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e an army of demons. It is said that D. H. Hill lost many men, while waiting for his division to form, but soon made the enemy repay him with interest; for as his Alabamians, Louisianians, Mississippians, and Virginians rushed from the woods across the open, in splendid order, they carried position after position rapidly, and forced the fighting at a killing pace. Do you know I think our artillery acted indifferently. The truth is, we could not bring up pieces on account of the roads. Carter's battery did good execution; the Lynchburgh battery also. They drew their pieces by hand through the woods and along those boggy roads, and opened fire at twenty yards. I saw our guns not more than fifty yards distant from those of the enemy on several occasions; and when the fight was over the pieces stood almost muzzle to muzzle. We captured over a dozen very fine pieces. I myself counted twelve, and superb brass pieces they are-called Napoleon guns, I believe. What should you say
all, and dashed off down the lane on a scout, north of where McClellan was supposed to be. All listened attentively for distant firing, and about one P. M., shots were rapidly exchanged to the south-east, towards the river, in the neighborhood of Carter's farm, about two miles distant. After a tedious advance of more than four hours, beating about through the timber, in this rugged, thickly-timbered swamp, the enemy were at last found, admirably posted in strong force I The advance was now takenve the ordinary level in that vicinity, was admirable for defence. In fact, it was discovered that the enemy were strongly posted on Malvern Hill, (near the river;) and all approach, for more than a mile, being through open, undulating fields on Carter's farm, they had an unbroken view of our advance from the timber, and could sweep us at leisure with more than fifty pieces of different calibres! Woods to our rear, left, and right-open fields to the front gradually rising for half a mile; a pl
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The battle of fleet Wood. (search)
nothing upon the hill but the adjutant and his couriers. A six-pound howitzer from Chew's Battery, under charge of Lieutenant Carter, which had been retired from the fight near the river because its ammunition was nearly exhausted, was halted at th Matters looked serious! But it is wonderful what results can sometimes be accomplished with the smallest means. Lieutenant Carter's howitzer was brought up and boldly pushed beyond the crest of the hill; a few imperfect shells and some round sholonel Harman had no time to form his regiment in squadrons, or even platoons. He reached the top of the hill as Lieutenant Carter was retiring his gun after having fired his very last cartridge. Not fifty yards below Sir Percy Wyndham was advanact from Major Beckham's report. He says: The pieces first placed on Fleetwood Hill were under the command of Lieutenant Carter, of Chew's Battery, and had been repeatedly charged by the enemy and retaken by our cavalry; and at the time that t
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 18: Fredericksburg. (search)
important supplies for the sustenance of the army. General D. H. Hill proceeded to Port Royal on the 3rd of December, constructed a slight entrenchment above that village during the night, and the next day, chose positions for his artillery. Carter's battery of Parrot guns was placed on a commanding hill west of the place, and Hardaway's, with one English Whitworth gun of great power and range, was posted three miles below. On the 5th these two officers opened upon the Federal gunboats with such effect as to compel them promptly to change their position. By retiring behind the village they shielded themselves from the fire of Carter, but were still exposed to that of Hardaway. They now proceeded to vent their spleen in a dastardly outrage, which, were it not overshadowed by so many others more enormous, would fix upon them the detestation of all men. Although the peaceful village was not occupied as a position by any Confederate battery or other force; the ships of war now open
heavy gold spectacles-popping orders like firecrackers, at half a dozen attentive clerks. Long, the senior partner, was in Virginia-and Middling, the junior, was hardly more than an expert foreman of the establishment. Happy, indeed, to meet you, sir!-93 of Red River lot, Mr. Edds-Heard of you frequently-Terribly busy times these, sir, partner away-13,094 middlins, for diamond B at 16 1/3, Adams--. We dine at seven, you remember, Styles-Don't be in a hurry, sir!--1,642 A. B., page 684, Carter — Good day-See you at seven. And it was only over the perfect claret, at the emphasized hour, that we discovered Mr. Staple to be a man of fine mind and extensive culture, a hearty sympathizer in the rebellion-into which he would have thrown his last dollar-and one of the most successful men on the Levee. Long, his senior partner, was a western man of hard, keen business sense, who had come to New Orleans fifty years before, a barefooted deck-hand on an Ohio schooner. By shrewdness, do
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Movement against Jackson-fall of Jackson-Intercepting the enemy-battle of Champion's Hill (search)
t resistance, came up in the rear of the artillerists confronting Sherman and captured them with ten pieces of artillery. I rode immediately to the State House, where I was soon followed by Sherman. About the same time McPherson discovered that the enemy was leaving his front, and advanced Crocker, who was so close upon the enemy that they could not move their guns or destroy them. He captured seven guns and, moving on, hoisted the National flag over the rebel capital of Mississippi. [Gen. Carter] Stevenson's brigade was sent to cut off the rebel retreat, but was too late or not expeditious enough. Our loss in this engagement was: McPherson, 37 killed, 228 wounded; Sherman, 4 killed and 21 wounded and missing. The enemy lost 845 killed, wounded and captured. Seventeen guns fell into our hands, and the enemy destroyed by fire their store-houses, containing a large amount of commissary stores. On this day Blair reached New Auburn and joined McClernand's 4th division. He had
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Grand movement of the Army of the Potomac- crossing the Rapidan-entering the Wilderness- battle of the Wilderness (search)
ry. Rowan Battery. Huger's Battalion. Smith's Battery. Moody Battery. Woolfolk Battery. Parker's Battery. Taylor's Battery. Fickling's Battery. Martin's Battery. Gibb's Battalion. Davidson's Battery. Dickenson's Battery. Otey's Battery. Brig.-Gen. A. L. Long's division. Braxton's Battalion. Lee Battery. 1st Md. Artillery. Stafford artillery. Alleghany artillery. Cutshaw's Battalion. Charlotteville artillery. Staunton artillery. Courtney artillery. Carter's Battalion. Morris artillery. Orange artillery. King William artillery. Jeff Davis artillery. Nelson's Battalion. Amherst artillery. Milledge artillery. Fluvauna artillery. Brown's Battalion. Powhatan artillery. 2d Richmond Howitzers. 3d Richmond Howitzers. Rockbridge artillery. Salem flying artillery. Col. R. L. Walker's division. Cutt's Battalion. Ross's Battery. Patterson's Battery. Irwin artillery. Richardson's Battalion. Lewis artillery. Donaldsonvil
iscuous wrangling of delegates, the deafening roar of the assembled hosts, the contest narrowed down to a neck-and-neck race between the brilliant statesman of Auburn and the less pretentious, but manly rail-splitter from the Sangamon bottoms. With the proceedings of the convention the world is already well familiar. On the first ballot Seward led, but was closely followed by Lincoln; on the second Lincoln gained amazingly; on the third the race was an even one until the dramatic change by Carter, of Ohio, when Lincoln, swinging loose, swept grandly to the front. The cannon planted on the roof of the Wigwam belched forth a boom across the Illinois prairies. The sound was taken up and reverberated from Maine to California. With the nomination of Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, the convention adjourned. The delegates — victorious and vanquished alike — turned their steps homeward, and the great campaign of 1860 had begun. The day before the nomination the editor of the Springfield Jou
raments. Many, so many, of our dear ones are constantly exposed to danger; and though we would not have it otherwise-we could not bear that one of them should hesitate to give his life's-blood to his country-yet it is heart-breaking to think of what may happen. June 19, 1861. Yesterday evening we heard rumours of the Federal troops having crossed the Potomac, and marching to Martinsburg and Shepherdstown in large force. General Johnston immediately drew up his army at a place called Carter's, on the Charlestown road, about four miles beyond Winchester. Messrs. B. and R. M. called this morning, and report that the location of the Federals is very uncertain; it is supposed that they have retreated from Martinsburg. Oh, that our Almighty Father, who rules all things, would interpose and give us peace, even now when all seem ready for war! He alone can do it. June 24, 1861. We have been in Winchester for the last two days, at Dr. S's. General Johnston's army encamped at T
the army, the sympathy and anxiety of the whole South, and the prayers of the country, are his. General Paxton, of the Stonewall Brigade, was killed, and many, ah, how many, valuable lives were lost! it is impossible for us yet to know, as the telegraphic wires are cut, and mail communication very uncertain. From my own family boys we have not heard, and we are willing to believe that no news is good news. Two more of the dear ones over whose youth we so anxiously watched have fallen-Hill Carter, of Shirley, and Benjamin White, of Charlestown, Jefferson County. Thank God, they were both Christians! My heart aches for their parents. The last was an only son, and justly the pride and joy of his household. His parents are in the enemy's lines. O Lord, uphold that tender mother when the withering stroke is known to her! Major Channing Price and Colonel Thomas Garnett are gone! God help our country! We can't afford to lose such men. While our army was busily engaged last Sund