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Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Xlvi. (search)
liver, is on the Second Coming of our Lord. It is of no use, said C. If you will take my advice, you will not waste your time in this city. It is my private opinion that if the Lord has been in Springfield once, He will not come the second time! Representative Shannon, previous to the war, had been an Old Hunker Democrat. Converted by the Rebellion, he had gone to the other extreme, and was one of the radical Abolitionists of the Thirty-Eighth Congress. The last Sunday in May, the Rev. Dr. Cheever, of New York, delivered one of his most pungent, denunciatory antislavery discourses, in the Hall of the House of Representatives. Among the numerous auditors attracted by the name of the preacher, I noticed Mr. Shannon, whose face was not often seen in church. On the way to my hotel, we fell in together. Well S., said I, what think you of that style of preaching? It was the first Gospel sermon I ever heard in my life! was the emphatic rejoinder. One of Mr. Shannon's Califor
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Index. (search)
nry Ward, 135, 230. Bellows, Rev. Dr., 81, 274. Bible Presentation, 199. Bingham, Hon. John A., 234. Blair, Hon. M., 21, 46, 88. Booth, Edwin, 49. Bowen, H. C., 221. Brady, M. B., 46. Braine, Lieutenant, 94. Brooks, Noah, 63, 165, 188, 235. Bulletin, (San Francisco,) 223. Burnside, 81. C. Cabinet Meeting, 55. Cameron, Secretary, 136-138, 253. Cannon, Colonel L. B., 115. Cass, General, 271. Chase, 21, 84, 85, 86, 88-90, 180, 218, 223; letter to Stanton, 180. Cheever, Rev. Dr., 147. Chicago Convention, 119. Christian Commission, 161. Clark, Senator, 276. Clay, Henry, 71. Colfax, Hon., Schuyler, 14, 85, 87, 172, 177, 195, 285. Concert, Marine Band, 143, 168. Creech, 68. Creeds, 190. Crittenden, General, 46. Cropsey, 168. Curtin, 82-84. Cushing, Lieutenant, 232. D. Dall, Mrs. C. H., 165. Defrees, 126. Deming, Hon. H. C., 190, 219. Demonstrate, 314. Derby, J. C., (N. Y.,) 290. Description of Picture, 27. Dole, Comm
Connecticut, who, with the assistance of private Tyler, who left his sick-bed and acted as sergeant, gunner, etc., and privates Shield and Clogston, as also Sergeant Cheever, who left the hospital sick to do his duty, rallied and brought off the gun, when every man and horse was shot down and the piece in the hands of the enemy. M. Norcross, company G, Thirtieth Massachusetts; Third Lieutenant Allyn, Sixth Massachusetts battery; Second Lieutenant Taylor, Fourth Massachusetts battery; Sergeant Cheever and private Tyler, Ninth Connecticut. The following have honorable mention: Lieutenant H. H. Elliott, A. A.A. General to General Williams, for his coolBaker, Sergt. Watchter, Corp. Wood, and private George Andrews, all of the Sixth Massachusetts battery, for especial bravery, gallantry, and good conduct. Sergeant Cheever and privates Tyler, Shields, and Clogston, of the Ninth Connecticut, for the skill and bravery with which they worked one of the guns of Nim's battery. Capt
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 2, Capital punishment (1855) (search)
will look into our friend Spear's book, or Dr. Cheever's book, or any book on this subject, on eitwhat right have they to make exceptions? Dr. Cheever avoids this dilemma, and how? He allows thtances since the time of Noah. Indeed! But Dr. Cheever can interpolate circumstances into the law uld be no New Testament left. Just so with Dr. Cheever. Circumstances have not dispensed with the rights somewhere else than from a compact. Dr. Cheever and other writers on the same side undertakport. Let us look at another argument of Dr. Cheever. He says society gets the right to take lin, you are guilty of manslaughter. Now, if Dr. Cheever is going to get the right from this principthe murderer. Society has got to show, if Dr. Cheever's theory is correct, that, like the individppose a man attacks me to-day; according to Dr. Cheever, I have the right to take his life. But tho be obeyed wholly, then it is nothing. If Dr. Cheever may shape it one way, like a piece of wax, [1 more...]
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), Reply of Mrs. Child. (search)
the trumpeters. George W. Curtis, the brilliant writer, the eloquent lecturer, the elegant man of the world, lays the wealth of his talent on the altar of Freedom, and makes common cause with rough-shod reformers. The genius of Mrs. Stowe carried the outworks of your institution at one dash, and left the citadel open to besiegers, who are pouring in amain. In the church, on the ultra-liberal side, it is assailed by the powerful battering-ram of Theodore Parker's eloquence. On the extreme orthodox side is set a huge fire, kindled by the burning words of Dr. Cheever. Between them is Henry Ward Beecher, sending a shower of keen arrows into your intrenchments; and with him ride a troop of sharp-shooters from all sects. If you turn to the literature of England or France, you will find your institution treated with as little favor. The fact is, the whole civilized world proclaims slavery an outlaw, and the best intellect of the age is active in hunting it down. L. Maria Child.
James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen, The woman's rights movement and its champions in the United States. (search)
ched whenever and wherever opportunity offered, without regard to sect,--alike in the church at Andover, Music Hall, in Boston, or public halls in Worcester, Cincinnati, and No w York. In 1853 she was ordained pastor of a Congregational church in South Butler, Wayne County, New York. The Rev. Luther Lee, Wesleyan minister of Syracuse, preached the ordination sermon. Gerrit Smith and Samuel J. May took part in the ceremonies. Then, says Mrs. Blackwell, in a note to me recently, Dr. Cheever openly branded me and my South Butler Church as infidels; and the New York Independent sustained him, and would only publish a crumb of my reply. We are happy to say that our noble young friend, Theodore Tilton, was not then editor of that journal. Miss Brown remained in South Butler but one year, owing to ill health from excessive labor, and painful doubts concerning theological doctrines. As soon as she was reestablished in health of body and mind she lectured on reformatory subj
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 2: Parentage and Family.—the father. (search)
use I think them very essential, and by far the most difficult for Charles to attain. These letters prove the writer's love of learning, which often descends with the blood. The patriotism and scholarly tastes of the soldier, who closed his books to enter his country's service at the first drum-beat of the Revolution, were to be the inheritance of his illustrious grandson. The boy remained at Phillips Academy till 1792, A medal which was awarded him in 1789 is preserved. studying Cheever's Latin Accidence, Nepos, Caesar, and Virgil. Late in life he visited Andover, and recalled those early days in a letter to Mrs. Abigail Stearns, the daughter of Rev. Mr. French:— I went to Andover a few weeks ago, to look at the places which I began to know, 28 August, 1787. That was the day, fifty-one years ago, when I first entered your father's house and became a student at Phillips Academy. How changed is every thing now! Fifty-one years ago Andover was a pleasant, noiseless to
The Daily Dispatch: May 14, 1861., [Electronic resource], English Opinions on the Fort Sumter affair. (search)
er, whose sentiments are not to be looked for in the organs of the cotton mills or the money changers — that will, doubtless, have something to say in deciding the issue, or shaping the policy of the government in a matter of this kind,--a class that gives forth its sentimental utterances for "freedom," "humanity," etc., at the anniversary meetings of the Anti-Slavery Society in Exeter Hall, and who get up great demonstrations and solid contributions for peregrinating abolitionists like Rev. Dr. Cheever. This class has ever made a great noise in its own little world,--and when the proposition comes up, fair and square, to recognize the Cotton Confederacy, it will be strange if it does not make a greater noise than ever against the "slaveholders" and the "slaveholding Government." The noise, however, will soon subside, we fancy, into a silent whisper, if Jeff. Davis is able to make a respectable fight, and the manufacturers, the ship-owners, and the free-traders can see their way, thro
nd between the 400,000 troops on the banks of the Potomac--200,000 on either side — a battle which will be greater than that of Waterloo, and will probably be decisive against the party which loses it. The mighty results depending on it will involve the destiny of the people of this continent, and perhaps of modern civilization. If there should be a partial defeat of the Federal army, let the abolition leaders who instigated the rebellion and the war — Phillips, Garrison, Greeley, Beecher, Cheever, Tapper, Joy, and their associates — look out for another country, as this will be too hot to hold them. If there should be a total defeat of the Federal army, together with the capture of Washington, let the anti-slavery demagogues, who for the last thirty years have been stirring up the embers of strife, which resulted in the Southern revolt, look out as fast as they can for some asylum beyond the limits of the American continent, for this is the only way in which they can consult the sa<
departure from which is the cause of our present misfortunes. First round — Bennett upon Cheever. The day was observed by the whole people as fast day or festival was never observed before to all the deadly sins combined. But, to give one of the most active agents of Satan his due, Cheever refutes all their theories, while he fails to establish his own. He says: "Our teachers g characterizes us, except it be oppression." Beecher, it seems, was afraid to preach, but Cheever, who has just come over from England with his trunk full of British sovereigns, amply makes up all know to be the cause of our present distress. Second round — Sloane in the ring. Cheever being used up, the Rev. Mr. Sloane takes his place, whereupon Bennett mauls away in the followintific style: Among the most violent of the abolition clergy who took the same ground with Cheever was Rev. Mr. Sloane, who attacked the Chief Magistrate for his patriotic letter to General Frem
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