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From Charleston. [Special Correspondence of the Dispatch. Charleston, Feb. 21, 1861. It is pretty well understood here that Mr. Memminger, of this city, is to be Mr. Davis' Secretary of State; and it is also rumored that Mr. Cobb (not Howell, his brother,) is to be Secretary of the Treasury; Mr. Toombs, Secretary of War; Mr. Conrad, of Louisiana, Secretary of the Navy; Interior, ,Hon. Mr. Boyce, of South Carolina; Postmaster General, Judge Chilton, of Alabama; and Attorney General, Mr. Benjamin, of Louisiana.--This may be so, but no one knows positively. I said to you a few days ago, upon what was good authority, that President Davis would be here to day. Official business prevents it. We are getting exceedingly impatient with the slow movements of affairs in every direction; and I do not think that the people of the Southern Confederacy will much longer endure the menaces of these forts and the taunts in various quarters. As for that Peace Conference in Washi
Southern Congress. MontgomeryFeb. 27 --Mr. Wright's resolution for the public discussion of the permanent Constitution will be considered tomorrow. Mr. Chilton's resolution instructing the Naval Committee to inquire as to the propriety of constructing several front-plated frigates, was adopted. An act to raise provisional forces for the Confederate States and for other purposes, which has been passed, directs, among other provisions, that the President take charge of all the military operations between the Confederacy and other powers. An act has been passed to raise money to support the Government. It authorizes the President to borrow $15,000,000, payable in ten years, at an interest of 8 per cent. The last sections directs an export duty of ½ per cent. on each pound of cotton exported after the 1st of August next, to create a fund to liquidate principal and interest of the load. The Committee on Flags have not yet reported. [second Dispatch.]
ler, Jr., son of Ex-President Tyler. Mr. Tyler had the pleasure of firing a gun in honor of the noble act of his State. The demonstration on last night was well worthy of the people of Montgomery. At 8 o'clock a large crowd gathered in front of the Central Bank, and in the midst of large bonfires and the display of fireworks, were entertained with speeches by Alex. B. Clitherall, Col. Finnie, of Memphis, John Tyler, Jr., Mr. Bullock, of Kentucky, Jas. Hodgson, S. Harris, D. Workman, Mr. Chilton, John Pollard, and others. The Mobile Tribune, of the 19th inst., thus describes the scene in that city, on the reception of the news: We have never seen so much excitement and so general an exhibition or joy as there was yesterday, after the reception of the news that Virginia had joined our Confederate States. Houses were illuminated, bells were rung in all directions, and especially on our steamboats. Crowds were gathered together, and speeches were made. Guns and pistols
Extra session of the Provisional Congress of the Confederate States.Second day. Montgomery, Ala., April 30, 1861. Congress met to-day at noon. Opened by prayer, by the Rev. Mr. Mitchell. The Journals of yesterday were read and confirmed. The President stated that the first business in order was the call of States for resolutions, memorials, &c., &c. Mr. Chilton, of Ala., presented a communication he had received from Memphis, Tenn. and in his opinion contained important information, which he desired should be submitted to the Committee on Military Affairs. The communication, without being read, was accordingly referred. Mr. Wright, of Ga., said he did not rise to offer a resolution, or present a memorial, but simply for the purpose of making the inquiry from the chairman of the Military Committee as to what had been done with the bill introduced at the last session providing for the formation of a volunteer division in the regular Army of the Confed
Sad accident. --On Saturday evening, about 5 o'clock, a sad accident occurred on the Manchester side of James river, whereby a young girl lost her life in a most horrible manner, having been run over by one of the freight engines of the Danville Railroad, and mashed nearly into a shapeless mass. Her name was Chilton, aged about 9 or 11 years, and at the time of the occurrence she was attempting, without being seen by the engineer, to cross the track in front of the engine. The above occurrence excited some feeling among the people, and very naturally, though it does not appear that any one was to blame.
The Accident in Manchester. --We have already mentioned the accidental death of a little girl in Manchester, Saturday evening, by being run over by one of the engines of the Danville Railroad Company. Her name was Childress, instead of Chilton, as we stated.--She was crossing Hull street at the time, and her death was instantaneous. A gentleman informs us that the engineer and conductor were arrested at once on the charge of running over speed, and being taken before a magistrate, were by him sent on to the County Court on the charge of involuntary manslaughter. The verdict of the jury of inquest was to the effect that the deceased came to her death by the unlawful running of the engine.
The Daily Dispatch: January 8, 1861., [Electronic resource], Death of the discoverer of "Baker's Island." (search)
Mayor's Court. --A great number of small cases occupied the attention of the Mayor yesterday morning. There were some fights, some domestic encounters, some vagrants, and some negro delinquents, but nothing worthy of especial note, when affairs of greater moment occupy the public mind. The examination of Riddell and Chilton, the two young men charged with passing counterfeit money, was postponed until to-day, at the request of their counsel, W. Crump, Esq.
Continued. --The case of Riddell and Chilton, charged with passing counterfeit Bank notes, was called by the Mayor yesterday morning, when Mr. Crump requested a continuance, on account of the absence of witnesses for the accused. The Mayor, after hearing a statement of the circumstances, postponed the investigation until Friday. Thos. P. August, Esq., is engaged as counsel in this case, with Mr. Crump.
notes like this, because there is a doubt about them. At this point Mr. Crump asked the Mayor if he was examining the accused for felony and misdemeanor both. The matter of the bank notes in the prisoner's possession did not amount to a felony. The Mayor did not propose to decide that question at present. It was, nevertheless, his duty to hear the evidence in respect to all the doubtful money in the prisoner's possession. Mr. Pairo resumed, and examined a ten dollar note on the Bank of South Carolina. These notes are not received here, and are pronounced counterfeit. My own impression is that they are good. They have just made their appearance, and no such plate has heretofore been in use. [The note is like those found in possession of Riddell and Chilton.] The testimony for the Commonwealth closed here, and as none was offered on the part of the defence, the Mayor remanded the prisoner to be examined for felony, before the Hustings Court, at its next term.
fair ladies of Alabama, whose sparkling eyes and gracious smiles are sufficient incentives to the great work of revolutionizing a defunct Administration. But as the minutes slowly drag their weary lengths away, a disposition is manifest to commence the great work, and soon after meridian appears in the rostrum a delegate of striking and prepossessing appearance, who suggests the name of Hon. R. W. Barnwell, of South Carolina, as temporary Chairman. This individual is the celebrated Judge Chilton, of Alabama. This first business movement as a premise to its successors was characterized by unanimity, and as the venerable Barn well appeared every heart leap with a new impulse. His first action was to open the meeting with prayer. This was accomplished by the Rev. Basil M. Manly, a former "Father in Israel" of your city. The scene was truly solemn and deeply impressive. The aged minister raised his clear, though feeble voice, to the Almighty in fervent appeal for the peace and