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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces in the campaign of the Carolinas. (search)
ed( April 2d; previously known as Provisional Corps. Maj.-Gen. Alfred H. Terry. first division The First Brigade at Morehead City and the Second Brigade at Wilmington. (late Second Division, Nineteenth Corps), Brig.-Gen. Henry W. Birge. Third Brigade, Col. Nicholas W. Day: 24th Iowa, Lieut.-Col. Edward Wright; 38th Mass., Lieut.-Col. James P. Richardson; 128th N. Y., Capt. Henry H. Sincerbos; 156th N. Y., Capt. Alfred Cooley; 175th N. Y. (5 co's), Capt. Chas. McCarthey; 176th N. Y., Maj. Chas. Lewis. Artillery: 22d Ind., Lieut. Geo. W. Alexander. Second division (late Second Division, Twenty-fourth Corps), Brig.-Gen. Adelbert Ames. First Brigade, Col. Rufus Daggett: 3d N. Y., Capt. George E. Fordham, Lieut.-Col. Alfred Dunham; 112th N. Y., Col. Ephraim A. Ludwick; 117th N. Y., Capt. Edward Downer; 142d N. Y., Lieut.-Col. William A. Jones, Col. Albert M. Barney. Second Brigade, Col. William B. Coan, Col. John S. Littell: 47th N. Y., Col. Christopher R. Macdonald; 48th N. Y
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 20: a brave officer's mortification.--history set right. (search)
. Morris; Lieutenants, F. A. Roe, Jas. Stillwell and C. E. McKay; Acting-Masters, Edw. Herrick, G. C. Shultze and E. C. Weeks; Acting-Ensign, A. H. Reynolds; Surgeon J. W. Taylor; Assistant-Surgeon, W. B. Dick; Paymaster, G. L. Davis; Chief Engineer, S. D. Hibbert; Second-Assistant Engineers, S. L. P. Ayres and C. H. Ball; Third-Assistant Engineers, J. L. Vanclain, G. W. Magee, J. T. Hawkins, F. G. Smith, Jr., and J. C. Huntly; First-Lieutenant of Marines, J. C. Harris; Acting-Masters' Mates, Chas, Gainsford, Jos. Kent, L. Richards and G. A. Storm; Boatswain, N. Goodrich; Gunner, D. A. Roe; Carpenter, J. E. Cox; Sailmaker, Charles Lawrence. Sloop-of-war Portsmouth. Commander, Samuel Swartwout; Lieutenant, F. O. Davenport; Acting-Masters, W. G. Mitchell, E. A. Terrill and A. A. Ward; Midshipman, Walter Abbott; Surgeon, J. S. Dungan; Assistant Surgeon, H. M. Wells; Assistant Paymaster, Casper Schenck; First-Lieutenant of Marines, Wm. H. Hale; Gunner, T. S. Cassidy; Carpenter, John
402; takes part in the Union meeting at Louisville, 493. Guyandotte, Va., captured by Rebels, 526. H. Hackley, Prof. Chas. W., to Jeff. Davis, 512. Hagerstown, Md., John Brown at, 288. Haggerty, Lieut. Col., killed at Bull Run, 545. from, 597. Memphis Avalanche, The, citation from, 597. Meigs, Henry, vote on Missouri Compromise, 80. Memminger, Chas. G., of S. C., 34-1; 429. Mervine, Com. Wm., destroys the Judah, 601-2. Methodists, the, and Slavery, 120-21. Me0; 312. Sanders, Geo. N., of Ky., joins the Rebels, 342. Sandusky, Ohio, fugitive-slave case at, 218. Sanford, Gen. Chas. W., his testimony as to Patterson's movements, etc., 536 to 538. San Jacinto, battle of, 150. San Jacinto, the,can, The, citation from, 131; stigmatizes The Observer, 136. Storrs, Henry R., vote on Mo. Compromise, 80. Stone, Gen. Chas. P., McClellan's order to, 620-21; 621; 622; his orders to Col. Baker, 624. Stout, Mr., of Oregon, tenders a minori
Yazoo Bluffs, 289; at Fort Hindman, 293. Stuart, Gen. J. E. B., raids around McClellan's army, 150; his report, 189; at South Mountain, 196; fights Pleasanton, 369; at Gettysburg, 389; at Centerville, 395; at Chickamauga, 422; mortally wounded at Yellow Tavern, Va., 574. Sturgis, Lt.-Col, at Port Gibson, Miss., 305. Sturgis, Maj.-Gen. S. D., reenforces Pope, 179; at Alexandria, 179; is routed at Guntown, 621-2. Sullivan, Gen. J. C., at Iuka, 224; routs Forrest, 282. Sumner, Hon. Chas., on holding slaves in national vessels, and on excluding witnesses because of color, 269. Sumner, Gen. Edwin V., 108; at Williamsburg, Va., 122-5; at Fair Oaks, 144-7; on the battle of Glendale, 168; at Malvern Hill, 165: reenforces Pope, 187-190; at Antietam, 207; at Fredericksburg, 344. Sumter, bombardment of Fort, 467-9; Dahlgren's attack on, 481: restored to the Union , 747. Swamp Angel, opens on Charleston, 479. Swinton, William, on Dupont's attack on Fort Sumter, 467-9.
vates Albert N. Parker, John S. Lee, Walter B. Welton, Nathaniel Kensley. Slightly wounded: Sergt. Sylvanius S. Longley, Corporal Benjamin Lauds; privates Patrick H. Kelly, Eugene J. Brady, Silas C. Bush, John Daley, Robert Hargrave, Morris Illig, Alonzo A. P. V. McCoy. Frozen feet: Sergt. Wm. L. Beach; Corporals William L. White and James R. Hunt; privates Stradge Ansley, Matthew Armone, David Briston, Fred. W. Becker, Nathaniel Chapman, Samuel Caldwell, Joseph Chapman, John G. Hertle, Chas. B. Horse, Joseph Hill, George Johnston, Jefferson Lincoln, Arthur Mitchell, James McKown, Alonzo R. Palmer, Charles Wilson. Third infantry, company K.--Killed: Privates John E. Barker, Samuel W. Thomas. Seriously wounded: Sergeant A. J. Austin, E. C. Hoyt; privates John Hensley, Thos. B. Walker. Frozen feet: Sergeants C. J. Herron, C. F. Williams; Corporals Wm. Bennett, John Lattman, John Wingate; privates Joseph German, James Urquhart, Wm. S. John, Algeray Ramsdell, James Epperson
wer to legislate within themselves, 6. Confiscation law, 5-6, 8. Cause of all the trouble according to Federal Congress, 136-37. Abolition legislation, 137-49. Emancipation in District of Columbia, 145-46. Emancipation in territories, 147. Lincoln's resolution recommended to Congress, 151. Preliminary proclamation of emancipation, 157. Permanent proclamation, 158. Abolition in Louisiana, 253. Slidell, John, 311. Slocum, —, 355. Smith, Gen. A. J., 341, 457, 473, 474, 541, 542. Gen. Chas. F., 15, 21, 26, 41. Gen. E. K., 33, 324, 340, 458, 590, 591, 592-93. Advance into Kentucky, 323. Maj. Frank, 563. Gen. G. W., 70, 71, 79, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 131, 470. Gen. Kirby, 349. Commodore Leon, 197, 198, 201. Report on Battle of Sabine Pass, 199-200. Gen. M. L., 59, 182, 203. Lt. N. H., 199, 200. South Carolina, 13. Reconstruction, 625-29. Southern Cross, The (poem), 392. Spangler, Edward, 417. Spanish Fort, 175. Spotsylvania Court House, Battle of, 437-39.
Nashua; Quartermaster Sergeant, A. Lull, of Nashua; Fife Major, Frs. H. Pike, of Manchester; Drum Major, Wm. Carr; Paymaster, Moses K. Hagleton. line-officers.--Company A, of Dover--Captain, L. Bell of Farmington; Lieut., Geo. W. Colliath, of Dover; Ensign, O. M. Clark, of Dover. Company B, of Dover--Captain, D. R. Kenny, of Laconia; Lieut. Chas. W. Sawyer, of Dover; Ensign, J. G. Wallace, of Dover. Company C, of Manchester--Captain, J. L. Kelly; Lieut., M. V. B. Richardson; Ensign, Chas. o. Jennison. Company D, of Newport--Captain, J. McL. Barton; Lieut., E. Nettleton; Ensign, Dexter Reed. Company E, of Nashua--Captain, O. F. Greenleaf; Lieut., W. L. Greeley; Ensign, J. W. Thompson. Company F, of Nashua--Captain, A. S. Edgerly; Lieut., G. W. Hanley; Ensign, C. H. Drummer. Company G, of Keene--Captain, A. J. Sargent; Lieut. H. t. H. Pierce; Ensign,----. Company H, of Salem--Captain, J. D. Drew; Lieut., J. M. Clough; Ensign, J. Drew. Company I, of Concord--
er. The trench made by spades or machines for the reception of drain-tile. Chas′er. 1. (Machinery.) A tool for cutting threads in the hand-lathe; sometimesortar-mill ; oil-mill.) Also used in grinding ore for puddling-furnaces, etc. Chas′ing-chis′el. A punch used in enchasing. The mallet by which it is driven is the chasing-hammer, and the operation is performed on a stake. See chaser. Chas′ing-ham′mer. The mallet of the chaser in the operation of enchasing by embossing by punches. (See a b, Fig. 1256.) Chas′ing-lathe. A screw-cutting lathe. So called from the name of the tool wherewith screws were cut by hand in the old fong-tools, and is provided with slide-rest movement. b is the hand-tool rest. Chas′ing-tools. Those used by the chaser in the operation of embossing by punches.ylinder B, through which the needle passes, acts as a gas-check. Chassis. Chas′sis. (Ordnance.) The base-frame on which a barbette or casemat
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Roster of the Nineteenth regiment Massachusetts Volunteers (search)
, ‘65; disch. June 12, ‘65; O. W.D. Bridgelow, Chas. H., priv., (H), Aug. 20, ‘61; 36; disch. dis, July 26, ‘61; 18; M. O. Aug. 29, ‘64. Dakin, Chas. B., priv., (G), Aug. 23, ‘61; 23; wounded Juniv., (—), Aug. 6, ‘61; 20; no service. French, Chas. C., priv., (A), July 26, ‘61; 20; N. F.R. Fre; 28; transf. to Navy, Apr. 23, ‘64. Johnson, Chas. A., priv., (E), July 25, ‘61; 18; died of w'n Co. H, 3rd Cav. served in H, 3rd Cav. Marstin, Chas. E., priv., (F), Aug. 19, ‘61; 25; wounded Jul; 25; disch. May 6, ‘65; unassigned. Merrill, Chas. L., corp., (C), July 26, ‘61; 22; transf. to, Jan. 9, ‘65; 40; M. O. June 30, ‘65. Payson, Chas. A., priv., (G), May 13, ‘64; 36; drafted; abs 34; died May 25, ‘62, Lewis Farm, Va. Preston, Chas. H., priv., (B), Dec. 3, ‘62; 18; wounded Julyec. 20, ‘64; 23; M. O. June 30, ‘65. Tibbetts, Chas. W., priv., (C), Aug. 17, 1861; 21; re-en. Desch. disa. Oct. 24, ‘62; see A 4th Cav. Young, Chas. F., priv., (—), Apr. 4, ‘64; 28; N. F.R. You
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2, Chapter 1: the Boston mob (second stage).—1835. (search)
ure, his office possessed much greater dignity, and his presence inspired much greater awe, than it does to-day. This, while it makes his part in removing the anti-slavery sign (accepting his own version of it) an indefensible encouragement to the mob, would also, it must be said, justly qualify any present estimate of his personal bravery. Comparison has pertinently been made with Mayor Eliot's quelling of the ferocious Broad-Street riot of June 11, 1837, between two fire-engine Memoir of Chas, Sumner, 1.162; Lib. 7.99. companies and the Irish, when missiles were flying, and personal intervention meant taking risks which Mayor Lyman had neither to encounter nor to fear. As to calling out the military, the Mayor perhaps had no statute authority to do so; Garrison mob, p. 58; but compare B. F. Hallett's view of the Mayor's unlimited power, in his Daily Advocate, almost the only journal friendly to the abolitionists (Lib. 5.180). and if he had, the militia was in the streets—a