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She constantly interrupted the proceedings by incoherent and senseless exclamations. Mr. Edward Y. Cannon. one of the counsel for the defence, first addressed the Court. He adverted to the menta Mr. Daniel conceded this point, and told the defence to go on with their testimony. Mr. Cannon said the argument was merely to sustain the right of the defence to introduce testimony as to sfied as to Mrs. Kirby's mental condition that they would refuse to go on with the trial. Mr. Cannon.--Captain O'Brian has said that she was getting so much worse that she could not be treated at Johnson states that of his own knowledge, I am willing to admit it for what it is worth. Mr. Cannon said, that in the state of facts which had been proved, the sole question was whether the Couis; and asked if this Court would be willing to go upon the record as having tried a lunatic. Mr. Cannon also said that the Court was bound to stop this prosecution at the present stage, and that was