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The Daily Dispatch: February 16, 1864., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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e licked for being out after hours. Henry, slave of Ferdinand Fore, charged with stealing one calico dress, valued at $10, and one bonnet, worth $5, from Thomas W. B. Davidson, was called to answer the accusation. The evidence proved the offence, and he was thereupon ordered to be whipped. William Wynant was called to answer the charge of unlawfully stealing one shawl from Mrs. Mary A. Wood. After an examination of witnesses the accused was sent on to the Hustings Court. Siana Campbell, free, charged with stealing $2,500 in money, a pair of shoes, and one gold watch, from Wm. A Wright, was called to answer the complaint. The testimony proving her guilt, she was sent on to the Hustings Court for further examination. A charge was preferred against John, slave of John B. Davis, of writing a pass for Carter, slave of Dr. Warner Cook, so as to enable him to escape to the Yankees. Ordered to be punished by his master. Dr. Howell Thomas was fined for depositing an