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Brown, Burdett, Burley, Byrne, Campbell, Caperton, Carlile, Carter, C. D. Conrad, Robert Y. Conrad, Couch, Crile of such States to the Federal authority. Mr. Carlile moved to amend by striking out all after the word constitutional right, to make the appeal." Mr. Carlile, in urging the adoption of this amendment, said i by the Committee proclaimed a political heresy. Mr. Carlile opposed the right of peaceable secession, out andiments, should be adopted by the Convention. Mr. Carlile expressed his surprise at the argument of the genleman from Princess Anne; for in identifying him (Mr. Carlile) with leaders of the Black Republican party, he aI've heard the devil quote Scripture before. Mr. Carlile proceeded, without noticing the compliment, (whicBaylor, Berlin, Boggess, Burdett, Burley, Campbell. Carlile, Early, Ephraim B. Hall, Hubbard, Hughes, Jackson, , Boggess, Brown, Burdett, Burley, Byrue, Campbell, Carlile, Carter, Couch, Custis, Dent, Early, E. B. Hall, Hu
exhibited a disposition to make a stern opposition to the resolutions.] Mr. Carlile regarded them as unnecessary and impertinent, and as showing some timidity bion was slightly changed to conform to the phraseology of the preamble. Mr. Carlile moved to amend by inserting after the words "seceded States," the words "ande seceded States intend to pursue towards the General Government." Rejected--Mr. Carlile alone voting "aye." Mr. Carlile then moved to amend by adding the folloMr. Carlile then moved to amend by adding the following to the resolution: "And that a like committee be appointed to wait upon the seceded States, and report to this Convention what policy they intend to pursue towaates. He thought if he did, that would be the last of him. [Laughter.] Mr. Carlile replied that he would cheerfully undertake the mission, if the Convention thought proper to confer it upon him; and he would return, too. Mr. Carlile's second amendment was then voted down, and the preamble and resolution were adopted.
mond, and Mr.Macfarlandfollowed it up by presenting the resolution lately adopted by the Union men at the African Church. All these documents were referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. In Committee of the Whole, various amendments were offered to the 9th resolution of the report, and rejected, after which the resolution was adopted without essential alteration. The Committee then referred back to the 8th resolution, which recognizes the right of secession for just cause. Mr. Carlilemade a persevering but unavailing effort to amend, by way of a substitute embodying a resolution offered some weeks ago by Mr.Burley, of Marshall, denying the right of peaceable secession. The 8th resolution was adopted, with a slight amendment, which does not change its meaning. Without proceeding further, the Committee rose. Quite an excitement was occasioned in the Convention, late in the evening, by a series of resolutions offered by Mr.Preston,of Montgomery, a strong Union man.