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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of Shiloh--report of L. D. Sandidge, Inspector-General, Louisiana division. (search)
t was made to drive the defeated Federals into the river — to do anything more without reorganizing our troops, which was done during the night; but on the morrow the new army had to be fought on the same field. How that was done let history tell. I am certain I saw General Beauregard leading Mouton's regiment of our brigade in person, when you and Mouton, with the entire line, attacked the enemy's centre, and again two more of the brigades (Anderson's and Pond's) prolonged on the line of Cheatham at Shiloh church, again and again advanced by successive alignments, you and staff carrying the battle flags, repelling every attack of the fresh army of Monday (see Basil Duke's Forrest's Cavalry — foot note on Shiloh), till the Confederate army, moving in regular order, retired leisurely by the passage of lines from the field towards Corinth. Breckinridge and his Kentuckians will remember when their brigade was left on the field, interposed to secure retreat, a staff officer came through
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Operations about Lookout mountain. (search)
the Chattanooga road, at the base of the mountain; Cheatham's division (commanded by Brigadier-General Jacksonemoval of Walker's division, Jackson's brigade, of Cheatham's division, was removed from the Craven house sloprders for the retirement of the troops when Major-General Cheatham, a part of whose division was then under myoceeded myself to a point near its base, where General Cheatham and myself had appointed to meet. Here, as seabout 11 o'clock P. M.), Cumming at 1 o'clock, and Cheatham's division afterwards, all with directions to await further orders on the eastern side. General Cheatham then left me, as I understood, to get further orders fuarters), and stating that they could not find General Cheatham, handed me orders to him from General Bragg, ter 13, 1863. Major James D. Porter, Jr., A. A. G., Cheatham's Division: Major — I have the honor to submit l about 11 o'clock, when, under orders from Major-General Cheatham, I moved my command to McFarland's spring,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Hardee and the Military operations around Atlanta. (search)
at the same time, to connect with the left of Cheatham's corps. The delay referred to by General Hothat purpose; but it arose from the fact that Cheatham's corps, with which I was to connect, was neang the attack, or leaving an interval between Cheatham's command and my own, could have been submittn created by one instead of repeated moves of Cheatham's corps. One corps would move a short distanl night, if possible, and keep me posted. B. F. Cheatham, Major-General. 6 1/4 O'clock. Generald been such as to necessitate the shifting of Cheatham's corps, and the exigent call for Cleburne's General Hood says he was out on the line near Cheatham's right at dawn on the 22d, expecting momentance with the plan of battle, to have advanced Cheatham's corps from the Atlanta side against the Fif engaged. General Hood, as he states, was on Cheatham's right, in easy hearing of the roar of muskee of this paper to refer to the operations of Cheatham's corps, which were directed from the Atlanta[20 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Lookout mountain — report of General John K. Jackson. (search)
in — report of General John K. Jackson. headquarters Cheatham's division, near Dalton, Ga., 21st December, 1863. Major s from army headquarters, being temporarily in command of Cheatham's division, I reported to Major-General W. H. T. Walker. his division, and I with my own and Walthall's brigade of Cheatham's division, should defend the line from Chattanooga creeks on the top of Lookout mountain. The ranking officer of Cheatham's division was directed to assume command of all troops arps, and in conformity with it, as the ranking officer of Cheatham's division, I assumed command of the troops and defences untain, I received orders from General Bragg, through General Cheatham, as to the time and mode of withdrawing the troops, asee him in person. These orders were to come through General Cheatham. I made the remark that there were two six-pounder gsponsibility of ordering up a piece from the battalion of Cheatham's division. General Walthall's communication in relation
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Recollections of General Beauregard's service in West Tennessee in the Spring of 1862. (search)
hough issuing all orders which regulated the details of the service and every movement in the name of General Johnston, really received instructions thereupon from you and not from him. Thus it was when on the night of the 2d of April, 1862, General Cheatham, who commanded a division of Polk's corps, posted at Bethel station, on the Mobile and Ohio railroad, some twenty-four miles northward of Corinth, reported to his corps commander that a strong Federal force, believed to be General Lew Wallace's division, was menacing his immediate front. General Polk, having at once transmitted Cheatham's telegraphic dispatch to you, it was immediately sent by you to my office with your endorsement, nearly in these very words: Now is the moment to advance and strike the enemy at Pittsburg landing. Written below were substantially these words: Colonel Jordan had better take this communication to General Johnston in person.--G. T. B. Having immediately complied with your wishes, I found Genera
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Facts connected with the concentration of the army of the Mississippi before Shiloh, April, 1862. (search)
uch, and General Polk's troops were so placed, as to make it impossible for them to offer any serious obstacle to the advances of the remainder of the army. General Polk's corps consisted of two divisions, of two brigades each. One division (Cheatham's) was some twenty-four miles to the north, at Bethel, watching Grant's right; the other (Clark's) was about a mile from Corinth, to the north, encamped in an open wood, which was intersected by numerous roads. There were but two brigades, and oad, and as he actually got into position between 4 and 5, it is evident that neither at this nor at any other time during the entire march was the delay in question attributable to his movements. While Clark's division was being placed in line Cheatham's arrived from Purdy, having marched the entire distance since that morning. He was thus in position quite as soon as he would have been had he joined the command earlier. In conclusion, permit me to offer an extract from General Polk's offi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Cleburne and his division at Missionary ridge and Ringgold gap. (search)
since his return from Mississippi, had been three several times shifted from one extreme of the army to the other, as exigencies required, was now again in command of the right, consisting on the 25th (the day of battle) of Cleburne's, Walker's, Cheatham's, and Stevenson's divisions. During the forenoon of the 24th Cleburne's division remained in reserve, in sight and hearing of the battle progressing on Lookout Mountain, which the volume of musketry and report of artillery indicated to be of sup and reechoed by the entire line. He reached the end of his line only to find that the left centre of the army had been carried by assault, and a force of Federal infantry bearing down upon his flank. The left regiment of Walthall's brigade, Cheatham's division, rapidly changed front, and formed, under fire, a weak, short line across and at right angles with the crest of the ridge. This line with difficulty stemmed the tide until, strengthened and prolonged by reinforcements drawn from the