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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 63 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 49 1 Browse Search
Colonel Charles E. Hooker, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.2, Mississippi (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 29 5 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). You can also browse the collection for Alexander H. Chalmers or search for Alexander H. Chalmers in all documents.

Your search returned 25 results in 6 document sections:

Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of General Forrest of operations against W. Sooy Smith in February, 1864. (search)
use all his effective force to prevent them from doing so. At the same time, I ordered Brigadier-General Chalmers, commanding division, to send Forrest's brigade to Aberdeen, or in that direction, to lost two men killed and several wounded and captured. I moved over to his assistance with.General Chalmers and his remaining brigade, taking with me also Richardson's brigade and two batteries of are driven in, and the enemy reported advancing from West Point in full force. I had ordered General Chalmers to dismount his division, throwing Forrest's brigade across the creek in front of the bridgIn making these necessary dispositions, my effective force in front of the enemy was reduced to Chalmers' division, my escort and two batteries. The enemy attacked Colonel Forrest at eight o'clock, ahad begun a rapid and systematic retreat, and dashed on after them — sending back orders to General Chalmers to send forward to me, as rapidly as possible, two thousand of his best mounted men and Hoo
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Forrest's report of operations in December, 1863. (search)
e at Lafayette station, killing several and capturing four or five prisoners. Cavalry advanced on me from Collierville, which we met and drove back. The enemy also sent reinforcements by train from Moscow, which we held in check until all my wagon train was safely across the river and on the road in the rear of my advance on Collierville. We closed the fight at Collierville about eight o'clock at night, driving the enemy into their fortifications. Not being able to hear anything of General Chalmers, and my men being worn out, I felt it to be prudent to retire, which I did, and my command is camped about seven miles west of this place. Another difficulty in the matter was that all my men armed with Austrian rifles were out of ammunition, having had the misfortune to lose my Austrian ammunition by the upsetting of a wagon at Forked Deer river. I have brought out about 2,500 men. Colonel Faulkner, who is to cross at Raleigh, has with him about 800 men. I hope to hear that they ha
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sherman's Meridian expedition and Sooy Smith's raid to West point. (search)
Society Papers of 1879 is the address of General Chalmers before the Society at the White Sulphur Sity, the character and deeds of Forrest. General Chalmers, however, makes some statements and draws Forrest is dead. Is it necessary, when General Chalmers desires to eulogize Forrest, that he shoun expedition to do General Polk justice. General Chalmers dwells almost entirely on the operations ng cognizant of all the surroundings, and General Chalmers having only a limited field of observation. The prominent position of General Chalmers will pass his utterances into history unless controveve been rather above than below my estimate. Chalmers was moving with two brigades by way of Houstoent of military operations, alluded to by General Chalmers, owes it to himself to look into this cam facts and the official reports show that General Chalmers is mistaken about its being done almost w and displayed splendid generalship. Had General Chalmers been in front of General Sherman, he poss[1 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of Shiloh--report of L. D. Sandidge, Inspector-General, Louisiana division. (search)
ated placing the army in position --a singular statement contrasted with the fact that I slept in the same apartment with him at his headquarters at Mickey's the preceding night; that the brigade and staff moved at daylight next morning in conjunction with your other troops, and in the utmost good order took position indicated, his left resting on Corinth road. From this time, say 8 P. M., every brigade and battery was ready for instant action. At daylight Sunday morning the battle began — Chalmers' skirmishers on the extreme right, in accordance with what I understood to be the plan of battle, opening fire. Instantly we were in the saddle, and you gave the first and last command I recollect your giving as a command, often repeated, and always responded to by your division: Forward We rode rapidly down the division line, more than a mile long, through a densely wooded, hilly country, relieved here and there only by small cultivated fields, to see that the forward movement was continu
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Chalmers' report of operations of cavalry division on line of Memphis and Charleston R. R., from 5th to 18th October, 1863. (search)
General Chalmers' report of operations of cavalry division on line of Memphis and Charleston R. R., from 5th to 18th October, 1863. headquarters cavalry in North Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi, October 20, 1863. Colonel B. S. Ewell, Assistae command nearest to me before the others could form a junction with it. The Eighteenth Mississippi battalion (Major Alexander H. Chalmers) was ordered to move at midnight, and, crossing Cold Water some distance above Lockard Mills, to get in the re their camp and across the creek, but unfortunately a premature shot of our piece of artillery, which was mistaken by Major Chalmers for the signal for attack, and induced him to commence it before the other troops could be brought into action, also.onel McCulloch), Third regiment Mississippi State cavalry (Colonel McQuirk) and the Eighteenth Mississippi battalion (Major Chalmers) bore the brunt of the conflict, and although the last two were composed almost entirely of untried men, they behaved
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 8.82 (search)
me up. Ascertaining that the enemy numbered only some five hundred men with two guns, I sent Colonel Boyle with four hundred men, and Colonel Faulkner, of General Chalmers' command, who had for sometime been near, and who joined me at New Albany, with some two hundred men in pursuit, accompanied by Colonel John M. Sandige, one endered on the field of battle. Your dispatch of the 19th from Canton, notifying me that three thousand of the enemy's mounted troops were moving against General Chalmers, was received on the battle-ground at half-past 1 P. M. the 20th, and I immediately sent off scouts to report the actual positions, &c., of the enemy, with the view of assisting in his expulsion; but the defeat of one of their columns by the troops of General Chalmers and the retreat of the other, as was subsequently ascertained, made it inexpedient to march my troops westwardly from the base line of operations. It is to be observed that this was during a critical period of the war