Browsing named entities in Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2.. You can also browse the collection for Cash or search for Cash in all documents.

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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., The development of the public School of Medford. (search)
-5, month impossible of determination: To Cash pd to Deacn Willis for the School house materials £ 20-2s. –6d. Cash pd John Bradshaw for materials for ye school, 6s, making the total £ 52-8/6]729sd To Cash paid for this Book£:106 Ye To Cash paid Mr Cutter for keeping School in year 17281General Order to pay to Sundry Perfons61160 To Cash paid to John Francis for Bricks for ye New Meet: Hose140 To Cash paid to Step: Francis for Iron work for ye New Meet: House:4511 To Cash paid to Cash paid to Francis Leathe for keeping ye Wid: Willis21311 To Cash paid to ye Reverd Mr Turell for his Sallary Cash paid to ye Reverd Mr Turell for his Sallary in 17291000000 To Cash paid to Mr Stephen Hall being pt: of ye charge of ye Great Comtee:100000 ToCash paid to Mr Stephen Hall being pt: of ye charge of ye Great Comtee:100000 To Cash pd: Mr: Bowdoin, for Glass & Lead for ye New Meet: House300000 To Do pd. to ffrancis Leathe. keeping ye Widow Willis great Comtee140000 To Cash paid to Capt Ebenr: Brooks being pt of ye Chargis, for Entertaining ye Great Commtee171305 To Cash pd: to Mr Stephen Hall, for pt: of ye charge of[9 more...]
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., A business man of long ago. (search)
keeping School in Time pastd— — — — —150500 To Cash pd. to ye widow Susanna Willis in full for [ ]ok and Materialls for Gravelly Bridge———1136 To Cash pd. to Thomas Oakes, for work and Materials ford to Saml Brooks for keeping School1600 [ ]5To Cash pd. to John Willis, for work at ye Highways516 to Solomon Page for keeping School2200 [ ] oTo Cash pd. to Jona: Watson, for work at ye School houscis Whitmore for work at ye1116 (Towns Pew [] Cash pd to Francis Leathe, for building ye0100 [] C Joseph Tompson for work at ye highways0100 To Cash pd to William Willis, according to a Vote of ye Town at yr Meeting June 19th: 1734300 To Cash pd. to Nathl Hall for work and Materials for Gravell Bridge————320 CONTRACREDIT 1733s MarchBy Cash paid by Nathl Francis, being chose Constable£50d by Constable Richard Sprague40 1734 Sept.By Cash pd. by Andrew Hall on Acct. of ye Widow Willis what was due from him as Treasurer———40[ ] By Cash pd. by Constable Edward Oakes——3[] By Cash pd.