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John Bell Hood., Advance and Retreat: Personal Experiences in the United States and Confederate Armies 179 35 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 85 3 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 65 9 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 49 1 Browse Search
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War 47 3 Browse Search
Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 46 0 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 45 1 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 42 0 Browse Search
Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 39 3 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 39 23 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). You can also browse the collection for Cheatham or search for Cheatham in all documents.

Your search returned 31 results in 1 document section:

Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.24 (search)
Tennessee Regiment, Senior-Surgeon 3d Brigade Cheatham's Division, Dec. 31, ‘62, 6th Tennessee. Dro to 154th Senior Regiment Tenn., by order General Cheatham, Headquarters A. T. Aug. 18, ‘63, relieveh S. H. Stout and ordered to report to Major General Cheatham, Jan. 31, ‘64. April 30, ‘64, 40th AlaFeb. 5, ‘64, then ordered to report to Major-General Cheatham, commanding corps. Ordered to report ‘63. Jan. 27, ‘64, ordered to report to Major-Gen. Cheatham, Jan. 31, ‘64, 18th and 26th Tennessee 64. Jan. 28, ‘64, ordered to report to Major-General Cheatham, Commanding Corps. Jan. 31, ‘64, 66th Jan. 24, ‘64, ordered to report to Major-General Cheatham. Reported to Cleburne's Division, Jan.63. Jan. 29, ‘64, ordered to report to Major-General Cheatham, Commanding Corps. Feb. 29, ‘64, 46th Alabama Regiment. Rice, Frank, Chief Surgeon Cheatham's Division, assigned Medical-Director Aprgeon. July 22, ‘63, Field Purveyor Wood's and Cheatham's Division. April 30, ‘64, MedicalPur-veyor