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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 11 1 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of General Edward Johnson of capture of Winchester. (search)
on the right of the road, and opened fire upon our skirmishers and the woods in the vicinity. Carpenter's battery, Lieutenant Lambie commanding, under the direction of Lieutenant-Colonel Andrews, waenemy's infantry, retreating, became exposed to view, and were fired upon by two rifle guns of Carpenter's with good effect, greatly accellerating their speed. This attracted the fire from the fortim that direction. Steuart's and Nicholls' brigades, with Dement's and portions of Raines' and Carpenter's batteries, under Lieutenant-Colonel Andrews, were immediately put in motion, and Brigadier-Ge, one piece a little to the left and rear; the remaining pieces, with sections of Raines' and Carpenter's betteries (the whole under the direction of Lieutenant-Colonel Andrews) on the rising groundwas faced to the left and played upon them with fine effect, whilst sections from Dement's and Carpenter's batteries were hurried down the road to intercept their retreat. The two Louisiana regime
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Book notices. (search)
rvice in Charleston Harbor, by General Beauregard; Van Dorn, the hero of Mississippi, by Major-General D. H. Manry; Vicksburg during the siege, by Edward S. Gregory. The list of Federal contributions is as follows: Characteristics of the army, by H. V. Redfield; Death of General John H. Morgan, by H. V. Redfield; General Meade at Gettysburg, by Colonel James C. Biddle; General Reynolds' last battle, by Major Joseph G. Rosengarten; Gregg's cavalry at Gettysburg, by Major J. E. Carpenter; How Jefferson Davis was overtaken, by Major-General Wilson; Morgan's Indiana and Ohio raid, by Colonel J. E. McGowan; On the Field of Fredericksburg, by Hon. D. Watson Rowe; Recollections of General Reynolds, by General T. F. McCoy; Some recollections of Grant, by S. H. M. Byers; The Baltimore Riots, by Frederic Emory; The battle of Beverly ford, by Colonel F. C. Newhall; The battle of Shiloh, by Colonel Wills De Hass; The campaign of Gettysburg, by Major-General A