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The Daily Dispatch: November 28, 1863., [Electronic resource], Army of Tennessee, Missionary Ridge, Nov. 22. (search)
, Presiding Elder. Charlottesville — John S. Lindsay. Albemarle — Henry C. Cheatham, Wm. F. Robbins. Nelson — W. H. Camper. Batesville — G. C. Vanderslice. Scottsville — Paul Whitehead, H. H. Gary, supernumerary. Fluvanna — Wm J. Hunter. Goochland-- H. M. Linney. Hanover — Wm. G. Lumpkin. Louisa — D. P. Wills. Orange — J. S. R. Clarke. Madison — E. H. Prichett. Greene — James O. Moss, Z. R. Harrison, supernumerary. Piedmont Mission — J. F. Finnell. Harrisonburg and Bridgewater-- Chas V Bingley. Elk Run. J. M. Anderson. Farmville District.--Nelson Head, Presiding Eider. Farmville --W E. Judkins. Prince Edward--Jacob Manning, T. M. Beckham. Charlotte-- J F. Poulton, W. S. Williams, J. D. Southalt, superun merary. Lunenburg — R. Michaels, Jas S. Merritt, Randolph Macon and Boydton — J. L. Shipley, P W Archer, Randolph Macon Circult — Jas C. Watson. Union and Clarksville — W. C. Vaiden, James Jamieson. Mecklenburg — Thos J Boynton, H. C. Bo
ees, I subjoin a list of the names of all who left Suffolk and vicinity with the Yankees, viz:--Jordan Parr and family, Mrs. N S Cowper and daughter, Wm T Wells and wife, Sabry Duke, Fanny Duke, Elizabeth Duke, Mary E Whitley, Caroline Dildy, Elisha Dildy and wife, Nathaniel Duke and wite, Fletcher Still, Martha Holland, Geo W Singleton and family, Sarah Holland, Elizabeth Sunch, Nancy Harris, Columbiana Lassiter, Mary J Brown, Sophia Lassiter, Washington Luke and wite, James Joyner and wife, Chas H Kelly and wife, Mrs. Dean and daughter, Elizabeth Nelms, Jane Lawrence, A T Adams, Harrison Willis and wife, Capt Tyler and family, and A F Leggett and family. With the exception of two or three first named in this list any virtuous community would be glad at any time to get rid of the whole batch. The future, in some respects, looks gloomy indeed to the people here; but all seem astonishingly hopeful, and I can but look upon them with all their oppressions and sufferings, and feel as
a heavy flaw of wind. The building was designed for the use of the matrons and surgeons at that camp, and was being hurried to completion by the contractors, who had a large number of hands employed in the building. When the storm came the chimney, four feet through, was shaped off like a pipestem, and the wind, sweeping through the open windows, seemed to lift the superstructure from the foundation and topple it over, seriously injuring five or six persons inside the house, those on the roof escaping all harm. Mr. Wm. Yateman, the foreman, received a severe cut on his head and painful injuries to his legs. Mat, slave to Dr. Chas, Rains, of Farmville, had his skull fractured; Monroe, slave to the same gentleman, had his legs injured; Douglass, slave to Mr. James Epps, was badly cut in the face; and two servants, owned by Dr. Layne, were severely bruised and crushed. Messrs. Green & Allen's loss by this disaster is heavy, but they are not the men to give back for misfortunes.
The Daily Dispatch: February 3, 1864., [Electronic resource], Handsome affair near Smithfield.--capture of Yankees and Destruction of a gunboat. (search)
Ranaway. --From the 3d section Richmond and Danville Railroad, two bands, Frederick and Lewis the property of R. G. Leigh. Frederick is about 3 feet high, dark complexion; no marks remembered. Lewis 5 feet 10 inches high, dark complexion. the usual rewards will be paid for their apprehension. Chas G Taloott, Sup't. fe 3--ts
n, for Capt Lacy's company, 255; Mrs. E B Halle, Essex, 100; Va Haric do, 100; La dies' S A Society, Hardy, for socks for Hardy Blues, 65; for poor of the city through office of Central Presbyterian, 200; W R Jones &Co, 100; Thomas Jones, 100; Mrs. Chas S Carrington, Secretary L S A S, Halifax C H, 224.55; do, premium on specie, 16; Wm W Carrington, for Hays's brigade, 16; M, 100; Miss S T Polard, for Hays's brigade, 10; Miss D E Pollard, do, 10; G H Hutcheson, 20; Andrew Johnston, 20; Miss MaSamson, 300; J Millhiser & Bro, 100; M Mittled offer 50; G Heller. 10; G N Anders a 100 stel a, 5; A B Gwathmey; 100; Mrs. Edmond James, 25; Hon Wm C Rives, 100; young ladies of Pittsylvania Court House and vicinity proceeds of a tableau, 618 35; Chas E Kent, 20; a friend, 15; Rev--,100; Eliza and Mary Hall, proceeds of a fair, 200; Capt Jno Covert, 50; Peter V Daniel, 50; Dr O Fairfax, 25; Gen Carson, 20; Jno Randolph Tucker, Co.;--, through Post Office, 150; Jas Warwick, 50; L R Spliman, 100;
Ranaway --From the 3d section Richmond and Danville Railroad, two hands, Frederick and Lewis, the property of E G Leigh. Frederick is about 5 feet high, dark complexion; no marks remembered. Lewis 5 feet 10 inches high, dark complexion. The usual rewards will be paid for their apprehension. Chas G Taloott, Sup't. fe 3--ts
Ranaway --From the 3d section Richmond and Danville Railroad, two hands, Frederick and Lawis, the property of B. G. Leigh. Frederick in about 5 feet high, complexion; as month remembered. Lewis 5 feet 10 inches high, dark complexion. The usual rewards will be paid for their apprehension. Chas G. fe 3--ts
Runaway --From the 3d section Richmond and Danville Railroad, two banks. Frederick not Lewis, the property of E G Leigh. Frederick is about 5 feet high, dark complexion; no marks remembered. Lewis 5 feet 10 inches high, dark complexion. The usual rewards will be paid for their apprehension. Chas G Talcott, Sup't. fe 8--1s
1.000 dollars reward. --Ran off on yesterday, about 11 o'clock A. M., Jim, belonging to Mrs Louisa Brander, and Robert, belonging to me. Jim is almost black, about 25 years old, black whiskers and moustache, and about 5 feet 8 inches in height, very active and intelligent; had on when he left a brown cloth coat, with drab pants. Robert is a brown skin, black whiskers and moustache, about 23 years old, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches in height, very intelligent, and talks well; he had on a brown jeans suit, with wooden buttons. Both of these boys are fine house servants. We will give a reward of $1,000 for both, or $500 for each if delivered to us in Richmond. Chas T Wortham, Mrs Louisa Brander, fe 25--2aw3w
The Daily Dispatch: February 25, 1864., [Electronic resource], The movements of the enemy in Mississippi. (search)
200 dollars reward. --Ranaway, on the 20th inst, from my house, near Frederick liar, in Louisa county, a negro man named Harris. He is about 21 years old, 5 feet 8 inches high, weighs about 180 pounds, and is thick set; had on when he left a gray soldier's jacket and a pair of cassimere pants, patched. I purchased him some few weeks ago from S N Davis, of Richmond. He was formerly from Mississippi. I will pay the above reward for his delivery to me, or to Wade & Jones, in Brook Avenue, Richmond. Chas R Jones. fe 24--5t*