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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 3 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 3 (search)
South Carolina, Captain R. M. Kerr. Thirteenth South Carolina, Captain D. R. Duncan. Fourteenth South Carolina, Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Croft. Orr's Rifles, Major J. T. Robertson. Lane's brigade. actual commanders given as shown by inspection reports. Brigadier-General James H. Lane. Seventh North Carolina, Captain J. G. Harris. Eighteenth North Carolina, Lieutenant-Colonel J. W. McGill. Twenty-eighth North Carolina, Major S. N. Stowe. Thirty-third North Carolina, Captain W. J. Callais. Thirty-seventh North Carolina, Colonel W. M. Barbour. Scales's brigade. Brigadier-General Alfred M. Scales. Thirteenth North Carolina, Colonel J. H. Hyman. Sixteenth North Carolina, Colonel W. A. Stowe. Twenty-second North Carolina, T. S. Gallaway. Thirty-fourth North Carolina, Colonel W. L. J. Lowrance. Thirty-eighth, North Carolina, Colonel John Ashford. Heth's division. four Brigadier-Generals reported present for duty; names not indicated. Major-General H. H
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Terry's Brigade, formerly John M. Jones's. (search)
pt. and A. Q. M. J. M. Tate, Capt. and A. Q. M. J. G. Edwards, Capt. and A. C. S. Lane's Brigade. Jas. H. Lane, Brig. Gen. E. J. Hale, Jr., Capt. and A. A. G. E. B. Meade, 1st Lt. and A. D. C. E. N. Herndon, Maj. and Q. M. Thos. H. McKoy, Maj. and C. S. R. V. Cowan, Col. 33d N. C. T. Jas. A. Weston, Maj. 33d N. C. T. S. Whitaker, Jr., 1st Lt. and Adj't 33d N. C. T. John A. Vigal, Ass't Surgeon 33d N. C. T. Riddick Gatling, Capt. Co. H, 33d N. C. T. W. J. Callais, Capt. Co. G, 33d N. C. T. Geo. W. Sanderlin, Capt. Co. E, 33d N. C. T. J. C. Mills, 1st Lt. Co. G. 33d N. C. T. W. T. McEntire, 1st Lt. Co. D, 33d N. C. T. J. W. Wooler, 2d Lt. Co. G, 33d N. C. T. T. J. Eatmond, Chaplain 33d N. C. R. S. Folger, 1st Lt. and Adj't 28th N. C. T. W. W. Gaither, Surgeon 28th N. C. T. D. S. Henkel, Chaplain 28th N. C. T. E. F. Lovill, Capt. Co. A, 28th N. C. T. T. J. Limberger, Capt. Co. C, 28th N. C. T. G. G. Holland, Capt. Co.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
86. Butterman, Asst. Surg. S., 190. Butts, Capt. E. S., 176. Butts, Surg. J. A., 213. Butts, Lt. J A., 334. Byers, Lt. J. R.,423. Byrd, Capt. A. S., 185, 186. Byrd, Maj. L M., 170. Byrd, Capt. R. C.,431 Byrd, Lt. W. A., 109. Cabaniss, Lt. T. B., 246. Cabell, Lt. J. C., 458. Cabell, Capt. W. H., 10. Caddell, Lt. J. B., 84. Caddell, Lt S. S., 189. Cage, Capt. J. T., 274. Caldwell, Ass't Surg. T. J., 284. Calhoun, Lt. J. A., 403. Callaway, Lt., Geo. W., 314. Callais, Capt. W. J., 358. Callum, Capt. J. B., 108. Calver, M. I. F., 239. Camden, Capt. E. D., 85. Cameron, Lt. F. H., 458. Cameron, Capt. W. E., 347. Camp, Lt. J. J., 144. Campbell, Maj. A. H., 2. Campbell, C. H., XXVI. Campbell, Maj. J. G., 230. Campbell, Lt. W. E., 122. Campbell, W. M., 18. Campbell, Capt. W. W., 402. Cannady, Ass't Surg. J. G., 275. Cannon, Lt. D. C., 450. Cannon, Ass't Surg. J. L., 85. Cannon, Capt. W. J., 313. Canty, Capt. B. M., 123. Capehart, Surg. W.