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How Cheatham Cheated ‘Em.--The Cairo correspondent of the St. Louis Republican visited the rebel camp at Columbus under a flag of truce. He relates the following story, told by the rebel Gen. Cheatham, of the manner in which he escaped capture at the battle of Belmont, Mo.: Just as the opposing armies were approaching one another, Gen. Cheatham discovered a squadron of cavalry coming down a road near his position. Uncertain as to which force it belonged, accompanied only by an orderly, hGen. Cheatham discovered a squadron of cavalry coming down a road near his position. Uncertain as to which force it belonged, accompanied only by an orderly, he rode up to within a few yards of it, and enquired: What cavalry is that? Illinois cavalry, sir, was the reply. Oh! Illinois cavalry. All right; just stand where you are! The cavalry obeyed the rebel order, and unmolested by them, who supposed he was one of the Federal officers, the General rode safely back, directly under the guns of another Federal regiment, which had by that time come up, but who, seeing him coming from the direction of the cavalry, also supposed that he was
Story of Beauregard's Sickness.--A despatch says that the story of Beauregard's being sick is false. We know that it was true. We had a long and interesting interview, with a perfectly reliable Pittsburgher, who was in Columbus, Kentucky, on last Tuesday week, after the battle of Donelson, and Beauregard was there. This gentleman knows and conversed there with Generals Polk, Cheatham, and Beauregard's staff-officers, and says that Beauregard had been quite sick, but not dangerously so — nothing worse than a very severe cold, which had quite enfeebled him. After his arrival, he mounted a horse and rode around for two hours, carefully surveying the natural and artificial defences of the place, and his report was, in short: You must evacuate. You have a wonderful amount of guns here, but no casemates. You couldn't hold the place two hours, and as for that trap down yonder, pointing to the water-battery placed on a level with the Mississippi and its posterior flat, it is a perfect
intensely for want of water, having been scantily supplied for a day or two, but they fought it bravely and against three or four times their number of the best soldiers of the rebel army, and under the direction and eye of Bragg, Buckner, Polk, Cheatham, and other prominent Generals of the rebel army. If of the old troops any man flinched, I do not know it, and have not heard of it, and very few men of the undisciplined new regiments behaved badly. I had an opportunity of seeing and knowing tand Pope, and also a list of casualties in my division, amounting, in all, to one thousand nine hundred and fifty killed and wounded. My division was about seven thousand strong when it went into action. We fought the divisions of Anderson, and Cheatham, and Buckner. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Lovell H. Rousseau, Brigadier-General Commanding Third Division. Colonel Harris's report. Captain McDowell, Assistant Adjutant-General: sir: I have the honor to report t
sissippi, now under command of Major-General Polk--Cheatham's, Buckner's and Anderson's, and directed Gen. Polommanding the left wing, two divisions, and Major-Generals Cheatham, Buckner and Anderson, commanding divisions of the right wing of the army of the Mississippi (Cheatham's division, composed of Donelson's, Stuart's and Meir left to turn our right wing. At this juncture Cheatham's division, above-mentioned, was moved from the le (This was Jackson's battery at Columbus, Ky.) Cheatham's division was now about three fourths of a mile fdvanced upon the enemy, two batteries playing upon Cheatham's division, advancing under this fire and enfiladeot reach two thousand five hundred. The killed in Cheatham's division number two hundred and nine and about othis bloody conflict would fill a volume. Polk, Cheatham, Donelson, and all our leaders were every where se prisoners. Hardee's command and three brigades of Cheatham's division were alone engaged. In addition to d
e mountain. Our forces had been much weakened the night before by the withdrawal of Walker's division, which was sent to the right, leaving only Stevenson's and Cheatham's divisions behind, both under command of General Stevenson. General Cheatham arrived on the ground late in the afternoon, having just returned to the army. Up General Cheatham arrived on the ground late in the afternoon, having just returned to the army. Up to the time of his return, his division was under the command of General Jackson, the senior Brigadier in the division. It was thought that these two divisions would have been sufficient to hold the position against a largely superior force; but not so. The confederates were steadily pushed back from the moment the infantry openehile Major-General Breckinridge commanded on the left. Hardee's command embraced Cleburne's, Walker's, (commanded by General Gist, General Walker being absent,) Cheatham's, and Stevenson's divisions. Breckinridge's embraced his old division, commanded by Brigadier-General Lewis, Stewart's, part of Buckner's and Hindman's, comman
tions being to establish communication with Crufts at Red Clay, and then push on as far as possible toward Dalton on the Spring Place road, observing well the movements of the enemy, so as to give timely warning of any attempt to turn Crufts's left flank; and should the enemy retire, to notify Crufts, so that the latter might advance from Red Clay. During the evening of the twenty-second, General Palmer notified me from Ringgold that he had reliable information that Johnston had despatched Cheatham's and Cleburne's divisions to the relief of Polk, in Alabama, who was falling back before General Sherman's column. On the twenty-third, Davis's division of the Fourteenth corps, closed up on the balance of General Palmer's command at Ringgold; Brigadier-General Matthias, commanding a brigade of the Fifteenth corps, stationed at Cleveland, in reserve, was directed to send six regiments from his command to reinforce General Crufts, at Red Clay; Colonel Long, having established communicati
lads, we are gaining ground! Noble fellow, he was wounded shortly afterward, and is reported among the missing; we fear he was mortally wounded. Captain Crook and Lieutenant Hallen were also wounded in the action of the thirty-first, and the latter dangerously. Captain Ballen was wounded in the shoulder, slightly. In the action of the second of January, the Seventy-fourth regiment occupied its position in the brigade, and aided in the decisive repulse of the rebel forces under Gens. Cheatham and Hanson; in which they were driven over Stone River and over the hills and through the fields beyond, where our soldiers made the successful charge on the rebel batteries as they belched their fiery fury on the Federal forces. At the close of that eventful onward movement, the flag of the Seventy-fourth was waving on the outer line amid the rejoicings of its stern supporters, and there remained till recalled by the order of Gen. Negley, to form his division in the rear of the artille
Withers's division will form first line on Polk's corps; Cheatham's the second; Breckinridge's division forms first line in form reserve opposite centre, on high ground, in rear of Cheatham's present quarters. 5. Jackson's brigade in reserve tot the movement was not being as promptly executed by Major-Gen. Cheatham's command on his right, the left of General Polk's cions of Gens. McCown and Cleburn on our left, Withers and Cheatham in the centre, and Breckinridge on the right. A notablishing rapidity. Very soon McCown, Cleburn, Withers, and Cheatham were bearing down with an impetuosity and power utterly r was, hurriedly asked: Who is opposing me to-day? Major-General Cheatham. General McCook, turning ashy pale and trembling fess emotion, rejoined: Is it possible that I have to meet Cheatham again! He mounted his horse and rode away, without finis haven't heard whether he is done shaving yet. He had met Cheatham at Perryville, and it is possible he foresaw what was in
or Franklin road, in a line irregular, but adapted to the topography. The division of Major-General Cheatham was posted in the rear of that of Major-Gen. Withers, as a supporting force. The divisiter a gallant charge and a sharp contest, fell back, and was replaced by Col. Vaughn, of Major-General Cheatham's division, of the rear line. Vaughn, nothwithstanding the difficulties of the ground, It was ordered by the division commander, Major-Gen. Withers--who was in the command of Major-Gen. Cheatham's two right brigades, as Major-General Cheatham was of his two left — to move to the suppMajor-General Cheatham was of his two left — to move to the support of the left regiments of Anderson, which were pressed. These regiments, which had suffered greatly, he replaced, and moving forward attacked the enemy and his reenforcements on Anderson's left. s A and B, I submit as part of this report, also the accompanying map marked B B. To Major-Generals Cheatham and Withers, my division commanders, I am under obligations for their cordial support a
Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, part 1.4, chapter 1.11 (search)
us. We were therefore obliged to march through the snow to the rear of Bowling Green, where we were packed into the cars and speedily taken to Nashville, arriving there on the 20th February. Thence, after a couple of days, we were marched towards the South, via Murfreesboro, Tullahoma, Athens, and Decatur, a march of two hundred and fifty miles. At the latter place we took the cars again, and were transported to Corinth, where we arrived on the 25th March. Here it leaked out that a surprise was intended against our army, by the conqueror of Donelson, who had landed from the Tennessee River near Shiloh, some twenty-four miles away from us. Brigades and regiments were daily arriving, belonging to the divisions of Generals Clark, Cheatham, Bragg, Withers, and Breckenridge, which were finally formed into three army corps, under the inspection commands of Polk, Braxton, Bragg, and Hardee, and were now united under the commands of Generals Albert Sidney Johnston, and P. G. T. Beauregard.
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