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Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 21 1 Browse Search
William H. Herndon, Jesse William Weik, Herndon's Lincoln: The True Story of a Great Life, Etiam in minimis major, The History and Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln by William H. Herndon, for twenty years his friend and Jesse William Weik 18 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 15, 1862., [Electronic resource] 10 8 Browse Search
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson 5 5 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: June 3, 1864., [Electronic resource] 5 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 5 1 Browse Search
John D. Billings, The history of the Tenth Massachusetts battery of light artillery in the war of the rebellion 5 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: June 30, 1862., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: February 9, 1861., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 4 0 Browse Search
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Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 20: death and burial. (search)
e escort was: I wish it was I, who was wounded. At nightfall, the party reached the house of Mr. Chandler, near the railroad station, whose hospitality General Jackson had shared the previous winterunded devotion, which counted every exertion made for him a precious privilege. The house of Mr. Chandler was already full of wounded officers, to whom he sent, by his attendants, most courteous and application was made, as he declared, to his great relief. When he was removed to his bed at Mr. Chandler's, he took some supper with relish, and then spent the night in quiet sleep. During this On Thursday, however, she determined to delay no longer, and setting out by railroad, reached Mr. Chandler's in the forenoon. But meantime, the symptoms of General Jackson's case had become stillt. But it is not easy to decide which paid the most touching tribute to the dying warrior. Mrs. Chandler, the hostess to whose affectionate hospitality the General was now indebted for a shelter,
till there was such a contrast between it and the old jail in which we had been immured, that we thought it very fine indeed. We lay down till morning, and when we arose, we found ourselves in company with General Prentiss and General Crittenden, togegether with two hundred and sixteen other officers of various grades. Here also I met with my old prison companions, Lieutenants Todd, Stokes, Hollingsworth, and Winslow-all clergymen like myself-Lieutenant-Colonel Adams, Majors Crockett, Chandler, McCormick and Studman. I soon formed an agreeable acquaintance with General Prentiss, who was taken prisoner on Sunday, April 6th, 1862, at Shiloh. It had generally been reported that the General had surrendered early in the morning; but this was false, for I now learned that he did not give up until five o'clock in the afternoon, thus holding at least five or six times his own number in check the whole of that dreadful day. Without doubt, history will do the gallant hero justice; for on
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 46 (search)
The enemy is just now reported as at Station 9, on Central Railroad, advancing.-B. B. During the last month, 100 passports were given to leave the Confederate States by Provost Marshal Carrington and War Department. Mr. G. B. Lamar, Savannah, Ga., tenders his services to go to New York and purchase supplies for our prisoners in the hands of the enemy, and to negotiate the sale of 1000 bales of cotton, etc. Twelve M. Heavy and pretty rapid shelling is heard down the river. Col. Chandler, Inspecting Officer, makes an ugly report of Gen. Winder's management of the prisons in Georgia: Brig.-Gen. Chilton appends a rebuking indorsement on Gen. W.'s conduct. The inspector characterizes Gen. W.'s treatment of the prisoners as barbarous, and their condition as a hell on earth. And Gen. W. says his statements are false. December 3 Very warm-clouds and sunshine, like April. Roger A. Pryor, who resigned his brigadiership, and has been acting as a scout (private), fe
ntor Graham. postmaster at New Salem. the incident with Chandler. feats of strength. second race for the Legislature. eertaken when about fourteen miles from Springfield by one Chandler, whom he knew slightly, and who, having already driven twre a certain other man who had gone by a different road. Chandler explained to Lincoln that he was poor and wanted to enterrted for Springfield. Meanwhile, my neighbors, continued Chandler, collected and advanced me the necessary one hundred dollffice first, I can secure the land. Lincoln noticed that Chandler's horse was too much fatigued to stand fourteen miles mortherefore dismounted from his own and turned him over to Chandler, saying, Here's my horse — he is fresh and full of grit; ndon's tavern and I'll call and get him. Thus encouraged Chandler moved on, leaving Lincoln to follow on the jaded animal. n rode leisurely into town and was met by the now radiant Chandler, jubilant over his success. Between the two a friendship
. I used to attend the Danville court, and while there, usually roomed with Lincoln and Davis. We stopped at McCormick's hotel, an old-fashioned frame country tavern. Jurors, counsel, prisoners, everybody ate at a long table. The judge, Lincoln, and I had the ladies' parlor fitted up with two beds. Lincoln, Swett, McWilliams, of Bloomington, Voorhees, of Covington, Ind., O. L. Davis, Drake, Ward Lamon, Lawrence, Beckwith, and 0. F. Harmon, of Danville, Whiteman, of Iroquois County, and Chandler, of Williamsport, Ind., constituted the bar. Lincoln, Davis, Swett, I, and others who came from the western part of the state would drive from Urbana. The distance was thirty-six miles. We sang and exchanged stories all the way. We had no hesitation in stopping at a farm-house and ordering them to kill and cook a chicken for dinner. By dark we reached Danville. Lamon would have whiskey in his office for the drinking ones, and those who indulged in petty gambling would get by themselves a
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 19: battle of Sharpsburg, or Antietam (continued). (search)
lliams; 2d Va., Capt. R. T. Colston ; 4th Va., Lieut.-Col. R. D. Gardner; 5th Va., Maj. H. J. Williams; 27th Va., Capt. F. C. Wilson; 33d Va., Capt. Golladay and Lieut. Walton. Taliaferro's Brigade, Col. E. T. H. Warren, Col. J. W. Jackson, Col. J. L. Sheffield; 47th and 48th Ala., 10th, 23d, and 37th Va. Jones's Brigade, Col. B. T. Johnson, Brig.-Gen. J. R. Jones, Capt. J. E. Penn, Capt. A. C. Page, Capt. R. W. Withers; 21st Va., Capt. A. C. Page; 42d Va., Capt. R. W. Withers; 48th Va., Capt. Chandler; 1st Va. Battn., Lieut. C. A. Davidson. Starke's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. William E. Starke, Col. L. A. Stafford, Col. E. Pendleton; 1st La., Lieut.-Col. M. Nolan; 2d La., Col. J. M. Williams; 9th La., 10th La., Capt. H. D. Monier; 15th La., Coppens's (La.) battalion. Artillery, Maj. L. M. Shumaker; Alleghany (Va.) Art. (Carpenter's battery), Brockenbrough's (Md.) battery, Danville (Va.) Art. (Wooding's battery), Hampden (Va.) Art. (Caskie's battery), Lee (Va.) Batt. (Raines's), Rockbridge
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 8 (search)
rs had better move back upon the road on which we had advanced until Warren's troops should be met; but General Grant made light of the proposition and ordered the camp to be established where we were, saying, I think, instead of our going back, we had better hurry Warren forward. Suggestions to the general to turn back fell as usual upon deaf ears. While our people were putting up the tents and making preparations for supper, General Grant strolled over to a house near by, owned by a Mr. Chandler, and sat down on the porch. I accompanied him, and took a seat beside him. In a few minutes a lady came to the door, and was surprised to find that the visitor was the general-in-chief. He was always particularly civil to ladies, and he rose to his feet at once, took off his hat, and made a courteous bow. She was ladylike and polite in her behavior, and she and the general soon became engaged in a pleasant talk. Her conversation was exceedingly entertaining. She said, among other thi
South is cut in twain, and we become a fragmentary organization, fighting in scattered and segregated localities, for a cause which can no longer boast the important attribute of geographical unity. The schooner Maryland, loaded with wood, was becalmed in the Potomac, opposite the rebel battery on Pig Point, and some rebel boats put off to take her, whereupon the crew took the boats and rowed away. The rebels boarded, fired, and then left the schooner; and after their departure Lieutenant Chandler, with some men of the Eleventh Massachusetts regiment, went on board and put out the fire.--(Doc. 162.) The Governor of Florida has issued a proclamation forbidding the enlistment of citizens of that State to serve in other portions of the Confederacy. He orders, therefore, that all military officers in commission from the State of Florida shall interfere, by arresting and sending out of the State, any person found recruiting or enticing the citizens of Florida to enter into the
ritish ship M. S. Perry, and held as witnesses, were released entirely. In the Superior Court at Salem, Mass., Henry M. Bragg, Francis W. Bayley, Isaac M. Daggett, Martin L. Stevens, Joseph S. King, and George W. Edwards, all of Haverhill, indicted for tarring, feathering, and riding on a rail, in August last, the editor of the Haverhill Gazette, Mr. Ambrose L. Kimball, were severally held to bail for trial, in the sum of one thousand dollars each. In the United States Senate, Mr. Chandler presented resolutions from the Legislature of Michigan reaffirming loyalty to the Government and hatred of traitors, and asking the Government to speedily put down the insurrection, favoring the confiscation of the property of the rebels, and asking that, as slavery is the cause of the war, it be swept from the land. By the operation of Earl Russell's circular of neutrality, the privateer Nashville was sent off from Southampton, Eng., to-day. The Union gunboat Tuscarora was anchored
that the seizure of private property belonging to rebels, except when made by officers authorized and detailed for the purpose, was not allowed, and would be followed by severe and speedy punishment. The prize steamer Ladona, captured while endeavoring to run up the Ogeechee River, Ga., arrived at Philadelphia, Pa.--A large war meeting was held at Alexandria, Va., this evening. Jefferson Tracy presided, and speeches were made by Senator Pomeroy, of Kansas; Senator Harlan, of Iowa; Senator Chandler, of Michigan, and others. The meeting was the most enthusiastic and largest ever held in that city. Gallatin, Tenn., including a force of Union troops under Colonel Boone, a large quantity of Government stores, a railway train laden with grain, a number of Government horses, etc., was captured by a force of rebel guerrillas under Colonel John H. Morgan. In the evening, Col. Miller, having arrived from Nashville with a force of Union troops, attacked and drove out Morgan's rear-gu