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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), My comrades of the army of Northern Virginia, (search)
nce. On motion of William L. Royall, Esq., it was— Resolved, That the thanks of the Association be tendered General M. C. Butler for his able address, and that he be requested to furnish a copy of it for publication. On motion of Hon. Theodore S. Garnett, of Norfolk, Virginia, it was— Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to nominate officers of the Society for another year. Whereupon the Chairman appointed as a committee on nomination, Messrs. T. S. Garnett, John B. Cary, Robert Stiles, Frank D. Hill and Joseph V. Bidgood. Before the committee retired the President, General Taliaferro, briefly addressed the Association, expressing his appreciation of the honor with which he had been invested for several years—one which he held to be among the greatest that could be conferred on man. His descendants to the third and fourth generation, he declared, would be proud of the fact that he had been thus distinguished by his fellow-soldiers and patriots. But he t<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
imon. 57, 83. Camps—Cobb, 181; Connor, 151; Gadberry, 152; Lee, 47; Pettigrew, 152. Canby, Gen. E. R. S., 216. Cannon made by the C. S. A., 258. Canton, Miss., Decoration of graves at, 232. Caps, Percussion, made by C. S. A., 287. Carbonari, Christine, 447. Carey, Lt., James, 92. Carrington, Major I. H., 273. Carrol, John, 9; Thomas, 9. Carroll, Col., 71. Carson Capt. James M., 134, 150, 190. Carson, Sergeant, 169. Carter, Col., Thos. H., 61. Carter, Lt., Tuck, 214. Cary, Col. John B., 296. Caskey, apt., 22 Caswell, Col. T. D., Death of, 271. Catawba river, 10. Cavalry, Two Chieftains of, 451. Cavalry, Value of, 448. Cavender, Major, 306 Cawood, Lt. C. H., 92. Cecil's Ford, 67. Cedar Creek, Battle of, 15, 443; Notes on, 391: Guards, 15. Century Magazine, cited, 28. Chadwick, Col. W. D., 299. Chaffin's Bluff, 261. Chalmers, Gen. J. R., 297. Chameleon, steamer, 106. Chancellorsville, Battle of, 20, 257. Channing, Dr. W. E., 426
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.14 (search)
Bowry, Thomas Byrne, Lieutenant A. P. Bohannon, John A. Booker,John G. Burrows, Surgeon Dr. Blair Burwell, E. F. Barnes, Samuel D. Buck, Captain W. M. Bridges, L. R. Barnes, H. B. Boudar. F. W. Cunningham, T. L. Courtney, W. Miles Cary, Lieutenant R. B. Chaffin, H. Clay Chamblin, E. M. Crump, W. A. O. Cole, R. B. Chandler, James H. Capers, C. V. Clash, J. J. Cordle, Alex Coke, Dr. Isaac Curd, John R. Cary, Thomas P. Campbell, General John R. Cooke, Major A. R. Courtney, D. S. Cates, Major John B. Cary, B. D. Core, G. L. Christian, Charles Clinely, John H. Childrey, Maurice Claggett, E. S Cardozo, W. D. Chesterman, W. Roy Coleman, Captain John Cussons, E. A. Catlin, Lieutenant James D. Craig, H. L. Carter, W. E. Cutshaw, R. L. Christian, James W. Craig, Captain D. S. Craddock, James F. Chalmers, M. C. Cannon, A. B. Cheatham, W. H. Cullingworth, G. D. Crittenden, E. C. Crump, Captain T. E. Coffin, F. E. Church, A. L. Crouch, J. C. Clifton, John A. Curtis. W. Harper Dean, W. P. DeSa
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.24 (search)
Surgeon, com'd, Richmond, Feb. 1, ‘64. Ordered to report to Medical-Director, March 3, ‘64. Ordered to report to General Hood, March 31, ‘64. 37th Alabama Regiment, Headquarters A. T., Dalton, April 15, ‘64. April 30, ‘64, 37th Alabama. banks, J. W., Assistant Surgeon, com'd, Richmond, March 1, ‘64. Ordered to report to Medical-Director, April 9, ‘64. Hd'qrs Army Tenn., Dalton, April 9, ‘64. Ordered to report to General Hardee's Corps, April 30, ‘64, 15th and 37th Tenn. Blackburn, Cary B., Assistant Surgeon. Passed A. M. Board, Macon, Miss., Dec. 1, ‘63. Appointed by Secretary War, Feb. 2, ‘64, to take rank from July 2, ‘63. April 15, ‘64, 1st Confederate Georgia Regiment. Baird, William M., Surgeon, com'd January 7, ‘62. Dec. 31, ‘62, Medical Inspector Hardee's Corps. Jan. 31, ‘64, Acting Medical Director Hardee's Corps. July 22, ‘62, passed Medical Board as Surgeon. Mar. 31, ‘64, Acting Medical-Director, Hardee's Corps. Bateman, R.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.26 (search)
others on the stage were General Fitz. Lee, Major Jed Hotchkiss, Dr. Hunter McGuire, Dr. J. William Jones, Rev. Dr. Smith (aide to General Jackson), Captain W. Gordon McCabe, Colonel Archer Anderson, Captain John Cussons, Hon. J. Taylor Ellyson, Mr. Joseph Bryan, Colonel E. P. Reeve, Major James D. Patton, Colonel Alex. W. Archer, Mr. Greer Baughman, Captain Sheppard, Major Charles S. Stringfellow, Mr. Ro. S. Bosher, Major Robert Stiles, General W. B. Taliaferro, Colonel W. H. Palmer, Colonel J. B. Cary, Captain Phil. Haxall, Major John P. Branch, Major W. E. Simons, Rev. Dr. Cooper, Mr. E. B. Addison, Colonel Maury, Colonel Cutshaw, Mr. Robert B. Munford, Mr. James T. Gray, Captain Thomas Ellett, Colonel Charles S. Venable, General W. H. Payne, and Mr. James B. Pace. Zzzopened with prayer. Judge Christian called the vast assemblage to order at 5:30 promptly, and Rev. Dr. J. William Jones, who is now chaplain at the University of Virginia, opened the proceedings with the follow
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.27 (search)
able, Colonel Walter H. Taylor, Colonel Hilary P. Jones, Colonel Thomas H. Carter, Colonel Morton Marye, Colonel F. M. Boykin, Colonel E. M. Henry, Colonel F. M. Parker, Colonel H. Kyd Douglass, Colonel L. D. Starke, Colonel W. E. Cutshaw, Colonel John B. Cary, Colonel J. P. Minetree, Colonel A. W. Starke, Major John W. Daniel, Major R. Taylor Scott, Major J. B. Hill, Major W. J. Johnson, Major W. W. Parker, Major A. W. Garber, Captain Thomas Tabb, Captain John Cussons, Captain E. J. Levy, Captapassed four score and four; Colonel B. Holt, of Sussex, who entered the war as captain of the Memphis Southern Guards; Rev. Jabez Hall, pastor of the Seventh-Street Christian church; Rev. J. C. Hiden, pastor of Grove-Avenue Baptist church; Colonel John B. Cary, Hon. J. Taylor Ellyson, Dr. William H. Shields, of Williamsburg, and others. Among the ladies were Mrs. Charles T. O'Ferrall, Mrs. Charles E. Wingo, Mrs. R. E. Boykin, Miss Nellie Parker, Mrs. C. O'B. Cowardin, Mrs. L. W. Burton, Miss Ha
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.28 (search)
animated discussion took place, and Mr. Cave's address was endorsed, but the letter from Columbia Post was referred for answer to a committee, consisting of Judge George L. Christian, Major Charles S. Stringfellow, Colonel Archer Anderson, Colonel John B. Cary and Commander Thomas P. Pollard. At a meeting of the camp, held July 6, this committee, through their chairman, Judge Christian, submitted the following frank and courteous report: Richmond, Va., July 6, 1894. J. G. Everest, Esq., C weaken the ties which should bind us together as true and loyal citizens of our beloved and now happily-united country. On behalf of Lee Camp, No. 1, Confederate Veterans. George L. Christian, Charles S. Stringfellow, Archer Anderson, John B. Cary, Thomas P. Pollard, Committee. The report evoked loud applause. It was written by Major Stringfellow. Major Brander said he was satisfied when the committee was appointed that they would bring in the right sort of report. He moved i
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
Baldwin, Col. John B., Inspector-General of Virginia, 48. Bennett, Hon. R. T., late Colonel 14th N. C. Infantry, C. S. A., 81. Bernard, George S., 69. Blockades, Importance of, 89. Blue and Gray, Blending of the, 67. Boynton, Gen. H. V., 67. Bronaugh, Wm., 46. Brown. Col., Commandant of Fort Pulaski, 140. Buchannan, C. S. N., Admiral Franklin, 77. Burgwyn, Col. H. K.; killed, 123. Burnside, Gen. A. E., 130. Cadets Va. Military Institute, 341. Cardwell, Col. D., 147. Cary, Col. John B., 386. Cassville, Battle of, 6. Causes of the War; Slavery and States' Righs; Exposition by Hon. Jos. Wheeler, 24. Cave, D. D., Rev. Robert C. His noble vindication of the South, 359. Cedar Creek, Battle of, 306. Chancellorsville, Battle of, 288. Chew's Battery; Its glorious career, 41. Chickamauga; Marking the battle-field of, 127. Christian, Hon., Geo. L. His just remarks introducing Hon. John W. Daniel, 386. Clark, Rev T. D. D., prayer by, 41. Cla
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The South's Museum. (search)
o these city gates, from Bethel to Appomattox, these devoted women determined to raise the necessary funds for the purpose. When this resolution was formed, success was assured. In March, 1890, the Society was organized. Soon thereafter Colonel John B. Cary, as a member of the City Council of Richmond, offered a resolution donating this property, and the resolution was promptly passed. The Society has expended about $14,000 in repairs and improvements. Where all have acted so nobly and dolies in our beautiful Hollywood Cemetery. Advisory board. The following prominent citizens of Richmond comprise the Advisory Board of the Confederate Memorial Literary Society: Hon. George L. Christian, Colonel Wilfred E. Cutshaw, Colonel John B. Cary, Hon. J. Taylor Ellyson, E. D. Hotchkiss, Esq., Colonel John B. Purcell, Joseph Bryan, Esq., Robert S. Bosher, Esq., Hon. Beverley B. Munford, Hon. Edmund C. Minor. The whole of the basement of the historic building has been allotted t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Joseph Jones, M. D., Ll.D. (search)
Bottom's Bridge, Battle of, 63. Brander, General T. A., 337. Breathed, Major, James, 309. Bristow Station, Battle of, 47. Brooks, Captain U. R., 25. Bryan, Mrs., Joseph, 363, 380. Burgess' Mill, Battle of, 54. Butler, General M. C., Exploits of, 25. Butler bottled up, General B. F., 70. Butt, Lieutenant Walter R., C. S. Navy, 284. Caison, Albert Stacey, 158. Calhoon, Hon. S. S., 94. Campbell, Colonel John A., wounded, 131. Carter, Captain R. R., C. S. Navy, 283. Cary, Colonel John B., 363, 380. Cavalry, 9th Virginia, Roll of Company B, 292. Cavalry, 9th Virginia, Roll of Company C, 330. Chaffin's Bluff, Encampment at, 196. Chancellorsville, Battle of, 210. Christian, Hon. George L., 358, 380. Christian Observer, Louisville, Ky., cited, 333. Chronicle, Augusta, Ga., cited, 335. Clark, Captain M. T., 181. Coggeshall, William T., 84. Cold Harbor, Battle of, 79, 193. Confederate Generals by States, 335. Confederate Association,
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