this! If you will break loose from these associates, if you will close your mouth on the slave question, you may reckon on our undivided support on I