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andard of ten thousand ships! O guardian of Mount Vernon's grave! Come, let us press thee to our lips!-- There is a heaving of the rocks-- New England feels the patriot-shocks; There is a heaving of the lakes-- New York, with all the West, awakes; And, lo! on high the glorious shade Of Washington lights all the gloom, And points unto these words, arrayed In fire around his tomb-- “Americans! Your fathers shed their blood to rear the Union's How pure the spirit in that form enshrined.--Gov. Chase. fame; For this that fearless Banner spread On many a gory plain! Americans! let no one dare, On mountain, valley, prairie, flood, By hurling down that Temple there, To desecrate that blood The Right shall live, while Faction dies! All traitors draw a fleeting breath! But Patriots drink, from God's own eyes, Truth's light that conquers Death!” Then, dearest Flag, and dearest Land! Who shall your banded children sever? God of our fathers! here we stand, A true, a free, a fearless band
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), 32. National guard marching song. (search)
32. National guard marching song. by A. J. H. Duganne. air--Lutzow's Wild Chase. A sound through the nation is rolling amain, With the power and the grandeur of thunder; It beats in the bosom and throbs in the brain Of a people awaking in wonder; Oh! if you ask why the thunders rolled-- 'Tis to rouse for Union, the free and the bold-- Rouse for Union the hearts of the free and the bold! “An army with banners” moves mightily on; Every heart to its country is plighted; The stars of those banners outdazzle the sun, With the blaze of their glories united! Oh! if you ask what is here foretold-- 'Tis to range in Union the free and the bold-- Range in Union the hearts of the free and the bold! They are marching, all marching, in Liberty's cause, With the flag of their love floating o'er them; And on its bright folds they have graven the laws Of the beautiful mother who bore them; And if you ask why the flag's unrolled-- 'Tis to lead in Union the free and the bold-- Lead in Union
grain of this cotton has driven a ball through a yellow pine board one inch thick, at the distance of twenty feet. At the siege of Moultan, in India, gun-cotton was used for the first time for military purposes, and the brilliance and breadth of flash are said to have shown a terrific intensity. But the British Board of Ordnance have decided against the adoption of this explosive article for fire-arms, for reasons already given. It is a clear case to one of the Plymley family, that Secretary Chase, if he designs evil to the Southern Confederacy, should encourage the transit of articles for the manufacture of gun-cotton. It would be likely to injure the Confederate more than the Union armies. Gunpowder is by far the most manageable and perfect of all explosive materials for fire-arms. It is very curious that it was invented by a priest, and greatly improved by an English Episcopal bishop. Watson, of Llandaff, and George III. once twitted the soldiers of the gospel of peace
military cloak! Have mercy, Jeff. Davis! Soft — I did but dream. [Loud knocking heard at the door.] Who knocks thus loudly? Seward--[without.] 'Tis I, my Lord! the White House cock; Thrice have I crowed since the day hath broke. [Enter Seward, Chase, Bates, Blair, Cameron, and Welles.] Cameron — How doth my good Lord? Lincoln — Indifferently well, methinks, good Coz, That confection of homminy and hog, which, as my wont, Late on yester eve I ate, did most wofully affect me. Have I no leech aYet I can but think 'Tis not the confection, but the defection of the Southern tier, Which pains our Liege's---- Lincoln — Ass! knave! think you so? Know you not, my babbling Coz, that this defection Is all gammon?--the crisis is but artificial! Chase — We know it well; would we could forget it; Yet, your Excellency, I read in some fool Southern paper — called, I know not what-- The Mail, the Mercury, or some such absurdity-- That there is much feeling down in their unsightly swamps, Wher
175. General Harney. by Lexington. Come, now, a cheer for Harney, The valiant and the true! Faithful among the faithless, Give him the honor due. Rebellion wooed and threatened; Friends, kindred, claimed his aid; And soon the wronging whisper ran, “By him, too, we're betrayed! ”And, like the hoary traitor Of Pascagoula's shore, Like Lee, and Chase, and Beauregard, He breaks the oath he swore! “ But he wavered not an instant; On the old flag he gazed, With thoughts of those old battle-fields Where its Stars and Stripes had blazed; And he swore by all that touches A loyal soldier's heart, To stand by that bright banner Till life and he should part. So, then, a cheer for Harney! Long may he live to see The flag he perils all to save, Wave o'er a people free! --Boston Transc