Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 15, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Chase or search for Chase in all documents.

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incinnati Commercial a paragraph regarding the correspondence between President Lincoln and Secretary Chase, and adds: "We do not know what motive the correspondent of the Commercial could have, if aespondence referred to After the celebrated hoax appeared, attributed to Senator Pomeroy, Mr. Secretary Chase addressed a rote to the President, not disapproving the language of the 'circular,' but ia candidate for the Presidency and submitted the queston to the President whether he deemed his (Chase's) position incompatible with his duties as a member of the Cabinet. The President replied that Mr. Chase's position, as the head of the Treasury Department, would not be considered upon any other basic than that of the public interest, and in that light he was not then aware that he (the President) had any occasion to complain. The appearance in Mr. Chase's home organ of the paragraph above quoted makes this explanation necessary." A dying Government. In the Yankee House of Rep