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d animals for two or three days longer, finding to their horror that they were received by the strongest Confederates with more of annoyance than enthusiasm, though none, indeed, offered to betray them. Booth had by this time seen the comments of the newspapers on his work, and bitterer than death or bodily suffering was the blow to his vanity. He confided his feelings of wrong to his diary, comparing himself favorably with Brutus and Tell, and complaining: I am abandoned, with the curse of Cain upon me, when, if the world knew my heart, that one blow would have made me great. On the night of April 25, he and Herold were surrounded by a party under Lieutenant E. P. Doherty, as they lay sleeping in a barn belonging to one Garrett, in Caroline County, Virginia, on the road to Bowling Green. When called upon to surrender, Booth refused. A parley took place, after which Doherty told him he would fire the barn. At this Herold came out and surrendered. The barn was fired, ,and while
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1, Chapter 22: the secret service fund--charges against Webster, 1845-46. (search)
immediately announced a preference for Adam, and insisted that a mind fresh from the storehouse of the Supreme Source of all knowledge must have developed many godlike facts instead of immature theories, etc. They whetted their wits upon each other for some time until I ventured the remark that, whether by sin and sorrow, or observation of natural forces, I felt that, as man progressed, he became more interesting, whereupon Mr. Ingersoll laughingly said, You see Mrs. Davis agrees with me that Cain was more aggressive, and therefore more attractive than Abel, and the ladies in the Land of Nod clearly were more agreeable than those of Eden. After this evening Mr. Ingersoll was so good as to call several times, and I felt, in Yorkshire phrase, uplifted by the attention. The whole family of Baches were brilliant, well-educated, and thoroughly pleasant people. They had little of poor Richard's thrift, but much of their grandfather's shrewd wit and wisdom. Mrs. Bache (nee Dallas) and
had it been possible for us to accept the many invitations extended to us, we should have passed many happy hours among our transatlantic friends; but I had young children, and would not leave or impose them upon others who felt less interest in them; then again we represented no country, and general visiting might have brought about unpleasant contretemps. The Northern people were then, as now, the most numerous class of travellers; to them might be applied the commentary on the Scotch, Had Cain been a Scot, God had altered his doom, not forced him to wander but kept him at home. It was quiet we sought, and I found it at Llandudno, and Mr. Davis accepted an invitation from Lord Shrewsbury to visit him at Alton Towers, while with our dear friends the Norman Walkers and the Westfeldts, I remained in Wales. The quiet of my outing was broken by my little William being very ill with typhoid fever at Waterloo, where he and his brother were at school, and then I learned to love the En
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), Mr. B. Wood's Utopia. (search)
ures us that were he certain that, in a military sense, this war would prove successful, nevertheless he would oppose it, for with the resisting power of the South would vanish every hope of their existence as equal and contented members of one household. There is a fine paternal aroma about this remark, which reminds one of that title which has been conferred, by the general consent of mankind, upon Benjamin, by reason of his relation to Fernando, and which has suggested to the world, not Cain and Abel, but rather, with an entire reverse of the Scripture story, two most amicable and complying Cains. This will account for Benjamin's pathetic allusion to equal and contented members of one household. Brother Wood's proposition seems to be, that we should lay down our arms and disperse. With the disappearance of our armies he anticipates several tons of hot coals heaped upon the head of Jefferson Davis, who will, upon the receipt of the intelligence, burst into tears, repent of all
t way of preventing the African from becoming instrumental in a general state of anarchy, is to enlist him in the cause of tile Republic. If we reject his services, any petty military chieftain, by offering him freedom, can have them for the purpose of robbery and plunder. It is for the interests of the South, as well as of the North, that the African should be permitted to offer his block for the temple of freedom. Sentiments unworthy of the man of the present day — worthy only of another Cain — could alone prevent such an offer from being accepted. I would recommend that the cadet graduates of the present year should be sent to South Carolina and this point, to organize and discipline our African levies; and that the more promising non-commissioned officers and privates of the army be the American conflict. appointed as company officers to command them. Prompt and energetic efforts in this direction would probably accomplish more toward a speedy termination of the war, and an
e heard you prate in Exeter Hall, Of sin and slave pollution, But now I see 'twas blarney all, You love the Institution! ” chorus.--Yankee Doodle, &c. “False words and deeds, to high and low Bring righteous retribution; And, cousin John, mayhap you know The frigate Constitution! She now is but a rotten boat, But I have half a notion To set her once again afloat, And drive you from the ocean.” chorus.--Yankee Doodle, &c. “And if, in league with her of Spain, With all the past forgotten, You dare to lift the hand of Cain In aid of old King Cotton, Be sure to guard those costly toys You call your broad dominions, For I have lots of Yankee boys Can flog your hireling minions.” chorus.--Yank Doodle, &c. “I trust in God and in the right, And in this mighty nation; And in this cause would freely fight The whole combined creation; For when, in Time's impartial gaze, The nations are reviewed all, I know the meed of honest praise Will rest on Yankee Doodle.” chorus.--Yanke
23. the secession flag. [Upon the proposition of the secessionists to adopt the stars and stripes for the flag of the Southern Confederacy, adding the crescent as the only change.] Unfurl not to the Southern breeze Our flag of glorious name, Nor mar with heathenish device The symbol of our fame! Our stars and stripes o'er Freedom's grave-- Dissevered brotherhood-- Would bear the deep-dyed mark of Cain Daguerreotyped in blood. It ne'er again would thrill the heart That quails before a foe, Nor kindle in the patriot's breast A warmer, brighter glow. It ne'er would shield beneath its folds Tha expatriate on the sea, Nor call from Heaven, by mute appeal, A blessing on the free. But, as the prostrate soldier, slain Upon the battle-field, Clasps with convulsive grasp the hilt, Despoil'd the power to wield-- In lifeless folds, Columbia's flag Would tell no nation's story; Awake no harmonies divine, Of a whole nation's glory. Thus, as the ark of God of old, Let forth by traitor h
43. Liberty and Union, one and Inseparable. There floats our glorious ensign, There still our eagles fly! And lives the coward heart or hand Dare pluck them from the sky? Dare raise the parricidal arm With impious grasp to seize, And tear from out the firmament The glory of the breeze? The curse of Cain on him who wields The brand of civil war, Or blots from that proud galaxy, One single gleaming star. Still floats our glorious ensign, And still our eagles soar, Yet weeping eyes now fear to gaze And see them fly no more. Oh! brethren in the Union strong, Bethink ye of the day When our sires, beneath that banner, Rushed eager to the fray; When first its glories were unfurled O'er Freedom's sacred ground, And thirteen States confederate stood, In loyal union bound. Its stripes were dyed at Monmouth; In Brandywine's red strea ; On Saratoga's trampled plain; By Lexington's sad green. Its stars shone out o'er Bunker's height; Fort Moultrie saw them gleam; And high o'er Yorkto
Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, part 2.13, chapter 2.24 (search)
ring the breaks on my privacy because they are a necessity; each time invoking more patience, and beseeching Time to hurry on its lagging movement that I might once more taste of absolute freedom. Meanwhile, what pleasure I obtain is principally in reading, unless I come to a little town, and can slip, unobserved, out-of-doors for a walk. I often laugh at the ridiculous aspect of my feelings, as I am compelled to become shifty and cunning, to evade the eager citizens' advances. I feel like Cain, hurrying away with his uneasy conscience after despatching Abel, or a felonious cashier departing with his plunder! When I finally succeed in getting off without attracting anyone, you would be amused could you peep in underneath my waistcoat and observe the sudden lifting of the feelings, just like the sudden lighting of a waste of angry sea by the full sun, warm, bland, and full of promise. Then away I go against the keen, cold wind, but the feelings are rejoicing, laughing, babbling of
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Church, Benjamin 1639-1718 (search)
he built at Raynham, Mass., in 1768. For several years preceding the Revolution he was conspicuous among the leading Whigs. Of the Massachusetts Provincial Congress he was an active member. At the same time, while he was trusted as an ardent patriot, Church was evidently the secret enemy of the republicans. As early as 1774 he wrote parodies of his own popular songs in favor of liberty for the Tory newspapers; and in September, 1775, an intercepted letter, written by him in cipher to Major Cain, in Boston, which had passed through the hands of the mistress of Church, was deciphered; and the woman confessed that he was the author. The case was laid before the Continental Congress, and he was dismissed from his post of chief director of the general hospital. He was arrested and tried by a court-martial at Cambridge on a charge of holding a criminal correspondence with the enemy. He was convicted (Oct. 3), and imprisoned at Cambridge. On Nov. 7 the Congress ordered him to be c
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