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heir execution there, 298-9; emissaries sent to Baltimore from, 462. Charlotte, N. C., U. S. Mint seized at, 485. Chase, Salmon P., 229; moves to amend the Nebraska bill, 232; 233; his majority for Governor of Ohio, 300; in the Chicago Convention, 321; in the Peace Conference, 398; 401; his remarks there, 404; a member of President Lincoln's Cabinet, 423. Chase, Samuel, 38 ; 107. Chatham, C. W., Brown's Convention there, 287. Chatham-St. Chapel, Abolition meeting at, 126. Cheatham, Gen., fights at Belmont, 596. Cheat Mountain, Va., battle of, 526. Cherokees and Creeks, their expulsion from Georgia, 102 to 106; allusion to, 378. Chesnut, James, Jr., of S. C., his views on Slavery, 73; his speech at Columbia, 331; resigns his seat in the U. S. Senate, 337; visits Fort Sumter, 443. Chicago, Ill., Republican Convention at, 319. Chicago Journal, The, on battle of Belmont, 595-6. Chicago Times, The, on the President's call, 457. Chicamicomico, N. C., t
l uniform shall be a man-at-arms, serving as such only; and that the men attached to the trains and all other subsidiary departments shall be enlisted for such service and wear a different uniform. Then a morning report will be some indication of the strength of a regiment or of an army. The Confederates managed these things better. They counted their men as they went into action, and were careful to report no larger number. They were quick to see the important point involved. In General Cheatham's official report for Stone's River, he not only tabulates the number of killed and wounded in his division, but adds other columns in which he states the number of men taken into action by each regiment and the consequent percentage of loss. This mention of the actual force engaged is a frequent item in the reports of the Confederate erate colonels, while in the Union Army it is correspondingly rare. In the latter there were so many men detailed contrary to order — officers' servan
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 15: Confederate losses — strength of the Confederate Armies--casualties in Confederate regiments — list of Confederate Generals killed — losses in the Confederate Navy. (search)
325 31 168 -- 61.2 5th Georgia Chickamauga Cheatham's 317 27 165 2 61.1 2d Tennessee Chickamau -- 58.5 6th and 9th Tennessee Chickamauga Cheatham's 335 26 168 -- 57.9 18th Georgia Antietam 271 48.7 Donelson's (Tenn.) Stone's River Cheatham's 1,529 General Donelson stated the number163 22 209 154th Tennessee B. R. Johnson's Cheatham's 25 163 11 199 27th Tennessee Wood's Hard862.             16th Tennessee Donelson's Cheatham's 41 151 7 199 1st Tennessee Maney's CheatCheatham's 49 129 1 179 9th Tennessee Maney's Cheatham's 32 114 8 154 41st Georgia Maney's Cheatham's 23 125 3 151 27th Tennessee Maney's Cheatham's 16 81 11 108 31st Tennessee Stewart's Cheatham's 17 78 5 100 6th Tennessee Maney's Cheatham's 16 64 11 91 5th Tennessee Stewart's Cheathams   20 113 -- 133 19th Tennessee Stewart's Cheatham's 16 111 -- 127 9th Texas Smith's CheathamCheatham's 18 102 2 122 24th Alabama Anderson's Withers's 20 95 3 118 41st Alabama Hanson's Breckenrid[12 more..
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 9 (search)
nt of a night, and on it had constructed huts for its winter quarters. These divisions formed two corps: one commanded by Lieutenant-General Hardee, composed of Cheatham's, Breckenridge's, Cleburne's, and Walker's divisions; the other, commanded by Major-General Hindman, was composed of his own, Stevenson's, and Stewart's divisiolton; Hindman's, two miles southwest of Dalton, except a brigade on the Cleveland road; Stevenson's, near Hindman's; Walker's, three miles east of Dalton; and Cheatham's, near and to the south of Walker's. The Federal army in our front — that by which ours had been driven from Missionary Ridge to Dalton — was estimated by oby railroad, would be too late for the object. On the 17th the President directed me, by telegraph, to dispatch Lieutenant-General Hardee to Mississippi with Cheatham's, Cleburne's, and Walker's divisions of his corps, with instructions to unite with Lieutenant-General Polk as soon as possible. This order was obeyed as prompt
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 11 (search)
orks — the former on the right of the stream, Cheatham's on Stewart's right, occupying about a mile venson's across Crow Valley, its left joining Cheatham's right, on the crest of the mountain; Hindmaps might not be disturbed in their bivouacs. Cheatham's division was detailed, and it and Wheeler's the right, Bate's next, then Cleburne's, and Cheatham's on the left. Immediately after this newwder-Spring road, his right near and south of Cheatham's left. General Hood was instructed to endeamost determined and powerful attack fell upon Cheatham's division and the left of Cleburne's. The liurn the left was promptly met and defeated by Cheatham's reserve-Vaughn's brigade. After maintaininardee's corps. Killed.Wounded.Missing.Total Cheatham's Division267594195 Cleburne's Division2911 turning of his line of skirmishers. That of Cheatham's was principally in the reserve, which fough defeat their design, or hold them in check. Cheatham's division, therefore, was sent to his assist
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 12 (search)
, under Lieutenant-General Stewart, were near Newberry, approaching Charlotte; and two thousand, under command of Major-General Cheatham, were between Newberry and Augusta, also marching toward Charlotte. The troops of the department, under Lieutenaving received information, on the evening of the 3d, that Stewart's troops had reached the railroad at Chester, and that Cheatham's were near that point; and feeling confident from Lieutenant-General Hardee's reports of his own movements, and Lieutenthe former had secured the passage of the Pedee at Cheraw; it seemed to me practicable to unite those troops, Stewart's, Cheatham's, and Stevenson's, near Fayetteville, in time to engage one of the enemy's columns while crossing the Cape Fear. The by the arrival, on the 20th and 21st, of about two thousand men of the Army of Tennessee in several detachments. Major-General Cheatham came with one of them. We captured nine hundred and three prisoners in the three days, but had no means of as
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Memoranda of the operations of my corps, while under the command of General J. E. Johnston, in the Dalton and Atlanta, and North Carolina campaigns. (search)
At the beginning of the campaign my corps consisted of Cheatham's, Cleburne's, Walker's, and Bate's divisions (about twen muskets), and four battalions of artillery. May 7th. Cheatham's and Bate's divisions sent to report to Hood, and put in Resaca 13th, 14th, and 15th May--on 13th principally, on Cheatham's line; on 14th and 15th, on Cleburne's and Bate's May 16th. On night of 16th moved to Adairville. Cheatham had a heavy skirmish with enemy on 17th. May 18th. Mh. At Kenesaw Mountain, in general assault by enemy. Cheatham's and Cleburne's divisions attacked by Blair's corps of tne wounded. Enemy in his front over eighteen hundred. On Cheatham's line enemy's loss still more severe. Cheatham's loss sCheatham's loss some two hundred and fifty. Fighting in front of Walker's, on right of Cleburne's, confined to skirmish-line held by Mercer'left of Stewart, and west of railroad. On the 8th Major-General Cheatham, with his division, reported to me, one brigade of
There has been thirty-six hours hard rain, and the roads are heavy. At last account Hancock had come up to his [Lee's] rear guard. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. [no. 49. see page 652.] May 13, 1864, 7 P. M. General Ames: General Gillmore has carried the enemy's works on their right. We are before them on the left. Glorious news from Grant inclosed. Can you hold your own without help? Guard against surprise and night attack. Report to me frequently, near Half-Way House (Dr. Cheatham's). B. F. Butler, Major-General Commanding. [no. 50. see page 653.] Headquarters in the field, May 14, 1864, 7 P. M. Lieutenant-Colonel Fuller: Your despatch received. My compliments to General Sheridan. Say to him I think he had better not come over with his forces, but should be happy to receive him. Give him all the forage and rations he needs. Tell him I have reliable information from a deserter and a prisoner that to-night there are but two hundred men at Chaffin's farm, th
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 22 (search)
of all the events there up to about the 1st of December. As before described, General Hood had three full corps of infantry — S. D. Lee's, A. P. Stewart's, and Cheatham's, at Florence, Alabama--with Forrest's corps of cavalry, numbering in the aggregate about forty-five thousand men. General Thomas was in Nashville, Tennessee, q Columbia, Tennessee. General Hood followed up this movement, skirmished lightly with Schofield at Columbia, began the passage of Duck River, below the town, and Cheatham's corps reached the vicinity of Spring Hill, whither General Schofield had sent General Stanley, with two of his divisions, to cover the movement of his trains. ofield passed Spring Hill with his trains and army, and took post at Franklin, on the south side of Harpeth River. General Hood now attaches serious blame to General Cheatham for not attacking General Schofield in flank while in motion at Spring Hill, for he was bivouacked within eight hundred yards of the road at the time of the
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, Chapter 22: campaign of the Carolinas. February and March, 1866. (search)
be misled by feints and false reports, and would somehow compel me to exercise more caution than I had hitherto done. I then over-estimated his force at thirty-seven thousand infantry, supposed to be made up of S. D. Lee's corps, four thousand; Cheatham's, five thousand; Hoke's, eight thousand; Hardee's, ten thousand; and other detachments, ten thousand; with Hampton's, Wheeler's, and Butler's cavalry, about eight thousand. Of these, only Hardee and the cavalry were immediately in our front, w General Slocum brought forward the two divisions of the Twentieth Corps, hastily disposed of them for defense, and General Kilpatrick massed his cavalry on the left. General Jos. Johnston had, the night before, marched his whole army (Bragg, Cheatham, S. D. Lee, Hardee, and all the troops he had drawn from every quarter), determined, as he told his men, to crush one of our corps, and then defeat us in detail. He attacked General Slocum in position from 3 P. M. on the 19th till dark; but was
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