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Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 3 2 0 Browse Search
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Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 3, Chapter 10: the Rynders Mob.—1850. (search)
ice Matsell, and Mayor Bigelow that of Mayor Woodhull—the one giving and the other obeying instructions not to interfere except to protect the persons of the promoters of the meeting; and the Aldermen, on the Marshal's being subsequently Lib. 20.191, 202. arraigned, found his excuse satisfactory. The meeting was finally turned out of doors by the police, but the reception was adjourned to Worcester, and Lib. 20.190, 193, 197. was supplemented by a second, at which the Mayor of that Henry Chapin. city presided in his unofficial capacity. In other Massachusetts cities, too, Mr. Thompson, who preserved the Lib. 20.191, 195, 198, 203, 207. vigor of his appearance and all his old eloquence, was heard with pleasure and without molestation. He received and accepted invitations even from New Hampshire. Parker Pillsbury, however, wrote from Concord, N. H., to Mr. Garrison: I take the liberty of calling your attention to the late Union Ms. Nov. 28, 1850. meeting in Manchester i