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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 63 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 49 1 Browse Search
Colonel Charles E. Hooker, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.2, Mississippi (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 29 5 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Colonel Charles E. Hooker, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.2, Mississippi (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Alexander H. Chalmers or search for Alexander H. Chalmers in all documents.

Your search returned 17 results in 4 document sections:

W. B. Harper; Fourteenth Mississippi, Col. G. W. Abert; Company C, Fifteenth Mississippi infantry, Capt. P. H. Norton; Bolen's and Terry's Kentucky cavalry companies; Third Mississippi brigade, State troops, Brig.-Gen. J. Z. George, at Grenada. Fifth military district. Brig.-Gen. James R. Chalmers commanding. First Mississippi cavalry, Partisan Rangers, Col. W. C. Falkner; Third Mississippi cavalry, three companies, Col. John McQuirk; Eighteenth Mississippi cavalry battalion, Maj. A. H. Chalmers; Mississippi State troops, Capt. Samuel Matthews; Mississippi cavalry companies, Capts. J. Y. Smith, Sol. G. Street, J. F. White; cavalry battalion State troops, Maj. G. L. Blythe. On April 1st, Stevenson's division had 681 officers and 9,795 men present for duty; Smith's division, including Hubert, 600 officers and 6,421 men; Bowen's division (then Forney's), 395 officers and 4,169 men; Loring's division, including Moore, 549 officers and 6,678 men. Adams had 53 officers and 378 m
subsequently transferred from Starke to Adams. General Chalmers' division was made up of three brigades. That commanded by Col. W. F. Slemons contained, in addition to an Arkansas and a Tennessee regiment, Col. John McQuirk's Third regiment State troops; the Fifth regiment, Col. James Z. George, and Capt. J. M. McLendon's battery. Col. Robert McCulloch's brigade held, in addition to his own Missouri regiment, the First Partisans, Lieut.-Col. L. B. Hovis; Eighteenth battalion, Lieut.-Col. A. H. Chalmers; and the Buckner battery, Lieut. H. C. Holt. The brigade of Col. Robert C. Richardson embraced for a time the Twelfth Mississippi, Col. W. M. Inge. A brigade under Col. L. S. Ross was also for a time under Jackson, and then included Colonel Pinson's regiment. Ferguson's brigade, operating in northeast Mississippi, included the Twelfth cavalry, Col. W. M. Inge, and later was assigned to Jackson's division. The effective strength of these brigades rarely exceeded 1,000 each. Maj
L. Duff; Eighteenth Mississippi, Lieut.-Col. Alexander H. Chalmers; Seventh Tennessee, Col. W. L. Dproached, when his advance was checked by General Chalmers, Forrest meanwhile making preparations fo General Lee then moved with the divisions of Chalmers and Buford to attack the enemy's flank, whiledash made upon the Federal wagon train by General Chalmers with Rucker's brigade, near Bartram's sho's right. These troops were all dismounted. Chalmers' division was held in reserve, also about 700and was forced to fall back with heavy loss. Chalmers' division, dismounted, was ordered forward, ary to Grenada, a brigade to Pontotoc, and General Chalmers, with one of the best brigades I have, hapied Oxford, after a severe skirmish with General Chalmers, men, women and children and negroes wereAugust, included the two veteran divisions of Chalmers and Buford. The Tennessee brigade formerly c Peery, the Eighteenth battalion, under Col. A. H. Chalmers, and the Nineteenth battalion, under Co[4 more...]
ighth regiment, Col. T. W. White. Gen. Wirt Adams' brigade: Col. R. C. Wood's regiment; Thirty-Eighth, Col. P. Brent; Ninth, Col. H. H. Miller; Col. J. McQuirk's regiment; Fourteenth Confederate, Colonel Dumonteil; Moorman's battalion; Twenty-third battalion; Powers' regiment. Gen. P. B. Starke's brigade: Fourth regiment, Colonel Wilbourn; Sixth, Ninth, Tenth and Eighth Confederate, Col. W. B. Wade; Twenty-eighth, Major McBee; Eighteenth battalion and part of Fifth regiment, Lieut.-Col. A. H. Chalmers. On February 24th it was reported by Inspector-General Girault that General Forrest had in camp at and near West Point fully 6,000 cavalry; was daily increasing his force, and taking active steps to suppress the banditti in the Mississippi swamps. Sharp's and Brantly's brigades, about 5,000 strong together, were sent from Meridian to Augusta, Ga., early in March, General Taylor having been ordered to send every available man east for the campaign in the Carolinas. Thus strip