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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 3: early's brigade at Manassas. (search)
e forward to an eminence, where I observed a lookout in a tree, for the purpose of ascertaining the exact position of the battery and the route over which I would have to advance against it. While I was engaged in obtaining this information, Colonel Chisolm, a volunteer aide of General Beauregard, rode up and informed me that General Beauregard's orders were that the whole force should cross Bull Run to the south side. I think this was about 11.00 A. M. I informed him of the order I had recntry was entirely unknown to me. Stuart and Beckham had crossed the run above me, and Cocke's regiment had also moved towards a ford above where I was. While I was engaged in making some observations and trying to find out what was going on, Colonel Chisolm of General Beauregard's volunteer staff passed me with a detachment of cavalry in pursuit of a body of the enemy supposed to be across Bull Run above me. About this time it was reported to me that the enemy had sent us a flag of truce, b
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 2: the battle of Bull Run (July, 1861) (search)
between the two armies, surrounded by the dead and wounded men and horses. McDowell, however, did not tamely abandon his guns. The 33d Va. soon found itself too far from home to maintain its position, and it had to leave its captures and fall back. Then there were two or three efforts on each side to hold them before the final one, about 4 P. M. Then Beauregard advanced his whole line of battle. The Hampton Legion and the 18th Va. finally swept over the captured guns, and Ferguson and Chisolm, of Beauregard's staff, turned some of them upon the Federal forces now dissolving into rout. Within the last half-hour, Kirby Smith's brigade had reached the field, closely followed by Early's brigade, and with them came Beckham's battery. As Kirby Smith led in his troops, extending our line on the left, he was severely wounded and had to turn over the command to Elzey. Early took Stuart's cavalry and Beckham's battery and advanced across the Warrenton turnpike, where the ground is ro
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 21: the movement against Petersburg (search)
the other, within two hours, with details about the prisoners captured from different corps of the Federal army, with the stories told by each of their marches since leaving Cold Harbor on the 12th. The first messenger was Beauregard's aide, Col. Chisolm, who interviewed Lee, lying on the ground in his tent near Drury's Bluff, between 1 and 2 A. M. on the 18th. Lee seemed very placid and heard many messages, but still said he thought Beauregard was mistaken in supposing that any large part of Grant's army had crossed the river. He said also that Kershaw's division was already under orders to Petersburg, and he promised to come over in the morning. Chisolm was soon followed by Col. Alfred Roman, but he had to leave his messages, as Lee's staff would not disturb him again. About 3 A. M., Maj. Giles B. Cooke arrived and insisted upon an interview. He brought further statements by prisoners which, laid before Lee, thoroughly satisfied him that Grant's army had now been across th
streets the regalia and jewels. And this, too, by United States troops! It is well known that both public and private stores were entered and plundered, and that devastation and destruction ruled the hour. Rebellion Record, XXXIII, p. 310. General Hoke next moved against New Bern, and Roman says: General Hoke had already taken the outworks at New Bern and demanded its surrender; when in obedience to instructions from Richmond, General Beauregard sent him a special messenger (Lieutenant Chisolm, A. D. C.) with orders to repair forthwith to Petersburg, no matter how far his operations might have advanced against New Bern.... No time was lost in carrying out the order. Roman's Life of Beauregard, II, p. 199, Note. The effect that may be produced by the daring battle of a small force was most clearly shown by the attack of 306 North Carolina horsemen upon Kilpatrick's cavalry at Atlee's station near Richmond. On the 28th of February, General Kilpatrick was ordered by the F
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 2: (search)
port, and was pronounced by General Lee as an achievement unworthy of any nation. On January 1, 1862, at Port Royal ferry, was demonstrated the ease with which a large force could be placed on the mainland under the protection of the fleet batteries. Brig.-Gen. Isaac Stevens landed a brigade of 3,000 men for the purpose of capturing a supposed battery of heavy guns, which, it was believed, the Confederates had built at the head of the causeway leading to Port Royal ferry. Landing from Chisolm's island, some distance east of the small earthwork, Col. James Jones, Fourteenth volunteers, had promptly withdrawn the guns in the earthwork, except a 12-pounder, which was overturned in a ditch. Believing the movement to be an attack in force upon the railroad, Colonel Jones disposed his regiment and a part of the Twelfth, under Lieut.-Col. Dixon Barnes, with a section of Leake's battery, and 42, mounted men, under Major Oswald, for resisting the attack, forming his line about a mile fr
ell-to-do planters, mostly emigrants from North Carolina and Georgia. The politics of this county previous to the war was strongly Whig, and secession was bitterly opposed; but after the war commenced the young men volunteered freely in the Confederate army. A small detachment of Confederate cavalry was then stationed at and near Marianna, about 300 men all told, residents of Jackson and adjoining counties, and men of fine intelligence. At Marianna was a cavalry company, commanded by Captain Chisolm; two other companies detached from Colonel Scott's battalion of cavalry were stationed, one under Capt. W. H. Milton 25 miles south of Marianna, and one under Captain Jeter 20 miles west, at Hickory hill. They were under the command of Colonel Montgomery, once a lieutenant in United States army and appointed from private life. He was a martinet with little or no experience in the field. There was also a post hospital in charge of Assistant Surgeon H. Robinson, C. S. A. The scout
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Shall Cromwell have a statue? (search)
counting upon it, counted with absolute confidence; and openly proclaimed their reliance in debate. Florida, as the representatives of that State confessed on the floor of Congress, might in itself be of small account; but Florida, panoplied with sovereignty, was hemmed in and buttressed against assault by protecting sister States. So, in his history, James F. Rhodes asserts that—The four men who in the last resort made the decision that began the war were ex-Senator Chestnut, Lieutenant-Colonel Chisolm, Captain Lee, all three South Carolinians, and Roger A. Pryor, a Virginia secessionist, who two days before in a speech at the Charleston Hotel had said, I will tell your governor what will put Virginia in the Southern Confederacy in less than an hour by Shrewsbury clock. Strike a blow! (Rhodes, United States, Vol. III, p. 349.) The blow was to be in reply to what was accepted as the first overt effort at the national coercion of a sovereign State—the attempted relief of Sumter
The Daily Dispatch: April 12, 1861., [Electronic resource], Egmont keg light-house struck by Lightning. (search)
small boats, protected by sand bags. War vessels are to protect the landing of a party on Morris' Island. Beauregard, it is reported, has demanded an evacuation. [second Dispatch.] Charleston, April 11,10 P. M. --The excitement in the city to-day has been intense, in consequence of the rumor that a demand had been made for Fort Sumter, and if refused, an engagement was to take place this evening at 8 o'clock. The demand was made at 2 o'clock, and Senator Chesnut, and Messrs. Chisolm and Lee, deputized to carry the message from Beauregard. Thousands of people assembled on the battery this evening, anticipating a fight at 8 o'clock. Two hundred mounted guards patrolled the city. No fight, however, has taken place as yet. The Harriet Lane was reported off the bar, and the signal was displayed by the Confederate guard-boat, and answered by the batteries. Immense crowds are now at the newspaper offices, eagerly awaiting the news. Hon. Roger A.
any invidious object, or in the least wishing to take away one laurel from the brow of Gen. Johnston, now the Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the Potomac. I simply wish to uphold the apophthegm, "Honor to whom honor is due" During a rather discussive conversation, enlivened by occasional flashes of wit and humor, the captured mail bag of the U.S. Army came upon the tapis. So, after hearing some epistles read and perusing a few of them I adjourned from the supper room to my friend Col. Chisolm's tent, (where I was to be quartered,) in company with another of the staff to be entertained by similar effusions, until "the clock told the hour for retiring"--to bed Some of those letters are not only rich but racy, others betray secrets which the authorities at Washington would rather not have been known, while others again exhibits the low moral status of the Northern soldiers, and the little patriotism that, in numerous instances, sustains their valor. I do not desire to make publi